Show GM MOM o' MIS WEAL Tams wool zal" N um most taint COMP SWIMS Expert trainer Curley TItiford shows animal kingdom who's boss 0 Pa CRANDMAS 'C mtstaturap moutsszst ILIOLLYWOODIS Ilan 1 tablespoon of Grandma's Molasses ' 0 — ftweacheupotwocooked cereal Grandmas is the only nationally sold mop lasses that cootiolos too solphar trooxisk or other - s—) ) - --- )t ' L ' - 1 - I ) - 411111111S:sl - I -- ' ' - 0411011 '' - 111 0 114(:1 Tackle al --- - - Curley's menagerie of some 400 owls - - - -- '- 11'-- '1' well-kno- 'I's wn let-ey- ed -- - SAO 111108111111L ' -- ---- -- -- - wiTo '1-- I leDsoinopitiolect He knows fish so-- - '- ti S'nEBETIN "--- 1 SOWN SENO MASS CUMIN SOL Nowt 1111111111101161 eil teemosede et geode Wiese eeientaboally eeededi ise pelisse means o—allemogary—iinse tidily Waal "Sok" ant ea eesmode lee MOO 3 Issedoem gen Zoe mountain lions ravens turtles slays- tors eagles and hawirs-- all livirtg Ari qb at pay in the back yard of his North tk" ' 4ork -i Hollywood home includes a number N "' l - - of public characters '1 There is "Jimmy the Raven" a gim- 4Z smoothie who has appeared -7 tin more' than 1000 pictures and even been honored with screen credits' — "Cougar" a sleeksis-year-ol- d mountain lion has also done some mighty impressive snarling in 150 out -- 40 door films "" " other important Twiford stars are "Admiral" and "Major" a pair of A American eagles Admiral who has flapped around for 50 years poses for I -4 closeups Major does most of the fly--r '' 1N 1 htg although Admiral first became fa- it mous 35 years ago when he flew with a live baby in las claws for a I -- - film spectacle ---Twitord has trained the eagle to talk umfAisnmo in spaloaancs icolumbkil for enact on hone 0)004 curial —Oro more exactly to respond to tom- Twifords ogle "Major" flops off rock Trainer caught him two ogles away- mands by opening and closing his beak - - --f-t 'r-- And with painstaking training 'rel- ' ford has taught "lip movement” to f lat other animals - including a couple ofstage-struirt''C turtles 4 1 ' -: Curley began his career with Jimmy the Raven a pair of parakeets suld a -- - t 4 blindog One day a 'movie director saw 4 the bulldog trotting along carrying a 1 i -( I ' 4 o'' stick with a parakeet perched at either 1 -' i 4 ' i end i'4 Jimmy' was on the dog's back ) ' -bossing the act It wasn't long before I all four were signed up for thi movies Curley's career is not without Its f - and Whos"—seadt 300 paws et holplal Wane bye aloha lastractiont Bob Odeon lack lo okt Irsiletetit today nalt - Sock-Ya-rd -) - Toe need "Pia& IMS NS MI 11111110 is beginning to look like With his Millelliar frame and bristling mane of yellow hair he re‘ sembles a rather amiable lion- That Is tine with Curley After 35 years of training animals to act in movies he has an abiding respect for the four-lootand the feathered "You cant fly off the handle with animals says Curley "Once they un- -' derstand what you want they don't have to be forced They're an3dous to i)lease but they get stage fright just as people do So 1 just talk things over with them quietly and then every- thing's okay”- - ed s MOLASSES 1 'Curley" friends-- he ' OLD rASHIONED ing-111- W one GIIIINDmilIS N00" Henry Twiford has been living with ant II mol for so long that - to some of his drewsvatives! - KOHIS AND SID KOSS By KAWI is delicious ---- With - --- hair-raisi- ng -I lit11P-- 0 -- --- - - --- - -- -- - '1IP batitee 041 itst oral Os disk asolgoe Ask ck dumb br mien dining ost )11t 311115101V1 -- 4 : t"1 M 1- - -- -- - MIER DEARZ I 1 1 NNW& IMMO 00110 AUTWOWITATWE FREE 11011111ST masks town of dodoes— toile bow orient con bolp seed Awiwts Woo 1'1 today! IOW W 14 IL Wow Iroat 11 11 INolsw A4116 City WWI EMIMI:MMI 20 PARADE I 1 1 ft -4 - - - N 1 - I - ----- — 1116w 4 Twiford's ones 'RETAKE: Twitord perches eagle on ogle relaxes between the scenes- - rock egoist as filet victim" stands by- - SQUAWKING in scars He's been bitten clawed scratched and pecked In most cases he says it wasn't the animal's fault There was the time ott location for example when Curley lugging his mountain lion climbed Into the cab of - |