Show la A NORWAY LETTER I 1 t 1 I I 1 cims clid poulsen ascii d 11 fordom for dof and the beauties Deau ties of odthe the land of the Mid nigh bisun tm Stran gc customs norway oct J va editor advocate Advocat cz a few uma ilam from till ull blaud laud of the midnight sun an I 1 will bo be of interest Inter crt to yoa you aud and your many to an I 1 anwer answer la in regard to my iny where pl annir N tallis tr th jnnny friends in a utah as well as eee where I 1 left jett in orangeville Orang eville in april and plod fitter a very pleasant tip trip by lan I 1 und and eel awl nut not including seasick u reached iny my native country den mark on may 18 28 ewt the time of to see ee all nature la in her beauty fielda 1 ot of flower flowers make auske rue me think thick this tb be boohit the fladry kingdom au and aa an absence of twentythree twenty three year yeats cne scone wa was very inviting 11 strange it 1 may seem to those who do not under land stand the latler latter oar in a the telley valleys of the mountains oem seem even more beautiful aal and attractive than those here after a hort short ewt to my relative relatives near aalborg Ael barg I 1 was sent here to norway and when hen my bejes first bo be beli held the mountains monn tatna and foreit forest covered at we pissed dp lip the fjord bay toward I 1 conid hardly reache the beaubr the acen jisoo 11 to grand rand one coustant coue tant landscape and aud io U cont luned wherever I 1 went daring the summer months when then the daylight laita lasts twenty font four bean and in the lor forgest gest day days here in the ona 1 il only out of tight light about four hoen houri bat thew days eoon won pan absy and aba we bayal the loag vr inter aben dattha al mot ingull SUP and th the e enn sun ip hp pearl in the lorham only a f e T hours and thereof in thia this uty 0 of f inba bitante gas IA lampe w ps and american coal oil are need there are many I 1 here to so I 1 I 1 range to ins 1 btuch ach an 1 team las log with a two wheeled w igon on one hot bone and IL teamster men with hand wagons hauling good goods women laboring out in to the fields banging hanging hay bay up on a ort sort of fence bodry to dry calling gr grain in with a sickle 11 and hanging it U on post to d dry ry digging a larg largo field of potatoes pota tot cs wilb with the spade after having cat cut and dried tho the 1 for or winter teed feed 1 bete with othna bare have BOW become old nod and been like abi t bal Is the way tey ought to do la norway in order to give employment to their people daring the eammer summer months we spend moet ince t of the time traveling and stud laboring labo in the country con reading spread tp luX tho the needs of the gospel by distributing tracts and books and it baa bag been the be writers write rj ex per lenco to find many people here why who have never sc en n or converged converted alth ith a mormons JJ ormon although it Is now nearly 40 years tince elder dorina dorins from ephraim Ip braim first preached the goepel in this city and a branch boa b been la in here for mady years hut but as a rals the r A are very kind lurid an ani I 1 hospitable and one can go wherever he feel disposed of court course they prefer not to have any new doctrines doctrin ea preached but let us have the old like our patent anil kren if it Is a little wron boag they says daring the put eammer summer I 1 have nearly every part of abia larga large branch and alao also attended conference on september it 1 in traveling the whole distance nearly 54 miles about eng bleh on fool I 1 hod had therefore a good chance to leau leata ibe the cas custom tims of the people and to lay before them the important uee iago we are rent sent out to deliver dellyer and ana laving laying many ere experience per lences of a pless pleasnat nat nature as an well aa as oth aud 1 on the whole found the people kind and aa hospit able oar conference was attended by 20 utah elders lode including ling kolon union dwells wella and from liverpool liver pool and president Preal dent Q C X lund from copenhagen and the and od testimonies of mhd bi in other others from the young luan luau of IN who ta to the old brother of 64 54 who ia is now serving hie his mu mij ion sion here were list enoi to by much tiofil was given so ht that all who wild attended for or the purl paque cf ct learning bad had good opportunity etch of the elder returned to hia his field feeing veil well repaid for the time and money mony spent pent and wl walli th renewed conrage courage in proe pron ng ag on the good work works we have be a nice ole little branch here of ewul aboni at aad ech each one ef f fibrin has a groat desire of eval emigrating gratin to zion among them aro are all kinde of trw lInen an I 1 lah aers apt I 1 orm ellmes think it would be a ai little colony cloay for castle valley one ow thing is I 1 aan ara and that Is it if wo we bad had moris of these elana tans or A M A 1 r V aa au 1 4 1 other there to let ft in ill cicoro icoro americanized lee of economy ani and learn US how to top stop lie ra 02 oar our anui arms we I 1 lw better off on I 1 hare have enjoyed ills th lint of 0 h baelli aeils and nd tw feet thankful for baliag till this privilege of 11 1111 of people ills I 1 evil 11 of ot and trust the feeble 0 of lulao in spreading the will lu in the ib future foith fruit many fir lir the Ad rocile aut tent me metre free nut aulbry way you la in the rood work of show lAg forth aau frel taxes and resources of oar our valayo 11 with kind s to the manir friend friends in the bomm homen visited by the A lyo cate I 1 remain 1 very I 1 rill r 0 |