Show ' r - TIM SALT LAIMIRMUN-'- B Mardi 16:4950 Suiaday - JAPAN HOBBY "ror L oya Dolls - - I ' s 4 4 S4 —7'4 ' ' - - N 4'' 4 a k t - " 7 -- ' - - or -- or-- ' 4- - t Li'llrtr' t 1 ' PO t ' i ' 'Tr! t'''' It 'It ' l''''''''T 40--'4 p 1:4 sm 4A r4 AA'Wt r"4 1 4 At d - loadono f's:1'14' & film-lectu- re Included in the feature picture are color photographs of the 17- year locust ospreys of the At- lantie coast wild ruffed grouse and other wildlife found on Staten island where Mr Cleaves makes I " Un-- -on °Anil-nalaware will 'be delivered Monday liovtard Cleaves at 1:15 psa well !mown: Arnericastikaturiilist The presentation win be in Kingsbury hall University of Utah Prisented by the U of U extension division and the National Audubon society the event Will be the fourth oLthe Audubon Natwo Screen Tour aeries A rnr ! Ar - - House Busisees sad Pro' fee dub 'Longue mew busks available Sew Woad Wome's Members of ' L Students S 1 I )11061alin1 r a' r siti nt alit 'dolls be used by I SilNiLE & aninao esileeboak a eulturer Dim Graves nit at fernier Irak tioailat phiptala will etanN tram Japan lato In April S risk hater arty wino Na eiotie ear why as meat pea or lierkliabea That's tomporits alto adults woo ILLICIERKIL at otter wo retake aad Meth la sem help ' mine at the Salt Lake Welfare boadd for kLWX la sot a mosey omen l Speaks-Apricouncil and the American Cainp- hoot a wohdelos toothier tashootod gloolo 4 Wand boutd that bobs whores and dark- big' Amin bowie demon& Mel wait I Ask draterist leliaai Ita:lor A i' Telter Deliver chords 1710 8 iltit camp and general camp tor tattoos ELIZAE liodedP—o ly Oik If Day weak OAS to gloattod ration Army will be guest speaker I The course for yohmteer kad- - films will be abolvn before a gen- doverisCrit before a onwday camp institute eno of children and teen agers is eral operably ot youth leaders at boa at Purl 4 idtWet 1ar hOr Triple ' April 1 at Centenary Methodlat sponsored by the group work corn- - 1 pm Neal IL in lectures pa Japanese Araxrs 1 o - 31erey Arnly Aid 1 - ' '- to Pay for Damage on Bus Agree - Una afficials conferred g rk Ili ir' f't1 t 14 tzk ' i ' Lt 4 ' ' i''''': v- riklIC° II1 OwmTEUTSIIDE esz!"0 IrETC”77is $349 &Woo 4111 toe at ?It Weft bud 71111111" anew liii Aurelia Carbos Mee-M- oo lledic Books t Bpwum-By - the ide Mr fht - -- a - fort--c't-Busdn- aaid11-state-vr- S - east I n - 0 r 1 F The presentation eras Paula Sat urday to bliss Aurelia Beanies bbraritus by Um O 3t Carlson dub treasurer and Bra Beatrice Me Hark chairman of the rheamatie4ever project committee The books which have particular reference to nursing care in rhemnatio fever will be available ' to parents and Others Interested the subject In ' I - the club alto kfra lidc Hare said le phuming to coottuct claims In home nursing Is the near future They will be held three nights a week The Intention le to make 12 for k 7 hours of class work avalbehls each perste attending r ters U Policy S-Al- on Grand Jury Mmfidonment of Um policy of roar calling two grand juries spring and tall lit U K district court was aunsounced Saturday by Scott M Mathew' U a district attorney Grand juries will be called be Sis future as cases accumulats and not according to any fixed !scheltde Mr Matheson aid after orith Judge Willis W !conferring ' Ritter The cowl ordered a petty 1 Jury for federal court to be called hi a 11 1 P if Iflr!2:Ii ':i EV Anti-histami- f : nocauso— :4 better way to stop cold sytotaras conta—not stee—bitt three medi— analgetic antipyreti cally active ingredients—unti-bistamin- c compoimded together The antilistamines check the Ting and sniffling and relieve irritation in nose and throat feeling sad The analgetk action relieves the soreness The antipyretic action helps to reduce the fever TASCIN ss bensr in another way because it also contains a special ingredient designed to counteract the dull feeling and drowncs TARCIN is befter to take because it is a coated tablet end easy to vaallow When you first fed a cold coming oa—Take TAIKM- -q ukik! See how fast you feel better Git a package of 'AVOW today Have it ready when the next cold strikes in your family In the bright red package 1 — I I s -- -: I t-o- 11J--3 1 tE IJ S PAL 'I 1111117M Ammo Via als: - fun k4 StrOmilnr ( adeftethe Al onsifritt - Saw's Rood loon larr:CIT g11 Amapa aged Iteemar sew& athstartmel Pao 0111 tot SPoOookob mod ospautem leposolowl Tomei Aalwitawe 1111 VOW TRAM AGENT Olt oirb4' t ' 471 I liregams Cle" sterage I led leash Soma Seit Woe $4271 44 Woo ' hi lommene tassoutbrotalmttbegoos Celmomme lie Cams— iiii0i Loo - ark al Korth IL L011211- Ntlight - Irt Saab Kara II it tnT St VtAb Satarvala Utak s'WU10 DICALEItS Stramora Matra Ca 1 Mats St PamirSe Maar paraani Ante Ca 113411 Sarallt Ara MM Taut ran Walla Nag tie ' tail larva 470 Viral tat IltartS Prows (tab t'rarn Maar Cu Sae 47fS I State Ste lavirrar t tab Wawa atafall Maar Crk frearantora rtalt Wirt traid traessay tad Sta a Kam St ' tn-4S- Salt take City et " ISS Iterth Mara Strats toorial Saber IMMO Mawr Cs "evil 61 Utah Garage SPrhar - 1 Pill Mtn $eel St a ad Bassts 11 SIM Part at D Us !Mahe halh haat Ihrostatma 111111p111Pet CsMa IS St hatIlosy Idaho Cabby Meow Cs $5 West Cann Slither Idaho CO Naiad Clt Pallas Nabs Gran Pastiat Cilt las 1131 Osslas4 hat Idaho GlIs Cat Market hie On W Mega St 1111Milfille4 Illossea4 Neter tl 13th Ave- - L Sagami Ithisti listbort Motes Ca 4116 A Idaho Sts ' West Cs el Idaho Goading & 'dabs Wolof Cs- - 1Mg tenter ' : Utah Ave hats & Garage Cs Itettrhast Idaho Lamtdas Some Cat 113111 Gm thses Idaho Modern Sato es-- Lisette G Sit lerwate Idaho CIL Awe Highs Ilesess "later hes Servers 1211 G &Saban Calds11 Idaho - e - MalltPetter MI lot Kent ' 111110- Mummies Hwy Irewiell ghee b Mum 116 00lite Into1m4t Idatio Irostorn dieter Slim IN South Slats Ls Piestos Idaho Wfarknuin Iltretterl hada Co lowth-risdit- NEI'ADA Carlow nEturits News( Os ION !dab Nevada lunettes ii4Deet Sem Intim& Nii7itt11444 II Nevada Oisee's Sorvoce Ill hold talleuts Nevada WYOMING DEILLEMS Ilirtrinone ' )t -- t - - - Ca! St Gram Sorra Ca St ISeerre Vtab Tontak Prep 14grrir Garata Oar tiara IISS IL Katie St Mart to pleura 1rIntebtlar Ittatt Prat Mara Itizga Main - 4 Prat Galata Mal Meter Crab Ca ISsita rtals Led Sawa Motes Ca et last 1st Nehh teeste Cutts Laadbart MoSat Ca Drive la led No it 1111111111aket 1 Ira tag Past Marinas ta WI Well AMalliralt Pert tab igagai Crab traria aka Peek& Crab Pfrtrem - Seel" frame I? Pare Molar Camp&an Sin Seseer C wan ave 4 Park Cies- - Luke "ate C6111164 Cesar St agar CAPitat Cats tlak leage-ls- e Pentair Cs 3314 Grant Avg t legesel tag 1" Loaf South' Main- St &Meet !Meat Co teavele Ltab PAglevell tligb Clad Peattee CsMaad 11ab era NOter C In SO Man CA O rat Amin - lirImola DEttiltS name geese" - - on- Wog Cesar Swage holilLamed I iar Stopovers at Shamrock Hoed Noessoo sod 'media hotels in New Orleans anal Chicago Las fiageles April 50tk 4-- Dr or Eight ol $ix eo ' stem a1dt alp Illedei MS St MOW oiragittiannt SkassatA as st saaaa asal asap gas sa a sawn" agailasoastwawa sarrsasadaat coastssoes inmost awe Is "mambos As"! - - tra luxury nil the comfortable size and smooth sparkling performance you caa get ' for every newcar dollar yon spend new1930 lie car foryou is the wonderfid ' ' Pontlad Theres nothing on die toad to match the 'sparkling personality of a Pontiac No other car' givesyou such pride of ownership such luxurious comfort such spectacular Silver Streak ' performance for the price of a Pontiac That's what we mean when we say —donor dollen yea calet beat 4 Posstiac! Come into our showroom and see for yourself $1194S - :'':FREp:-:ACARLES(514Corfilp- ladtpeadea t s's dkrante4 Sword tor Economy lit0000rned rho itoginoo-Chol- $1924 Seism $1144 ilhossolt4 Arelbdo SiaCptioire- &más á avirAmt Powder 110444 as Ms Streit Ad itighS Sitror mi Sedan $4Cylieler Self ea hamper wiwg geardsr1- natural that you want ell the good dings your money will buy In a new car YOU Want ell thedistioctive beauty nil the ex- $1894' -s odcno Chieftain De time Coe twills GM litrifiroAlotto ifirtro tt 81777 $1122 $1894 - or ama AinorietesLear'ood-Priee- d See- truirst Chieftain Business Streamliner Sedan Coup Coolie Chieftain Sedan Coop Chiefloin Sedan ilkagb rosree-Peati- lours hole Mexico City Programa el 3 so I slays or-al- tottniel the - - Obe-A-- Intiefted eYear It th's1 ‘Good 1111 or by Air ALL ISPENSII TOMS by ma air or ota-a- ir coalableatteaL 04 and elherer Side itanoiegit old tin yottime a t0111ttn e ell beet Try taacsse sent a 'I aieltaite De Laze illockies06CISOColearatieGraofiCamyam ') f socaors - iweltedirt: white esti'ewe" tires Amatriai by Special Pati- nas Tsai 14 Marawida Pacific Coast Camelia - if ) N Loorood-Prieo- tag Matta LI I— Ottatintet IA lke AtIaletleaere Ott I I '"N TT I AT AIL DRUG STORES1 ! k Axiazwircritss sche-all-ai- -- 1 ' 0- and 111esirab1e in a Fine Car! nic tiro' BETTER TASCIN offers you task because each tablet id April CO!70::) COLD Tablets — : th:i - 0 7- Sri - 1 4 Irma Thursday incidentja which advertising signs were ripped from At - et Its contribution Is partthe bus and a rear vision isittror I es '1111 emeehed-Backman and Proteasional Womenelute' commenting on the hidderrit D s Peek miperiatesdest at taanaLite Increase pulilic knowledge on ! mlbject of 'rheumatic fever portation tor Salt Lake CIty ginestothe the Sugar House club has made a said there us teas vandalism aii of hooks to the n1:cultribution hums now any 11 - Sprague branch library 2111-11- th f111f1111 'I "" 4"1 'e i ! Libkary G iven i Students involved hi an incl: Ralph Backman South high dent is which a spacial Salt Lake 1 ma saturday : City Lines bus was damaged bars I '''''''" princi pal to School officials ths pareitho guard bus pay for agreed damage - o' Ikatrice McHarg Mrs O A Mr's 1 - - ct ' SPragloo Ming - his home TN eameramkn-ieetarwas Ofnnal photographer of the Chat south ma expedition and is env in producing news and no- ture Mole for nationiti distribution B II a frequent contributor to national Magazines IMame 111 110040 161MoliminemiaMOMMOIMMINERSOMMAMIBMOSNIMalonliab '' er rola City Judge Frank E Moss Saturday ordered - Wendell Elroy Meacham 41 SOU-M- k East bound over to Third district court after the defendant waived preliminary hearing on sehsriofcarns1 Imowtedio Of 1 wyear-ol-d girt i' I & 14 T Dtra II: Bound on Morals Count - &It ) A ' ! 71 In Japan where her husband Is start chaplets of the Yokohama !command army Mr Ned R Gravea-b- as sastmibled a glit-- 1 tering group of dolls depicting Japanese emperor and empress and court activities of the royal palace Included In the collection ar a number of items sot usually associated with dolls TM an minstur oxen pulling Iwo wheel tart incense burners flowers and the sort At present the 'collection which numbers more than 35 pieces in addition In a largo Japanese doll !mitre full of 'Igor b on display at the Nasughu Beach chapel In ' Japan Mrs Graves husband tut artny major is chaplain at the cjiapel Ho formerly held a similar post at Fort Douglas In Salt Lake City When the Graves family leaves impart In April to return to the noted States Mrs Graves will bring her collection with her - I r: U 'Think of a hundred different kinds of dolls and you would never guess the !type yolected by a Balt 4 Ammals i Gathers 35 !11 i!ni7Lteturesi ' : S L Woman - - dLibl &woo Itithe SPrtles MI Praostoto "biros Oat Uwe to lu ' ' Moto to- - Jacksoo Wyoming Pooh Woo Moo" Ortoo Rivet Snook los &molt Swot Went tit Ilk $t Sorb Sprints moon Sootit Motor 104 Ow St Soomperen !homing t IOU |