Show FREE FROK SALOONS A TRULY modal TOWN IN california 1 0 tw tows mass Is the lh nil lit wow W nt ura arru arrests for 11 two U itasta L TM too abr rne 11 essom u uy up p order O WARM the of Pao Pan adma adems GA 01 be lieve bey they hare have in their city a act commo ana Is tty ity that aa al nearly deafly a high moral sacral and intellectual standard tau dard me Is 1 in any own of lu axe in thil dagand day end generation aud and bat that ethical movement Bio rement Is 1 going forward there theirs collie anything known elsewhere mite writes a of the bo han man francisco Francl kt as ulner wonders are we predicted for I IM ra adana in ant anstr tr generation when the youth moil bixl ixl children now being reared in each aa an eill chill aill have bove beim men vuen aud and women alyf mr he ire ive bad had a hobby for e ingaba ing wad observing oba erring the progress of eth idea ideas in village villages and ana cities in curol and america for nearly a generation neta tiou pent spent A who chok mummer oura at A weimar welmar and a month in scotland a model town of donning and this iaia pena denst denabell den awell well it Is Is 1 the we can get ret to moral towns under our civi 11 illation 11 said ex state senator collins of recently here Is i a town he continued of over aver people from evera state and territory it Is I 1 I 1 19 I 1 mile miles ri liuro uro and but cue dar policemen and two watchmen keep the town orderly od erly the has a haril bard job to fill all in its hl his time too why any of us can recall rall many towns ct of and ana people where a halt hall dozen poll mea men are we necessary literally there ii Is not a aloon saloon in aa ive seen but two partial ir 39 me mn hot here in mr owson astha ef as sr iasa ers rrt here byrbe by the bund and lonk about you at the fine public private 11 academies cad emlea and art institutions from a of 00 deorle in Passi deum 1 baa has irown grown to a community of the meat beautiful homes in california A consideration of ao so unique a city able model town in the alla and woolly west is worth the be while in the first place pasadena if Is happily located if the theories of seau emerson and a wore or more eo 0 o ofal ial are worth a mg paia pasa dena dens from tho the very nature of her titu situ aaion ought to be la a rather superior community oom there ie ir the fertile and lorely lovely valley of baa has Oa gabriel briel with its 1 orange mange and lemon groves ita its achele of grain vinding rin ding roada hemmet with ages of cypress and boms stretching away oft OR as 23 and 80 miles to tho thel south and nd easl if there Is I 1 inspiration in wild and well cry me aa an all thinkers from homer to kip hip ling have old told us i the be sierra madre gaage that thu towers in lonely lovely sublimity all 11 II along tho the north of pasadena mint chave a certain influence on he we people liere hem long before there theirs were any americana americans in ban gabriel talley the als laitres named pasadena we gem of tho the talley the be prime reason for the moral tone of this 1 unique town la in that it stared A raj an aar army of municipal reformer bays overlooked that fact la in their fruit Is 1 efforts to letter better their towns the saw about an till dog learning lemming bew sew tricks la is aa as applicable to comma no to individuals tym you eco me we bad had the iowa honesty of purpose and frowning upon lintol new mixed with tho the domesticity and thrift of new england when thia this town was barted tar ted W one cue gentleman ite tk o were aez wez about people iu in the hamlet of Pan adeva 1188 i 1881 1 hot neat nt elf them were from IOWA the place was founded aa as the iowa colony the iowa people had come to southern aon thera california after various see in and prohibiting the liquor inor 11 in their prairie town towns their beada were chock full of cri original ginal ideal ideas ai as to at erting town towns for they had had ample experience aa as pioneer in iowa atter after the cloin of the civil war A saloon is I 1 to them the moet most abominable pot spot on earth at abent that time an Im miltra tacia of families from and matee came into the colony X hat the lowan iowans may emay have lacked in opinion opinions building of a town free froba from guile mm rum and gambling placed the new now supplemented buted there then won a aloon galoon in the heart beart of at that time the town wu was bet tat yet incorporated no liquor license coald could therefore be revo revoked keil the aloon loon e keener flow that h b ij Is busine was not in ill Of raring aa as tho the newcomers newcom era arrived he was ra glad ald to name his bl price for destroy las jg baa stock ct of drinka blea and for from pasadena Pai adena under promise never to A fund ct ef about wu was quickly subscribed the saloon mail luau turned over bla blis caska casks aud and bottles to a deming committee and went his 9 1 way from that hour the liand hand of paea pasa desm hm bas been agaI against for A half bait doxen dozen yeara years the other towns in southern california hoffed at PM as fill antie aloon itwara it was tha a unique idea in thi this state bat ra vadena haa bag grown like the t b proverbial green bay tree between 1100 stid nd people have gone bere to live 11 and spend their money times the aniola we was banished from jan I 1 to may 8 3 three errata wets trade trails ur er intoxication and every one of at those these carre exi cana who pained through on their way homo home to their from a day inloe angelel Ange ic in 11 aw then were seven amreau for to in inton tox leation op up at the we han handsome handa doome ome shapely ha colored enoil public library the mote men benl j tor for gelf improvement ent and emandi pailo 11 it from municipal min iu and guile aay be obe erred the building bail dIK coot and waa was largely 11 pad tor for by br popular e zm volumes and ill the a cirenia 1 loa is J fro raCO to a month a amser per of circulation than in W Pl Ailles of like aie size la in the |