Show THE BROOD MARE arism luaa of cf care sad d ird 1 an are ter I 1 it fla fl tr a mare ii 11 a goo good gooi I oue cue I 1 15 i to to 1 bands with fine lead bead and neck good shoulders and barrel fall quarter quarters fine due feet and legs then brec I 1 he br r by all 11 II weave to either a hackney or a french coach tallion the carchi carelly of good horr awill make tile lie arice bagh for ani rails nil of ou Is a crons for tho the next licit 20 yeam it if tle mare is a rcck cur cue coill tree under any circo re bei r atiat the is at leaea one aalf of the foal kuock knock let hi the head if it joa you cannot dell her ber lot but lie not breed her the mr m r iu in order to tru ake frain up tj lier her system caneer by A the he foal during u aud after adit try must have a is constitution ehm must bo be a r food feeds and aud I 1 are au cu adder that mill ill give elent milk it is very easy to tell the lib of the udder udde by examination but areu thru then the size iza li is rome timen 1 deceptive tile fail foal mant milk or irwill it will go dick in the critical time cf of it ita life A largo large mam with back rib ribs 1 largo and drep deep should chown be to breed treed me ruch in area an wore thua than likely ta to impart ib 0 h ie aie to their off another volu allo able consideration ii is that the foal in a 1 largo snare LA more room mitri to crow crew if it a xairo mare in fit la in eon ron tang tant am in bar has ineer it i is best to give le ber a it few day days at as pasture were breeding if it this onnet lc it doce give and nd let up in ber her I 1 work the fact that a man mars comes conies la is eadon while in oto use is DO rean red why sho bo should not bo be tamed oat out before bre tree edlu dlug while ebo she luli nt be iii in and be each time the would in all fail fall to ca catch teb especially it iho the hai ties never bad had a foal 1 race wares aro are generally let up nam to tir ly while in foal though iu iastan stances cf are on record of marcs going through an entire campaign during pregnancy this method in i to be condemned aud mud it will lo 10 found more profitable in be the end to let up pu on tho the aorl wort while I 1 lalie liere here re work of a lirot aatu o t to 0 bo good ye ca even beneficial fur b both oil and foal greet peat cuie two inest tan iw be taken lat t she bo bo be not strain 4 in ber her work worl do not kire give ber her fast work awl 1 let her tako take her oya q vu time in goire op up bill hill with or eats abe be ran cats be b a ami 1 to IQ the tb dy day of 0 fooling aling fo aud mud while breeders cry may not awl agree with tit the lb effect of 0 ant nta 0 exer cip poa the most n nok not to la lot lost eight of A if it the li lo cot not intended inte oded for light work As b should be b turned oat out to BUMS red pasture pai tare tb tho groom should be fog bat but not dot rith enough to disagree with her or cor make hn her in a beldy wieldy from fit fal dersom drio melts aro ate a 03 cdamon men cause ro of sal ulf tinge lural that have teen fed a great deal of frala grain will be 1 found to do letter better it given 1 at t lesel ama na feed fwd dail dall Y after all they ey are t six alx lx la in fol foal thil atre extra braining Is i to be commended it if the 1 oot foot excessive fat tat should be avoided Told rd me I 1 it I 1 interferes lator with ith the be daft duo nutrition of the foal aad kin haj has a tendency teo dracy to induce flow at foaling time alum hilgh feeding Is likely to cocoa fever at if it the tb mare li Is segul regularly arly at work we that she tb geta mome green food dadog during preg la Is a frequent cause of 1 aad and the be fracell of blood li Is aid said to bays a very decided Send vinor th atsy it 1 a well fact abat tir the AliP of ono oa mare will affect othera others la in the seine am way it a snare has lipped slipped during a previous 1 pregnancy car care must I 1 be taken to guard nard against thin DA elan lw la 14 moch much nore more likely to do 00 0 o thau thou A more which tim has hitherto ea ca capell thil this frog trouble bie cuming drige should never be given except lj li extreme comes and ihen then under the care of an its ts if it the b bowels are ate not la in a healthy condition it caa can usually te we einred red ly by the th nos n ot of braa bran if these fall falli nwe one sho ild be toads of the mildest ope rient likely to answer tb the purpose ee A wom wa wo m drink or weak lop slop of warm warts water m ith a little braa bran and alt sell will tc jr iraco allo the mare feel comfortable litter fiAli Dg aud mud itla 1 the of milk the foal slit braid uscio ai as SO as possible 1 lie may aced freed a little aulito assist alien aum at biral the first milk serves to meso the a annat important consideration lu in moving the life of the foal fool X T biddick riddick in rural new now |