Show 0- Lin TRIBUNE THE LktA Sunday March 26:1195- C " I Rooms 125—Warehouse Trackage- 1" - titiot 24 COO 61 a4alnittbu& SG) IT ' sitoree mei Silt baserisist 101101441T4111 i Lostot je Caere-- el set Enloe reedit tlet1404 dock E'ectrit 014e1442 fide MO an gime so torrwmat Liatrrst It ali le elate f44 1144141 --' KEYSER Sicwit br - Ss saa- - -- - -- -" Ilt VMS rNSURAMele -- INI TV" a zaa Atlas 51 am ri vir -- lirdo-- - - -23 50—CLEitlit ire 4tetA:siteek I tiosand Beet Frit att Sanas 441S2 ' 1k" That""rt IT 4PRitorst FOR LESSE Sq Wk1-getut gita e404t 14441s 12000 Pe ft osarebouse macs 14475 Idlate 342 E rip 'fis:ng-Lorre trunk doors tons Jot onts varzate in lo s ositinionsie fros 4 ispose E Ala Vii4 SA leittet ter son 14e- 24 -- ----- deop la cali tgpap Sill LOS- - - rts Everything Pins 244414 etc el 233 1st "NIL DETTILIsal'a e nto a re e owpcied inf ec t I Ide IC grd Posen 4 4363 ribs- - 225 lir sint frie Adults SestE -7PAS' any kind—el' k4 k ' t !et "Cfif " 1 Ufillt ' itp NE d13-b- -- i N icaux ISM it clod Room 119-b- ard fallentittiris ars? Isk doable 2 -- i' listits' s see- tectrouns env Ye It Pl hire it T3t IL Se Tempe- - Per-' iI iasill et mons and Mort florae Veined 441011141 Sorest nestaarant I '4 atria suldelk id am Saute 11E3 to moot tat Palk -- otro booroot -- -- - 1 44951 370 rit -- NICK ebeerful mom hem- illodell IGRE'atOUND-blio—driv- are Unto 11 Ide& I45-3rtor men 001 or eV tom mesas 703 IC I 01 3 OtiN3 wife' mod k eil I - 611000 SPNciAll GlimER pARK AREA Citany freciem firebrick Mental ow tot SO ft wide hi perfect mud-tooaim ay 41141141" earden inlot-tr- ett arid berme finished commit Partly black garnet tor 3 care mar new Mottoes distrirt SODA ile 134 Rt32' Term& Mad dr JUST OFF RO TEMPLE Attrattive "dem firebrick toroidal I ificeetent nut& peefect audition pee furnace and WWI" beater Land-Manbet and tarns& Einisnod bed teens ist Snood biumment See Simi to tiro pions leo Omits tess bete ton loop molt garage In a eery Meets Mere Well built 000ttoot 11449541 l anesteent prick troiersist see Pm li three carpeting bedroom Itardwead Moro Pep Po Ina draw- - tun bausessotounisoment teem willt fireplace eas 4a- bent lame hot a ll rate moos tor too einckens $itio' laped SSP- - s ee t 11 NICH04 3404 Huthlwall dr 2- - ' co t rteAt72 Itg4t-TO- 12- EifflERSEET DENCE ittrainsite brick catmint with 'tendinous earptd in 4 tonnlik and bade over oak Mora Artistic Alm- Piece dining meta and breakfast wank beautiful full Hied batk gel furnace and blower Garage titrit lot and thildrent adaviireund OM 4050? terms IMPERIAL NEAR 20111 $O Tespbectrown tapestry beek imitst Ti! bath and tile in lam kitchen full bastineent plenty of closet& gams sad beauttlid leered In back yet& Oudot iseatio& 110- 500: sernut It CRA L ATMOSPHERE Pleauthrui family Mime tun rounded by evemeetwe women 'Akar and other Stade teem- - ea Kent good soil berries and fro" tree& Hes automatist furnaest and tame M01 Oak Homo sewer tend an modern convontanote Only 410400 or offer NEAR EH EAST AND 211IT lO Richt at Surat Ilene& Attractive 2 bedroom grey snake colonist Oak More Sas furnace and blower full basement tot 50N1 CO r4400 termsOITHE A ST &dome frame colaf IP years old I lovely bedroom Tiled kitchen nice Mze front nom Venetian blind" Steele wall batement with stoker beat- - Dotage Clews to market echoed church and transportation far- tamer bent and assume OWNER NEEDS MONET TO buy home out of cite Mast MD this it Die brick with doable ranee isbe beat Orplte Can eat thanked to duple Near university Only 57340 term& at H tN" L LINDA I ' SY Lust " 9 SPECIAL 2 Homes and 5 raiam "d' Building Lots PO"' wt! Amanglend Itilliir:014101111 mylliariVIMPmemliGIA-ca- " - BRICK plue finished Oedreom itit 1111111tellt brute room with realm& largo 2 good-Ille- d dinims rm bedrma boot kod boa water Take fall tr:g:2 111 80 oth-40- 0 at 829 -" 7mIrlo0 flot 11 4 welt wortla 89500---the- o call me to Mtke appt to al ast kalkda Maalle - S lastit ' Ala-TEL- '' Iiiiilliat)----' refit 9454 Aaour 30000 SQ FT of insatiate tentiotte And about 34 Acme plus ot land thrown A gond deal toe Itteloty Osten en Antenna etc-- Call jiangs AUL 'PNNG Nofwerian L D 2 confel line 174no end baler Want velum 1 er 2 bedew boast or apt Reasonable 334ted dr mi dy4395 ) DARR mem 3 cleats lartientsis I 8ua1a2-- 95 Ilr 1st "utIt' ' -- oid02 r excellent bewla ere to rents- rntd dente bons karenta eiderlyreple rail 114371 with Tarp Will sten "tense geeet Witlii3-Eritan—bletratia I regetenctlx w' 53443 WAISTED to real tarnished or aid str stolen -2Near V botookrtto name gar sealableaptlam left farToting tram 2 In tie MIS Phone Iltell eny meals and hutch 210 wit 1 s7 Monday 81 3 Tritovr iimm ymnm man oco4 i VET attending actwat---evittand 2 ent amain bocce prit 327 et Ise &du want tam ot Unruly or boner Will rent or rare for apt mom 44t422VAL yer meg property aa part pairtnelt ' Reaw 2 telltilLE desires! Mee 3-- rm isai-ar-i'IrOg MEN—Dbld or inne-weals CSse la six 74193- or dig elpt prit bate- - Refer area Yen&d Board 1911—itoom II nonxiNa touput desires-- 2 : ''' a glIL natiinl- - mod- - aPt 230-43- 1 or 3 Rooms cal 9i23 curys 'M-A4-- ISO Wanted Char $7976 for this lovely room borne Gat flanikelP let 2-- 6 for (enfants 2 to a Imo Clew In 243 tea 7th R 13264 ' 2"UntiShed bttitiCiiiiinif-rtoor- i- Private snan3 - ine eat-- Peace tt Rooms kailleiir entrasso Parking 0912L HSI - sitd comakit do torte 1Uriashed Ant 'll luxe bedrm ilth 1L So- - feiusi la 1101 114101 Ormond Vow prty rnir 14 L 04 irtrit destre turn I and Intit Gentlemen trotr- - Reber' t aid aits tter 4:30 111 1 ammo reontred Dist 10441t and IIM-n- e all dayiionditi I ft ft rin tem bath arty tit tnYittrftg L ft h emote 1 inlid dying ' not bid& twin in 40 Vivant Pt 24t1urein Parent foraillma Pot' I Ott '- Ui:de TerEpie bon - I ?Clot" rtiOt 'ARCS front room'ftitacc bath and en Ift5 242 'Mum South E - - 4th TrUESISHED—roorms i - are t bk verrtv 104121 hotel e-- Iron Linde nnin - 441'717 I YOUNG couple and baby door 4 or 4 i room eenn NM 111PL Up to $30 n ' 21604 attrynocas it:Firm 1 Itur 2674 - P K EAST-294- 0 INVESTMENT Mati t 311 3ntith US SOUTH SEE-- ' ' i ii Attila Ipuriltx r - --- ' rd --- - --- V' talu'In7g itTipreSo21-6215DuIgiMtryluftatt Vt wilt stream aa enrostitznent ' tieor SEE Vie P4utiF111011 PICTURE AT OUR WHY PAY RENT? When or eau Piave a morterti StuiL brirk barna tor owe liS5o0 ats dasitable antoarty tat a tut baaeinent iwitb another beckon and New tam aurotra tt1 wail Mower bambino for added eoeutort You meal sea that boats ta aolotelata R EA LETER1A ht4 - ' - ' ' V ' rid top4 yawn oce—week—morA AR Rooms Newly Decorated RATEs I --- 140 ESouth Temple-- ond Storage RENIA1TRUCK 26A—Moving - - Iv 0101X WEEli Olt MONTH ' HEITZ DIM In SELF SYSTEM LICENSE HOTEL- CONGRESS imsTF:Ter - 449 - versixEss or P0(11111 Nrittlp-ItivrrtoPERMANENT CrESTa roa S40 PER MONTH Compteto Hato! S Main 44382 or RENT A - 71 Wake - CO Picke--3-56- Errs ' tAiZLE 27Unfurnished Houses '9 int - INC littriLDEN tog South - ghertliff14533 bannatts 80918 CHARM PERSONIFIED nwo is your opportunity to enjoy life in healthful palatial roma A home that Antioch' an an and ammo tho Meet All live rooms spell comfort marentty and stability esrpeting lin Helot and dining room garbage dinnaaL intim moms I basement 154125 ft landscaped to Perfection l'et? are just a kw Vesture' that make thki Mune a must on in tolist your only $159611 Cali wow BEDROOMS THREE n n aPartligmst le PIT tor it A master crattanisa built that beautiful Whit - colonial Piro place dining roommart beta stepaseing kitchen lots et closeti fruit frees tot 1181175 ft tIVE RICHLY Phi On modest buitget 'this home will the average iberson's Pocketbook and still Cite You comfort COO' Intitialle and on excellent Place to brick raise your family Pour-rooNear 21s0 coot beat landscaped DOXEY-LAYTO- N 1310 IL OM Poi ttICALTOR ERICA! :It di0 tr rrob BROCKBAN lc Rea rt -- HOME LOANS 1 t t WOODBURY - tandem and MONEY $6500 Iowan Largo nrmak ate beat and water beater Immediate piasesalon Large lot filia1ri4 gives extra building ansee Ideal for your Shaw dopiest Call Teenies 10414 13 Plat lithium IN Gleamming toivalt bast - MIDC6511 - rottwrit't "fin brick foll baM4110t BY s NEW OWNER-BRAN- op:AL-r- un VETERANS loam with no mole 4 poyrreet:Nesuired- - oho-- FHA It you ors buytusp or flagman We (14:108 to build 'twit us for f none- sou btNGc-rstc- "- Pb 797 "- Now Motto Woarty oemek4ed Sam wow and choose droaratiena Sievert 100ifte limn! extras: Fire bardweed doom wardrobe poto cloaato plata OMNI ramp gait heat 2217 Entorme WM Can Hal L 4 PINT A14011711 PRIANTerIr 41 Houses tit etre YOUR DREAM HOUSE CkL6ATSFEI II E A T It IL 26700 LIBERAL 21RXIII WILL COVIITDPR LATE MODEN I tat Itr tau stwa fti reitt 906 I owycypt4rirak:a7 Ibest 0 tot ' Utii0ar OPEN FOINSPECTIONI- S Mall St 44442 Realtor - Dial dries 6100 lac Ail tal63500 - trot I 41tseol ziert " LINDvixToLarso1rDEALinemraINDIM Soot Price ter Mal maw Welt our ao Mauna Inctedea ota sted TOO mra aorst el D Teasow (traded Moto banns kl1441 aim 31o OPEN HOUSE - ' 2755 taftelAt STREET OUT ION te4 OM tilt Mit South ortil dhoti you tbas tnstar thantana kali Savior smaataold butt tapestry bock model boo Such added Whom' tore hub ostisoutait rarpettna LAW tarOtos moonset orra draw drams two Nkomo's Ablate bar dikwiLinIS m trs11 window Imam elt $1491d Inspect toss ousitaadtag ta ta taday Itit Mr tatasst 73113 - OPEN HOUSE 1162 COUNTIre DRIVE room Mroons rambler tot tato assoutotto Into reUnti7 dub Vise boresoway to the tO car garotte arreato tat Ube blWat3t run rear nano rapturtne ship notatuittotwe ot use Mount Ob otos your' I Aso room arnetato dome ttreptace to wnemelt room etc Trce Irons owner kitreon wrolow oar bill 11W uf Os vitas st041-1- ( $31200 Mr ILivrood Driver OMNI& sweep APT arty OPEN HOUSE rEALINS-ttlAH- THEY'RE -- MCIDEL CITY 'S ttlititt-bilioar Ishii otter's le Kearns Wort —an Lo atm Mt INAIrWikult eiert100 ef tartek and trams homes nov under lion o sostiettto Ot very otarisatbook Stoat' doors suito- manta as nett veterans— 7tosrtilING DOWN alp'TOThas ono ot our w orts rentdoents who kat beento asterastati:s mad 101111111 Saran piNet nob Idassarbed htelt ROttN Ur at aturray 01I 134 Drop Imo oor 13asir tartbros aseadass anytime ' 3otsitt Maui St 111 nt lealters LXCLPTIONAL DUPLEX rule 8 ret old ILAchisits mat bench Aloriteoun canyon view kit 5 lune roma individual glig lunar 12--D3 Byrne room ultra antein tiled kitchen OPEN TODAY y 24 P 1784 SO I9TH EAST wpm swot ItAwati n Sear heated game hocensit Per nitemtb Seldom ur micas dinky ProbeetY tradable Shown by ap pointranin only Call Ablcc friKLAND pa ft PC LOrlio fT TiON rouni ark colonial Full bamincrit and Amusement cow Minn Millis beautiful atardirooti tufa 244t Wing room tuts IA tile tient double minty ane Jerre patio A peal but at 11541cartl Galli Plummer HERE J4 A we sweetutor must Reit Oita bruem brW rambler NOW linatimant lattation Local! living dIing IIWKII011 windows fireplace tile kittbicapicture bait acre charming betinnuint 500 any mut gremlin Lining It et furs gensidated relactinger 41440 rm anal I lit 33 only in tit'Plttlt 151541 Dna storm Orono IPPMtIPSOS Bp Via iccoodition calA Widths ethoeL bean per month By to 692 Art-- wow mug b a traustetted Iry A Te FtPo Iteouttrel sorters tra to W1 R sszo trrP 2 reeler VW tile flew elem taspotall sett sOf tone sierra dews 1114 rear sposallast systole Place G ADAMSON 0001 13412 & SONS Ibtrrits State 1240-- BARGAINS ETTNER MOTOR It - COURT irt ft weeett le °wire yew reap tree hareem earl twirl for Pall Leas proserly siert Witter et owner Irt etre stedoes setts PAN 64111 art tor vett stostr TWA OKOML bases worm turrma Mad &pet rest wee 4trit 2 tAtsom1 ittut 0006 Wows locAttow gams L &room saws tit Awl Witt 3n1 brat 12th tkmth ons main 4 cumin arid bat fluor sod 4 big roman pewit seer NB Tyllno& tamed OUI a Psrtrotm- - ONmt basin BPI la wood tor merit Bee beating piant bw rant Valued at ree450 but id Imp well tor se ie A InIcar gannet or 112tge mAti n anny la leiceina Man CU Itwatn err 111to tarot 0111r Ilater dwelt Illawater ail Alder 5 4260 OVIt or Tilit Male? rrril Lva 1116160 KRICK HOWLS IN THY CITY PitIL nt7PL Orr! toniiigia Maid ang out err era Stricken 2 bootee- - Gall t rev 1p1 living ream amen badmen and imuseeoncrit and litvort Amide AT gakr twat furnace A real bantam at $4500 cretwer tweersestAt Pr's we 147 et Oft toe goose C5 Brown 5 5020 otooEtvEL-r- It a Dlirrr fir '774 gram and boons soma 140448-‘- 54 painting and Pagerialt lamb) bet matt ati as otter Vali Wilda 0'1021 SMALL FOR Juter $4505 AND DONN PAIrMANT Mtn very itin Dim gevety eeeetry beeves tee the war e4tr Otse acre el greeee (thick' & nit Most on Inbitinct a well room rant end rin 24 fruit Urge 041 WWII Ind largo 80 rrnnte4 lAras rani ilar4" bele butleskwo nowt" rt ter feermfrog exceptional buy an II 11404e) onay delta abeam' elemtad sum Coll ricklegn Ogiati 35118 CUM To ROAR PARK m 3 DTV? 111P sad pm Mt W annalantial re4u(k eatititS neer plumbing flartamire adre &wised btaitu at 348 a bit Loot and water Maier Picons gum rani Dia WAN ta 013t04 but tb wort Call Wilda pert tet amanita traria sl bum ran ire r I BITNER OLYMPUS Alder WallacQ let 1111 904S111 BY -- rirb 51000 ryc offer Rug A2 ' Trt asernr srd Sew elate ReALTOPtil ?nuns lontast Warp" POO- Mlle Must of trona arr Ours spring tearer ayattmt ' smer 701 OWNER 91bO4rouga 141444 ries bssi S fr:sitars $1950 filefris or tads for Los Asir 41 MI- - 2412 E 2c30 -- fosoffs OPEN HOUSE : 4 TO 6 2173 (First PM - TEXAS STREET Street East of 23rd East) FOR CSTY rOtrit TISSASIS IS lAcOrr AVAIP Antic A P THS PIRH g HAS PVEN SIIt ADOR IA YOU DV MARS CASH AIL LflTLZ AS AS lass(10 101)Air r Srwlic 1HS tbPSIE I ALIA11-FANMENS 18 A4 AkiNT f1808: fr 18VolAnd PEA toostructeno OW 8 10V114 3 IralcoLual Iron beat Awl hot ts4ter TS betierrotit AND JDLIGIS FOS r011dizdLLIP sus VAU L OFIESIA4 ?lug WIWI Or ISSOO ' ILs mg OPEN HOUSE 4 10-- 6 1364 4b GILMER DRIVE Yearestentlr oat be tbritk4 snit this lowly boric I TWI or maw1r with all sew evade Paper sod 'kaput S terse FSW"' rooms YOU JUST CAISi- -r BEAT 1H rIA S a aarit noses' tlfk1 seschdossekbassam fiLt IT TULAYbi $132ads is 'vats Ses Sex SOOT" HEAST G I SPECIAL Weir Immo Sir C L end for why Otity tee" imeg le es rests s deem iilL111WIli Over tboe et ft of besuriCtior required 1956 BERKELEY titts bedroom( ittsshire evonotruetem besting tie found ta hen rums see Britt frost room heat era Eriansed thorne Prewar brick iveratedroare beam ammo eat 2718a 1414 55 tett et frossease is Lasebouras Large tiiir kitchen bombed teem le kaimu: gam reread air heat tare-ea- r 121I Esse PROP- DEIZNE PUPLILII—Note We MINT? A ITNITB moiler talealy langetaged Shetotee Avenue 1' 20iTkli EIVTT—A Mod watows belt Crag tiA Irtrat Avarua and M Farad 4 the Zeihinet $perm ISLOOW" 'N2lIkkUND area beht room far owitoCo Taylor-Richar- ds tmettteL toL tote I pest rlatitiard PLUS a Wooly $4Mnil 14 West 111 Swath equipment "r aid on es Nett 0 "VIW toms' oaa mead hoar Ural hate twit stele (woe '1400 ART LUND REALTY Ise sole graitairattrod MOM swoop dove et to the master ohartrent ratted hardwood Nora tarooloot JI of the tore? tezres roe FARMS RANCHES LOTS INCOME 1L Vow bandy OM "Welter wl estoL1 resort to Und e water Ovando gatada PRICED ' AND BUSINf SS PROPERTY hoo 29tt Clot Br2 $2350 DOWN AT $10tb0 Tftte $111-U- ONILTpL11 trtt j2-4Bat Issil at $OS pet ma Me 3 SEDROOltit COWL iron 222500 dth and insurance buys this va- DUPLTIteloaha la soar Sots Flat 2 ifTI Full burnt ldi strso taxes moat Tab Moms oak a room: Null rod brisk beam H break-topor-obi down Roe Perk large kit bosun - al'o A triad soma "Atrium and ooll 2021t 'PAR? ?Melt irrq ebrerft- -Groan's buy tuns decorated and buslicaned S t 05040 beers ttile Huta bat Two room bedrmsNiels's $3000 coda sweat Matataal 1141 on oast bericii treelte beststittny tocette Ur Lame turns $IO3 tot month roil all Leaving town Sunnier tootle on the tett besets 4 el UM light room& Mew almoatol 'hake roe with 5-1404 24104 rooms seems tor a eteitt Goo boat sod bet water maw Pelt tog fliniaturn tait wise BROCKBANK Onto whit root Iowa moat el tooter sod coorttd wooed say 000trilet Is Itslianas p1 leaner nth het mop ran PRIcirD AT Sou tteverhell stetpme room rut too PT GINNER Substantial old berms twoortt to- oar wed hot teeter Lsal brick 3 Yta aid tool loccrxttrtn Dora notlerr—A twit' IL L tisaticieL Dew Sea Wont tooderesed ion furs OF Comp Warty Ituthiand Park nett 4 lap 70101 shake 'EAST &woo poe& THIS ONE '2uthet BUM MA LW incl sums- - washer ironer stratum orrittnboor tato — PRLIDENTIAL disorient piano ste 15 alT mayMoots sod tharbto Palomar ot thel1et79--Sktos- te tott tit :A32 Week rean3 SWIM bora 1vgfr conronPorre n - - finishedplusint knotty reetestoreme has totde lot pin on this alut2J0-tcIthele 5:7406 Ind ploy EVLNINGS 67410 Ms ltd and bath Comphrtely lamb &Dale 01i et teas sea eSennet Loan et lovely leaturea hardwood ettaventerotts keesed reottnee isnot tsarinas natio Gal moms vett Wilda tile Otitis- - tow 310 310 310 ewes watt 0 li5 Phsetto Nokia tub bosoms& opts iraaro lsotteg BY OWNER—MAKE OFFER oval lorre elothe ?tom 2 esse4e41 bat oil'at Moe CASH BY OWNER at ail K TOUR LFAL WILL bctronetys wow) eve ittrtoo $15900 OR OFFER erne 1 ceomed tartrk tnse bathrooms Ka 'sew Pmr skt NOW THaT Twohednetw PRICK oteris torte Ct:2gas best end We trer windows Scxx 07r TO 119130-936 DIESTEL ROAD ' 1 Item tne in bath and lane dudtam Pull Selhe WITH h Vrt 4 - f9TH 001fEH-16- TH &wit WILL MAKI Monate& 'Beautiful alto $12000 reEerh 20te1 A REAL ltR vurrritAst IsomeCor- - 12000 doirs PYm4111- - $4 miestb 24tory brick —A trait toyer hada 'la tat de 2519 C 20th South 14034 portant trots ha oral:wa y' vettonthcoP41 SiBing loci) rat41 sot t95M "Woo oik sr owsztt oran's deal Thal boom I vont PUTIZIC tun bunt: with brit gap summit 4 awl I th Soket lierilk dellibill 1111 irtve 'mg cat has wet IWO sq ft Brae 12 owls 4110 Suste" !ammo thumb wilt mar mas fins baawatent owastreetteak 41actioot Shown by oppointmont 04 Apse eettro 'nostrum too Owilo' market Owner tam foram and M "rotor Coo 951276 to 1' A G Wei 3450 V: trio'r blur throoct Von mit 3441 Ita twolert b fano floor IV irv VIL PR etri AT ONtLY $11500 ' EAtt BENCH TOMORROW MAR itOSZ tablt ' ONE ACRE—HOLLADAY A hasottlut nom RAIMEIL‘ lan4 a tJ bentA tew hearing "?En")"rwrgell Ind drittoe Po- - fruit trate and Mop Last term& base disposal elertrie diah wanner cam 353b3 s00 Lanta toamment mn double da 7 It a OW NER finished with M ut Mtge domplatly es t brink vit LAC thdahed F moos apartment and Willa t'1"1r4-1Ar1"'i C EARL MORGAN Real tt SS& Pik- - Murray 196S bougiaa at rat appointment Sa500--5BFor °wt:ER brick Immo and Aar — brit caviare edit Pita cornet lot sittly landaennPd Maim M Ireschrour rheas 33an - 41 3 Tra tad Cametod drapes ModGood toe Also althea foam 1344 '-W 4tit South teapot Por - ama Thrweon 67rCarte Powers SW Pirt tram- with both plua irard letwo Jskos Daimon 111411 Aigal 43th loath 13240 mac move and refne Meowed $SW and p 1140 F Call MIAMI 27-Y- 4 dal 3334 CONCORD 111 Thgiirn Irrtec - 31 akti'Y noun ' "1'1" '" - s KNIGHT SPROU tnd Se onicicrIP SparlcUr stores beauty Moats of toed toll deep lossment oats uo toot and water anutost tone "roctosore around tureen tanderoptros Owner "Intl ettoodec ists sweat eat as part ao mutt Loosed ets33303 56 234 - 1XCIAJSIVE COtkitirf CLUB MIA etre of trotOne tato Salon'S$2rd 'Meer- os at Oft sto tom Wrest 4 sued uturabms tortors trinsbien Mt imams windows aurrores Use st000nsmos sod matey 1 ardrotte closes sparaog basettwout Sear mos birch easel doors bay No tndows neer Tudor Lunar Ittt and Wide lots OAT $11-2- 00 brteste Irons PS dud ht Clan 414411 tor Mr two lauott —1-- tines limrold ilorTnws wr ort Ireton Gag beat attached' naves& tram berrita'Oti Ot awalet dss50i term& 211111 brick it 2117Ritaf with nein& 01I1 In 3 non Ina kitchen aeit bate mope I sera of dining 2 iamb bdirnia ea lit floor rte lasture Meal for boos or tom toted mom in full beret teed beat Meeit'LLIN REALTY ea leb Weevil ' air coroltioning 134 or 107-- 1 id6191 dr IN 111VJCSTON—Mori4 st 4 ret trams '! wftb tarns $16500 : 1S1 Organized In 1884 to Serve thio Pub Iic 3--sr ea this frame cottage at 557 Colorado et Attractive 4 Sas 6013THLAST 01511 shake Wrote °onset kit 68590: term BY OWNER I 0 CO old tug N Ussa lkountitui REAL ESTATE LOAN DEF'T TRUST Tent210 Ilba Um Payments at 241-5sad - twA anctuded SOUTHEAST mI Oa heat toady with Wows leargt kitchen tint dram sow 1 ft satirical Iona saw lama lot Listed al $8950 Aar Make otter on prine and ME pad at 3041 Mo 410 rain Lasted W R hanard 243211 - 34112 ESproul 1d 241r1balelam void Creek COLLINS or eastatertstis le a wry good ispootheast loc If You wool grant value giro thia our last Call Goodrich 412013 la WHEN YOU SEE THIS 101111 NOVO 9500 Is a taw prim for this essay now 4l4i in beam with adt haat way a lush ea out beach MURRAY New bastes w404e carpet 2 bedrooms sas best 2hts is a Merely homa 4 era lot 'mated at 243 TRACY-- - ONLY $6000 vrrrritt- 1 I Per-thi- BROCKBANK 12 24 Real Estate Financing Nies largo le d'real family hem lot new oftwier block jOirage 'Moan In ammoniaate Oar-Smog thYlVa handlo Call Irvine Realtors FRANK TAYLOR FOR Ititeellent EaM —Booth planning &TrustCo Amio!e Customer Parking ' k $6750 FULITTURNISHED SOUTH-MAIN h n Wrig myes Beautiful moOerre offices—Private consuT!e7:n rooms the usUal free' services ren8e' ed the ceicill egoitilvijleuh4e tbe public by our off ' It LOW COST bedroom by contractor 672 ft- - floor apace Lot apProa- 70s250 No town coat Ice imately Ph or Nur 1143-rlaetor s W Wilma as (0e to 65" 1°' l'utte tur6Murray it° 2 "eks 981Slittste-- --- 1i do Is New ot sem fruit- - Walker Bank - ' fig 128-41(- -- 8 orrt SUNDAY Rams t - - Pettecritkil or rartn ' 438 RP:ALTOR Brit7rEll 119TZDINGIN INCORPG t° eVerrtopttPorl 8111°Ill°1°°--- 1 We can build Arad rmArnor 10 set Toe- - rin earn yam- a t0111 TrEnt mmtred tor vetps Nam Rourrtut 797 furnished Or la tmsas Tee raka la furnished 4rni full bernt 1Arast lot hem's fruit tree Tiled emit Venetian Weds titterer" tars tiwir 33rd South and 1Lahland dr 53 21950 DOW-2per ine 4rm brio: Is ye 414 with atasakj mu and onttine with bath hie porta bny large lot brick garage $ae It tocial at 2994 S 9th Salt fit 41111 s 44301' H01111 la detstrabta owe laratiota ea about toes and tor tuta greasui with grutt OPEN OUSE tisent- - altar Idot gardod oodpoto4--wmobtr G and enota tin 'Nut P tor 300 Ihtit bow to welt aA th'te Katt Sth South ' Owner prieed your tkan vertu at ala tranlermtt tat sr !Or Ilt750 Cal and good team available rah $tint of almost 'hew 5ta howls Full Intkt sto ity:coemermat uatpdttutr LIBERTY PARK SPEL40a" windows Ail the oft 24- strati desitned vritir pRoun to NNW I 2elt ontb saw sib rivt IflS Isteottos doe insistAtients roes ittestse et Ise Latt"4thow' Psi ' &swots both Melts t L Kesdasts Vat broaittast atom Grandtireplace Planet doors froth dinwa Mak Mit ambit room guatt large to patio ItH ther lite balk rah OPElq- HOUSE Foil batement anti gaa bedrooms and partly draped Mulatto brat Wooderfut landemp at tionOM earpeted to S Plt 2'36 eta SOO ettsupactiy 213 yet ipa Putt arranged Just toriaa garage iaT Kensington AVitnee Wiwi auto twat and iga oleo Cad "grazer Sell& All noutillirultiot bly On shot bentsTh lot has depth of 104 ittc tow now titul how HOME Rano brick HOLLADAY styli teat with variety at treat and bew twrire eiststsitia kwation woo Irmo 'garden planted- - Appt to mono Smoot Woe broodoeftl num' ttgeh44 snooty pat'!" YOU Stow request 1114756 Cali Brow or pima in this 1400 tet KKK TO vivo? APettKrIATirs bum" Lary lanuawsit at 13152 at 1vliç MOM direalace HERE'S ONE room knebett I mensal) dining mama about siale Mona of 2 vigil' snick moms ou tithe Wrest IY000 Pow sit Content a tale 414-rMows large bath Snot pknty Located Inlet 4 soar WC Iland armee 1st Mand and West 4Cdh teals iciemy borne call Atm ii01oip IL or 44 town gaol 4borich legation wend Ideally 401 has suiewailist Web awl cutter $tmonalA illua o main apt IiaE'L 14141ut playa& ay rm with ittropiato and Kshi 4 54111 f Ca HIGHLAND PARK romod a bairma Tao apt torte LOCAIION COUNTS ve le red Mirk hootsm 110 es to moIM Mt payments room mak Mariam lame kitchen Pia 345droom home on TOW WUo your !abet sad terms at awry Cad one war 1345 East Rit'n11! rot-totteith picture istadner bee'telliti car'Wright at Atilt 0214411& an4 Witmer roon con pet and dram negate 2 nice bett tint full ventent memo lovely alt Wet bath Itainited Tette OW NE ft Thrt Nene RR EDI PRICE lice" basement Sae beat flee tint' rm and don la hametoonn Lbdilea MhOLICKDI On ttus doubhe gamma rosateuetion hionir wheal derailant alletra Clean family IbOalo at 1227 Heat ALoi 614306 and Into Ono Sliddirton 6410 Or Has firoPtara brun sea tweeted lKnititateen 44714 tiAUST SELL with 16 name 'euteetik booktaata UNIVERSITY DISTRICT to star twatt and par Reamed sew iwn ono on en min Sea what nitre boo whine' Subtle and Learner win tasty decoratitut yid room& Very attractive 50--- 31 bedroom and den In Haat WiLh 24100 411011- Poe or bait takee rhor ng Large tentroteltr aro Twitents how lamely ont bona& DWI" ime led Ma low than 32 ware ottle One tory HOW Alt Art With not Irksome tit Mast earl Brim &Mtn& root with outside chorea to do Walking due tgattirtIA tank tildn SUGARHOUSE DUPLEX ilitentartn dinintoloonn oar kitobein I any lance part al City Nivea car two bathes nnewelisd 1r keit of shit Ton Meet durgei es the market Ism 4 gma With porch Mostly till' 'Nord BIM 64133 Wright formatted Poelaallemi dilate of taxea today Ommer lives to three mow in rear and the emom and Mote Ja& sod upkeep arranged 101 Part3 OVEN S1000 foe 270 Also ha garage and snob SOW MI 1170 prIeo St1000WA Priemt Catt 1101‘0 hi earatithig will lomat Mapes sod hawmant 1h01011 ' sweinded with thte beauti- eurtaina ' tonna blit Using rm 3 od REAL ESTATE HEADQUAMEES t59S0 1 bedroom& rm full Wow Wirt Mat (Manta ror biomes wreshatistdining fan IL W base Cot"Plati Mtgs clod Iiipgoic Sikrtice 11 ktaut Lent "'le It try if Want Was heat gas auto avatar pli e credit rating hare eeeet agd pendia eniagor Insulated esol- 61t61 or ere" tor aestelt- - roe ell re alio aluminum insa anit tail" e&S Teeptes 64)474 door and wind inrtnetty Cr Ad thit PLUS diannetive walled HIGHLAND PARK SPECIAL ' ""le 'an lir a 10411't-roodii llearelenit"ereratialeIe Aadereea Homing' Cor Elac—Itealtsie dried dome Owner boat with 3 121 East Broadatif tit idelistew s 8410 bath and a Ortvato ed room& a This horn is trance IN bodement Detest by ttW tedimitag tor 10041 BOUNTIFUL HOME AND full et otstatandnta feature' moth as: blark tito thropther tila bath auto- - hum:34e ACREAGE ginnintm (04) roux amid diaboasher Want floors and 53 hitt am ift bowie germinated up Lovely gas heat- - 14734'31r tr141 It2t tith ava 15i 1175011 with lull ogre of land I years vitt hot it and $78141 litlit tdi roma Living garlisted with compleith MILL CREEK 3 BEDROOMS t 11114 1'1500 :294 EmitWIT)Iw lush fireplace Adorable barites and 613 16100 161 Truly a raw bead dint Carael-- 1 Mtge torsos Fruit treed garditit 2160 01 Stk 3544 113000 tottl taa areatafec fufl dieing team plot an plenty of Irrigatioa water was &lotharried foil Will radii for Pall imito City prow ht-WDonde iftraieneAnda111111 11 I 1 1 Ire"' - large orty Tomas 341611 Tonna-Call betiding 10 ACRES 53 g dtb fin Realtors Hamm $7500 tar 54oaat barn 1001 IaHOME rag mid 10 acres of the boot farm and 6 of sandy loam and 5 of paw Ince location far both ammoser 1' tom Mod with 4 shams rat Irrigate on winter at Ind Mom" Brighton I - water gtantiotis tor I rows bore ems Bath about modern with erg -4101416 ehleholl fovea was and I SM brilititr itteltitid vumbmg po trio bait of owner several fruit trees hi pip new in California New kat as to Reasonable coodltion ' offer Cad at Ind 071100n lgoodkaser 4 AND 4 DUPLEX terms wilt bo accepted ItAy Males 6187 ter 01195r d akw large realm aarh aide BRICK AND BEAUTIFUL NEAR DiESTEL ROAD Every roolgri 'aimless "ad AntisLeto Gas ebustected This is ono of the gun I gm" brick t nnrmthd to It $9500 la all mat don go far fistat constmeted "oddities go team tosardtrini a le vel a trona of lettin born g mat win be Mors than liaPel int Fenced 3 seed sized bedrentria wig interne oration ett tm ellmtn to OW11 Owe tab ia year Whiten oti-Listed tor 117050 and womb twit pun 2 with Itumr inn MAO 2 ardronala portunity tinitth MOM 11110110t Call tar that imin rom and commodloug (fining and dining F00111 with carpets V Orli 1174211 -- lonnal000k-noroom': Aim s mimeos Tntonupeos lien blinds clear through sad drapes warz EVERYTHING THIS 11160 birtuara BOatiallit fireplace hi ltv 4548- log room Evert lot souistinti with a Located near 3lat South and lialk Critical y will pryer irt this yam East you'll find bla feroont brick beat by Ray allarater 04195 A litotiAT MAE! esioMal oath picture windows mawntiri-tJUST--A- S with Menace Income 'ter SO500 town living MOO per outgo oror - Month plus your wan and- - imperilling-- Woors--Ttie29000 1ov Vas tabootry kitchen 2 bedrooms and finished atortmont Well rmotruelod brier brick English colonial 2 bedrooms basement and best of i1 the lot is hom In mmo Motion 62000 with another finuthed MON ta hawk' 75sl2 ti of high Produclivo- - around" two and yeti rot poid for your meat Living roma and dining room "mit trees and ample water alio Investment Turner Tile kitchen oink ad bath Mors Mops Drapes in living room Ira McDade& it p'figie only FULLtAICE CASH TAIAS—$6750 DREAM-HOUSE-Yes and wit will help you rotas CLINT CHIDESTER 'CO BRICK BUN hoick to atiottoost for Viet 11 trrtRDT BUII-0AIOW Z bedroom& nursery lAs1111230 Beautifully decorated 343 Zan Ind So new gas torcoved linoleum Ist kitchen snd bath hot room Boatmen por Just Metalled Good location tile drain in Memo kitchen Okeratied himnear 13th South and 13th Last-let proleaelonally landbed BOUNTIFUL BUYS dreds of roses Bake this a must smi voles Tariffs 1406s 113900---Beasee today! Call Webster T02ahterms Nkei N a tirell-blrn Melt bonso tar ilia-brki Thin boo Pair like rent BM ls about 19400---WiOtte $15-000- Yews 'man hems Oar Oda tarp L O amp Pia 4 years old and In rood troutheast Nearly brick home On the east bench Call Mention- - Largo Jot suitable tor onrm sok Oda fur Imit tree" mut 94474 lot detaila A arro Btn a3 bwrrP Nal landscapi ng Worrell 15111111 r000-1Ie- o4r try g1 time yak $9500 FOR Has G 1 lean 133E21 km MY RAM8LER-14- 31 SIGSBEE rm Beautiful laudsraping din Oita On beautiful setting in Folderol tlaa steam hathig MUrr alit SA One bungalow with sear 6 rooms on floor full $11150---BettBegat& bit prewar brit gas furnace newly decorsted throughlite both- - 2 bodroomo and den Good Practical tumuli conifert and els with Ono modern A utmost out oiuwa eepi no !rune kitchen Beautifully landscaped during atria Tat:doMonomial beat partially fornuitied The dithaarber-garbso- s F 14 tot 00e230 in choice bruit tress homes are located tut lance lot oa Clean neat A lemmas tit Show lor Moro and trill Thamplo down dined avenues pay -1ef will bandit Call logiaa men 112000--Ramb- ler of iiittlidnis belt 414301- TWO Monolog 'kir? MONO FOBhome landwaped Aby styl expertly "atm-Sti214th wear lt modem colonial choice $3 SPECIAL Uses G nd 7th Foot iloaciroto he $12000--N- ew Mord D 7 year tort Lanni beet m Bronger tnn room otitis largo front window& est You'll rave abt and sas buy for only $S950 This hime has 1100 One bedroom- - rree lor another Bee It today Btfl sq ft of well planned floor peaces Lifloy ir112 and garotte A o ander- lig000--- o very beautiful sew beam roll ills bath and drain i kitchen Banana BOUM low ful la theme mew dial Lim rim 0Pr buy Lets Of cupboards and Oloseta rS n- - din lb 144 double 300 twat Alovniniim storm doors f Damaged by derseaeggagt 200 foot lot Beset miss this Mould image L tor S9000 down Fathers pay haw 116 yamb Mete osnir's seuity and assuan alb loan With baboon 1ktkft 'tuatara ever Call Webster Tana a Like Nita lueeriy valley CORPOR ATION BRIO spacious rambler 44321 Ttm I t ors 1 I 1 L la- - Temple built for th tuts soUd sumessful person with 'mew gas Briek bmtwolow-whe eraMa eh best Cad in d Bomar& Lorre Mom theouglicose Cantor Or Bin 114 Near Mb Smith and lith Zama This is stead to heart- Can trOulle PON ILMSN THAN 111300 Small down paymot W litiaricia 3-- 7774 Are win Plaid or oat a boort ea your 33 W 2ndTY Sout' h PArMENT tot anthill thire works or itom Como 70055 TEMP—LE--CIeat atel me am LODGE THS Hrtallt StilLDSRS ' 5:7424 SIM aria 34)194 Madero ttota Wield rates I U Idur 148-2- 1 State: P373 ille1500111 bowW14 2061 Sta'a to Behr Free 1' e ONTER—Ttra 11011:1 bottle STRA2P0110 rienaty 'DIU cmapicte bath Sitaltypi water beautiful tetteifil NO IML I4MP3I T 1 as brick duplex 2nd Setit ontly completchy furnished 189 Cal orionbortwoo& rum or arrant -nus loPtood four tins itor awner attar rare ard refrigerar A ISENTLEMAtel' boom weedy dec attartmd 11 olottoo for "MI" rArY° lot 4114tat perm h011rLT04 RENTAL SERVICE roo eettet reats roast Parton la root 'MIMI ont Irbil Terms Only 210 700 Ca ll 34132 P 2Ist South 14titiore wrotorm ad)a to schools SPISt-l- at rates tor Verimront mciettling or Carrot) DROCKBANg bed2 sas--ri- vs ktrce rout duple tramhoPPoia dn Small Parttediat peeks Carex outer Payment BY OWNER rots clean lallity wekosee astages 1373 Part 3010 Po BY OWNER cHrsrEa noorat ars a State IQ 4 E etto tkesalt Eke 5ris brick Isomer Wroth- Soota'reok ssts(I-ask tout 122 BY OWNER '(SEE E Ortotrefonfet Wows sew east Pb qt1WIE bons with batj elet vacant loretion or AAA mos mootA aeon Aar rte Doormat E9500- - Ph4a4 ' beeDL new liroret raalra rwrig Vrf reasonshis irentt lots Sth500 1e2o ry um sow& County Welt srr4946 Also bouveketptrit t No it 555L see agents tas 32336 'pima& 7212 it1101 bonne SI5100 or enlace onir-Ft!- t 11441-f- l 1g MOMS by tar Wick 11T—OWNZR—QuellIy 2704 Wirt obeli tem la Carendeley Pacar c41123 (1672 LODGE 11111 RMNEY MOTOR comerent- Z ) "'talent' fiar-igvt-ry Caulk district 'monde and table 29L 3327 ki10-- 1 posstas bueumpa maw Slit take late 1110401 car ter 22—furnished Houses BY 771 -OWNER rant Wet It Ice payment 2309-- -4 rooms gas rah4t retri- t- 7by V ItY OWNER Coreektetv sooden smALL bow boom Sad rarer& gall femme 160 Emu Ttli Pa 1154 turn rolowal swans gown $ lieivdd Ina OM Weitcactit 14pI ave 1110 SIOS AtoDERN of 3h3sra $25 Stitt eart tax hor s" itt automatIc tax litta‘ Mt aro- - rear 26t1 epp $4000 not oda I s 1870 R 2Ist Eli 71351 420 essPIN t to tarnished WNW Daunt4eal $8500 full Price 9 North es t dac Call Ifol phos Vat Ned hem tunac fiew mot 4441 km mins174 rik 1 -E st ar Or— et 6940 High and dr awl 4-- e 14 EATIL CALL SOUN- - &ROOM 11"4 kat and104tdo7 yard hems tor root Sezar nalloat 4 pt'snms 143-111 clone 1179 I TRY Richards st TiFZI kw-- 414413 and 3 rod tom y brick- -3 Dnutdd garnet Sep Into tug rms to Mailas-- 1 bees rood Int 1 toorit front Garage floe Tar& 94904 sionour he Pima ausuouL ality Gas best nacol 23 lichi4vout 14664 beat 2 &sat& &Sal& huh ham 990 L tha itaurs44062 S21411 - ' 34 Irr 2nd Do emu RTIIMA- N- roc torero beciona and boto swore to II "Fr° a""1"11 II P4t0w2 6111414 tnr Inc lu °t lit" tor mairlax Mat rIlkioN VA'a kr41) rroRmlle CO 8111A to olna Plok an or rim rant Hcrta nrAvroR FL BADGER - MOVE YOLEISELP DRIVE IT YOURSELF BROCKBANIK - - TRUCK- - -- HOTEL CARLTON : - dr" -0- -- ' - " lutt SECURITY FOR CITY WORKER Two woo met Holladay with plenty at —water Add to your income NY growing all your sena vent-tabland troll bearing trees on plat a NearThirty bus and bust nem district Um comfortably la modern tram home with all city ernmaleaces Oats price nob' $13000 1 ALAN E ----- - sa - - SOUTHEAST BENCH Veget 34edroom Mich home la Richland Park can ha yours tor only $10500 Naar double garage New and water softener ran turna Tented bac yard with trait trees perfect tar Moan children as - te taloa la Ws bare connections gam for live quakily brick boasts la beautiful Rosa park now manful &impieties Moderato Price Mare With Ponta tame for IG IA ACT NOW—by us 1A - ' pporthottr a agar Mate"oar stint sea boat tt20'lye - aa NEW AT-O- Baker day Age Just ion looms is tined Th CMA V1111 artangan hoe iota ot room and to to top lonsliton IrtrolOoto et elooeto toot its toortitsotAboot tot sovt fonty rrirktool Apathy gal turn APIA ra tor Mo Coo tot oyotolot CPU relarpoat a4 TIliad Nta Pork 4 Located on Highland drive 2300 gout& Thin totantitul piaci at Is tdoft tor renting Over pee 2 betinn du siva tn1'nler472 CVOS LOCATION 410 t1 ith ' CO alawilest tor atortersity Inca i rouNG 44444 4 3 73n ti Dr( 61803 tudet Jusk aft the ninepin 3521I smut apt mot tyres' 144 After 5 '''' 3 wi 9 University et stm 94463 ''''! 7rtEASANT tleitrab4 flu-- to 411't'li4-siNED--iniisiid not OPEN HOUSE dunk'1 ' ?ovate borne Idea tiny Ite smnit-- 1 t4t nen 3 48 4 reit "Inn"'" noin 41"r- - thtrage- - 1"4r 11- - Ph: "'5'-75-- 1 rg --ur auP4rx (145"' Avenue Ia r-D-home rut- in sire Niel serscog 2 doors 2-- 6 aus student or working nom Call 2nmngcoupfE PIE ''' 44 he:24 p him 44 et5-411311k812thr East t 363 end Palt bows moat breath-takin- g totirtem 1 itittrLy trIimett twin w'"'"o Mew 6 elegant- - rooms with a con- Meg So amolung 1223 B a rd 31taPtglir 1411etvadettoroottn' inzistompoo Ilicasicciklarce5-12s1v3-gameggamtgear itoltestattorTttotootiage : d10 11or want oompktelr twritiotierootteettal d 7 2 82'n nom from town Et Inc COUNO Or ollototolt Goot ktro- - 1 covput to rent 24 it-- at over Boa fin i trailer room boa 64T 12: liet Booth 334 wend4 in 04 basemtnt c bow boot nut T-4 -itnutittttelt Pot this eo 643012t Kit WAN des- tea 3 rows wiles PLt 94022- 117Oh East illsOVA IIIK POotheAst location PAYPay Intamntutet ett°11 -3 And 370 N ICE then- ioonak-2op to SOS Soto 64402 oionuoto -- ' ' itlear LDS 6060trot Call 34071 Tin9UpLkä DEA' ' 2ssi Ronal IN-P-rivat bedroom diners olt mat aid& No FULLY try FORNSHED or 'Seto awn w4 vs wall s211 2441 ttheoren 1‘10011 loot ll sten trele wiltrkk -°-Par WORKING Oda drake turn tidy 20 k Reboot n t 4 440450 9t h E MS-- 41930 and thuttlt ttalltterfed- - 3 ithlrltelniretZe alegl --mos -one gas haat Aware 4 twat IDE sleety lam rm for 2 meriting COUPLE wath-child bodroom irinS z4001 atria Priv earn- - 177 N at 2nri child demos apt - Katrentaa 'klrAPANT chan aleakettrat room 0 geag FAMILY ORCHARD No drioking- -- 4- - -- - --- - TOUNG LDS cote drain) 3°orwar Prewar homy nit is of ho rag - tor gentleman sr fm tun ar Kim stostbettat pround Boot studfd ut u364 rtmoloo 3034 pay to to i too 34404 ' n clean ItEDICal 2 irtvortcrs so E 53639 1st 623 Rooms soak near i turn aat with pram ft tter WASATCH HOMES INC WE-Lo- vely rme roes tos atonal? 6040041 k pastL 26 PER South T- 232 East 31 4 24eedroosa --:- of 3 273 2 Tempts Good relevance& unturnishad INAMILiv aanta ga ll lacx SW Omit En--7-trb ise-' Mg sesta ELBOW ROOM 3 and 1 yrs- 48 t COUPLE with alat EWA ClAtoN dbl rag rose Ved-ttesottro2Ascr PIPEC1A10 or hOUSA No drink- k anforg rear U 1335 Perry am co lonial in chinos torattag or amoistag11-193- 2 or liceek:- 1-per NDOSS tor with th acre fmait trees coops pa- t COVT engineer small-thengneed lm pne it wercienint 2-- 3 Ltalt°°1 loo°04 79-ft Romafrontage rum house or Mottles ' w000wootir bedroom a modwaned Perrot 54328 LARGE reht root riga 1014 so ley April 15th -----like neve tile kitchen and bathshows t Pion 44903 toed Kerma rear SIK41 role amity tonturn duplex raged ""Iliwith ian2500bsn'tdallruwn11 imiclrualinarlii Orr11°4 hot - toitth rottlan otøtte - 500 I aaltet35tc 2ed so 322 ta sell (k st today go bo ants mad rea Wan- og rat oath hitches Men L 0 2 -emipla alar g02ag ashy desks or24 Toom 41111111r 71 turtahome dualeat' w nom ita2 Po 7th East It wIONKR--Pl- rat Bow actcL Ar14k 2150 WEEK VP Comfortablya form 1 lan tot 343 94931 Arrive lurk Pi: stilton Earsid Cor onipie babp 79n ptate 10110 'studs hp" "4 utipti" gh or aver Rms 54313 Poet out g"41 6404 4414 t intetr -or o onnew storm win- Brand Mite 2estrile t rot-Nthring aromas 186 1r at now and doors- - Garotte and hail Varnished apartmcst el gs1 1041313111xy- fins tint with lactose fr ellat- - Pant Partly 'OM of aLinnet-beautifully Yard tOTAPiettli termed Kt 420(110 330 Call 4- -r ita fora- ald tirleintse water "CiACAN grater SOltemer 30-gwell traria-- Mpg pm ptiii7 heater 1949 0ndut Tile kitchen t3 apt Aptiltyst desire mt 23444d 1net i of' OttiOroi 94314- and bath $13-231186 Bidgedale ' WOODRUFF' AM ewe dear alum Viontn iewile hamh:1 VI- - wick -roc Murray 97711 aft 6 Pm IDEAL colonial Per- brick 'not r 33344 NiVIDOW:Itotl-emi-kt Rm slam to sugar lull tile bath dei:34111-untu4-iirt cunn-t-0V tradition moomomobrnata ' Init lottp: I1 floor Exert refs riots la aot 1920M roma en nt It imam 33433 I LEASE or rent-Do- uttle All 4 cartated et Bedroom te to9 Mogi I we mow" 1 KIM 13th Posta along cupboard gorts9JO for work IL dreen a be"iTatttultultril IllandalL acEItaped1611 ri d7---tM 1181cE mom Innen furri Wit sParlo I w""-- -shrub& patio arross hill bark of rA ask 1224-t- h 9 -- East $70 CPLET-VAPT NTS hous vine ooverod Arfrit SprtnE Fr R71 34179 yo-- ft--me rimming done kme of choice roots I NO PillOKIN0 DRINKING sem IL 43341 Cloaca to Judos Memorial Douglas EKO to rent aa tinning tvAMIS II rms- - 1 Si 2 lattiartlat and East high schools Cali INor 1ear Mu 93211 persona 904 E la t lis ---- Mury 2 reletiodl istal:estittle -ton-funi- - 21tTISS-ON- LY dein 3 fully built 214tooms in Hefeks and location avast Nigh apL Vont aPt L 0 11 mingle &sire motels rerpoting Must he Goad kw Rest rent 9415°4- Meld immediately- rooms HOWE GADDIS MIST FOUR !XVII hely stosfoo and lacholos gas LITIMediStit unlaces mummyHies $2200 Sowapayment H A loan' Lai as show youinanity thane iitt1 (ire & vire enrolee!' 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