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Show !WILL STOP FLIRTING f L ON STREET CORNERS !: - The arrest of Xdllo St Clair on tho Wharge of vagrancy and of Sarah "Wolft jjn'the charge of using bad. language Is 'inc beginning of a crusade by the po-Nctagainst po-Nctagainst the habit of flirting on the fireot corners, which has broken out in i virulent form with a certam class of roung people of the city, since the or-ler or-ler was posted at Fort Douglas prohibiting pro-hibiting young women withou: escorts-from escorts-from loitering about the post. As a re-wit re-wit of that order flirtatious females iavc made the Palace drug store corner, it Second South and State streets, a egular trystlng place for meeting their irass-buttoned benug from the fort, mill mi-ll the custom hao become a nuisance to he drug store proprietor and to the leople who pass that way. Sarah "Wolff the lC-year-old girl who some time go was ruthlessly separated by the authorities au-thorities from a young soldier with yhom she was living near Fort Doug-as, Doug-as, and MIsa St Clair is an older gJrl. i'ho recently came from Bountiful to Jnler the giddy whirl of city 'lie. In giite of the claim made by the girls that pey have engased to leave on the 2Gth n'st for t. LkhiIs to perform in a vaudeville vaude-ville show at the World's Fair, the St. Sflalr girl was found guilty by Judge ?H)lehl yesterday on the vagrancy charge jiid was sentenced to thirty days In tho Jhty Jail, subject to a pardon in case she (ould return to her parents. The trial CJ Sarah Wolf was continued until next k'arednesday. |