Show STREETS OF THE I 1 TOWN at malloff log tho thorn duall it All re th den blad 4 f S aa addor ab rt wo we ore are apt to tate a too utilitarian vi w cf ouy our streets we know enow they are for aed point to point NN a know they are grave yards for our baj sewers oscr weter water and am elmetric elc etric wire pipe we know they cu ought lit ill 1 l bo be wen well paved and kept clean abd BR d all in all wo we know ere are es sentil 1 to oar our end and oar cur comfort bat but breet have a lettjr fido vido they aboul ie to cros mental as far for ea As the wide awake business man Is elway w ays apt to pat put bil his beat foot most ond and male bil his app appliance liane attractive to hi his customers A mide wideawake swake city nutt must do the same am both mut must advertises very town own wel comes desirable population lyciy cit city pays a to the visitor tor ordinarily streets erect arb u planned and paved solely for commercial or residential pur pona eee we lve aro are contented to bo bri jolted over rough tough 00 or dragged through the wire ao to wo we pt here bat but thin abl ie Is lot wile wise o 0 corn boax judgment coin db tie 0 to n quantify and attract anil and while it may bo lo uncharitable to judge do w man a n by bie bin clothes cl I 1 I 1 yet set u generally do s m now it may bo be 41 alj very well to lave superb parks aud and fancy boulevards but tra to oue call the ordinary visitor will be disgusted by rough tough ugly streets before be reabel ren hen them beautify every street as far as possible consistent Donsi stent with street purposes tb Ol or tury dary everyday et tie liar etrola cr aidee through 06 streeta la ia a observant way aud and bie his first impressions for forat hil his judgment so broader echeme scheme foz for municipal statesmanship or citizenship lies thim lii in improving aud and I 1 ma on awn |