Show HOW HOA MENA ARK GREW town of giboo 00 who vhf g teat AS vail nl 4 rat farm 0 jolt just what a railroad rau can do for an a country LLIN tofu encin it li Is not the i talk task to write about mena without falling into juto tile carrr ot of la in w what hat everybody lia hat learned to call boom imago raff xvi tho kauri city lint when rn ri that li 12 ago the tile a w was nothing in ot or boat about tuii placa ay M lov 14 kholl I 1 ansi condition conditions can call scarcely oo 00 luu without a clodi AMOU mount A of A town considerably acts then than a year tight light ill in tile ho beatt I 1 part of 0 the moat territory fu in alir one can now order a me it front a printed lilt bill of faro fam bulo chato every pop olar at sit no iw oil than A balf dozen rea it tina stand maat hie him way across the street on first class 1 crossings 1 be lu in conned that ilia LOOM he ii in looking for Is I 1 between certain streets ot of so many from he the depot bear a good oramon oil 01 banday the us do cf of park parks and receive ail an 11 tattoo to visit wholesale 11 a houdei fur dishes a theme 1 re which can be benore bore rore ef tf fe ethely cla elaborated borated by a ot of facca loleit at As 11 loat as t that ie ia the date which will bo 1 celebrated in the i attire future clr through train was ran tau into thin this town own it hai has brown to be a place of populations with school clil chits dren and more houses than weald ordinarily be found ja in a town of three titan holes lu iti size the announcement hat the kausas city pittsburg and golf gulf railroad would make thil this a division divie iou point was sufficient to estall leih tho thi fact that something of a town would always be here hem for more thau thou 20 years ia in polk county the farmer farmers had boen tren talking about the tinie whet A railroad raili ralli oad clad would core come the excitement W when b ell abe th e announcement was rondo that the me railroad would not oaly come bet but even oven ill 11 polk county shops horn would be to rated nud and a real engine with whitlee whit lej andall 1104 all ot thing be WAS M to creato create a lampeda tam IB in the ho direction direct iou of the town there are now bing liko like SOO business bout in maus it has two barks under what is i known as the stilwell public benefit clause the be public schools and public park parks and the ati acet of acua will be provided for in a novel but at the fame time most practical ray way the town eite site company gives I 1 per cent tout of tho the price of each jot lot lot tho the public allo school to 1 and nn an audition il fit nf I 1 per cent en on the ale lisle of each let for improving the pub lia lie parks and kimii Ki froni from each im chiller in turn who mill dells a lot tho the ome aims Is i exacted for these two fond funds in thi this manner thousands of dol lira into will bo be raised and ana those who locate aro guaranteed a continuation of pullia improve as well as a liberal for the ec bool |