Show rreta clr thes ernal lacross hank thwart and biljo were gum to at ilia be uintah bow house last list saturday and sunday A stranger et ranger must not think the rock tock breakers on be the strete ire are convicts convict i they ere are good bard hard working trying to earn an 00 honet honest doller the work on the street makdis vernal look aa as it it was chock chi fall of and a stranger boull think vernal wm was the tomi jm in utah I 1 abe oldest eoa son of darid a sermons accident cc ident fri day night til flit on returning from choir practice at tho the millward meeting houf howe ilie ilia boree horse fel ante anu precipitated therides the rider dragging him some the jf zt nit suit of the accident was a fracture of the uproar arm or dr bjornson was im med mediately lately reduced the a end and under thod tho doctor odors tre lilluet be will eoon bo be on the tb agh road to ro rc avery |