Show - - - - - --- - - - - ' : - - L THE SALTLAICE TRI1310'N'E r - ' ' ' ' - ' - - UTDO ORS I - - fly-:- ' I DON BROOKS -- ---- - - -1 ' -- e"4 -- L- '- - - : f f ' - -- fr -- 4- it ' tr A ' - - - 1i e:pid o L I eheihr----bittlogical it ? - il- a - - " ' 4 ?' i f rny: 1 y'i- - - - - ' - rtub: t - - - ' -- " - 'i '4il 44 - 'N 1' -- - '' - ' - 1- 4406: : z- - - - A' - h It? "' 50-pot- ii l - ' I ' chark dam Tto deep easy's us loacearat- Me except to thew alio tido brats dolma tier river E ' $y IIII coltrin - ' '4411P ! Ay r I I ' 4 - ' 1 sew Joors: i it 6 9 r - 0: - r'-''''"V- c- '' Briggs wnireLakMrsreetNcurniitiels°177:alydEwpMehre°rar°ionimn from ' Hilltop seven highway 89 miles north of when they oathe road sigLehttedyrelaphon it: ' slighted my trusty automobile premed firmly on the gas pedal and the cat was In the bag s I mean the car trunk" Noise from the trunk Indicated the cat was able to do a bit of scratching on arrival in Ephraim By morning however- - all quiet Nielson exhibited the cat Ephraim school childrek and admiring Mends Nis next move U to collect a bounty 9- 7 1 v -- I - - ao 0 - s - - Licenses r 1 re-ft- he 0 ' on Sale Go- -- s - i - " - - - - h' thrseut : 1 r111 - for -- — - I --- m 1 — -- ---- spEcialGay - -- 0 - ' tetnref - $ 0 - '-- - ' -- - r 6g2t1UE- (02 iithe irlcaEITIc:11 J Get ' - 7 - - fa - - - ' -' - I flto - r I 'n" w - --- ' r About the only argument ' 'enforcement problem" given ' taking of a few moaning on the early opening of i for forbidding the reason '' II a trout better than that ' I Deer creek memoir lo whether be dreamed up let's go i "1'00 the pond wig be opened for ag!cannot without twdirea3c11Lcation sorts of fishing or restricted the enforee: 1 t tol From perch 4 meat Emblem"' boys are going to It Before further going ) might 116'Llw'm at wv commission meet- I out be old Ilea' that the pointed 11 Those wishing to catch plicanto to and in bunting licenses titah's 1950 fish an gam The fish and game commis- init realizes 11114 doesnl care all - :sion two duties tenses are 03 sale at all agencies I cattish or common lab after that as formerlyrequir edthat it we want to see is Armond the licenses will will Ca date not be see that Utshos get t state to kast—to rr be a have 1 Duplicate at throughout required med this year for those lost Carr maulirttaallbuiLinitih! surtshine the most possible for the fishing chief clerk fish and game depart- - 1950 licene in a tunas man 1111M11 hil twbeing IIP there' beenSe JIMMY and to on that theanent announced Saturday -The I A new type license has been warned Anyone losing a license do'have one beet law is enforced: However? be required to purchase a new old licenses bettorn invalid on issued this year S695 are getting a Mae fed up with) To open Deer creek reservoir The commission are attached To Comet litonntrid 21111019 recently i el of Hemet to be used in ease the abandoned the former practice of tWe 'enforcement 'problem" usedifor perch and aot for trout would Spodal Sosenks Fan 0 holder wkshes to apply for eny of lutumg a duplicate on payment of to argue against letting the boys be admitting failure on both the special hunting permits In- - 30 cents Aftor Skiing keep the trout they might eatch!counts Few trout will be caught t S793 C:CX 1111:11InS! ": eluding antelope and elk What Moccasins aamsor Ihataltasehlrailgtastrwtouldldratr Milliounitilaitiat al2b arhi IS alk f Spar'smen are advised the colt- I b em belg elt bors rot load r -- v -- -- --- -' Prompt a book baited- with a I --- pons are the only fype of appli- -' Spill 31ars Race erdere-1"- s guy catching mess on the Provz taken elf Gets-EEstate of Wallace With Automobile! Ile cation that will be accepted for But to most anglers one and then he FlaMarch 23 l'ilAMIt saying - -caught 'trout is worth a jamakePerebanainydGlers ir Niehda BUCKSKINDAIC— special permits The new system et Ephnitzwith so bobestile got kerromuywhile will make It lannetelMty for op spin marred the running oret the them hi the reeervoirr 11111 it leemsLyidiculoust Beery deceased Selitil Stile - —Tito is answertrr Is now dolma Niekroa eat ea this for -absolutely Guitstrentd-Bat one Itightrayw toss bock oos bounty look's( opening total nothing Nothing can prevent any- orday when Arotmd Town ridden one Offers Ito sell subject to from catchinga mess on the -----1' irrankie Behr stumbled and by --- '- - - - - --Elder County Pro- - fell on the stretch turn and caused Provo liver Tight liele—extePt the - --- - -- - - - - - '' -- - - -wara tear etteicted t"-by Setting and Reeder:1 - - — : - —7 °I jockey l'o'cit-e-y'"" bate Court approval ldownt'" 1 Boi warder& cotddn't ere a den If to Both co I ' were taken to netuty Hollywood - a guy fishing I n the Provo these WALLACI Merl dusk beet t -- Milker AdjainitsetillS Sark heprobahlv couldn't see them for xroyo hospital esmil table beekvill See $eky creek were Deer reservoir II open and II Chtb mowberaltip letettel seer to fishing '14 kJ Inippet paek ' in ' Bled Ione ' ' ' ' : ' I Ibrishem City Simple Solution I 1 Coth tor inwow Ity tee Sete WAULACE ' ' I 111f! It the "enforcement problem" ' i'' Snit IldliC31181111 seems so difficult to those who '' ' stern to delight In reducing Instead -- --bay owl ell effete will be flelit of Increasing the outdoor sport In ' ' ' ' solution 'Utah a here h 6 I simple I : FAIRGROUNDS ' ji" : to It diamb : Write et tostmts Anyone who knows an3rthing t knows reservoir about there the - A Want aandark ' ' COLISEUM s - I ' Sale 11101no ta Today are °My three ways to leave the - items tor labscutore -cancome down the ' lake You tan ' I '' ' Star re Wallow 1111f : GOODYEAR ETIVICE yon and cross the dam you" can : lin trattaestal Saab Bldg ernes tho d WOWS ONLY THUT14 Se Charlestonbridge nei Ird ter 1 141114 Utah 1 Fr dot City ' can Ilidwav or toward 111v swing you & lad East 011441 OUNCES Atits704' Trieptionto 4713t up toward Heber- DAY ' MI Slititial MADCIUMITUS ii Thus three wardens situated at m1 i ithose three soott could easily --- ' every fisherman and glee ' --t him a tab of some sort vetifYint ' ''Nt the fact that any trout - were ‘ : ' - In the resereole-The- : If ' - ' - - ': - ' caught -theenglers were stopped by a war- - "2 - -- - ---- -k ' ifft des' later to they world have the ' tt t ' tab to prove that the fish IrPre 41-- - handle! EASY In of waters the the open caught ' : ' 1"i ' reservoir If a mow of trout were ' ' 0 found and there were no tab- then EASY ()tithe face! 'trouble would start Illi: -- ' r- lok' ""11' ' ' Ares Cloned ' EASY dean! 1 '''--- Aetually few- - trout will Ise ' 4"4" caught for the fish and game tomEASY e change blades! s''"- 71 mirtion unquestionably wilt keep - i 0that part of the reservoir right 4 ' around the mouth of the Pmvo i closed- There won't be one river trout per angler caught and you ' can on bet that - ' - i - There never Is much 'enforce- a ment" at Deer creek- - It In unnec- ' it essary in ono respect Impossible in another Tot' can't keep the churn- ' mars undee control on anv large body of water and regardless of No tonnes about those 'Easter Bonnets' what method h used there will III be duroed few limits taken there 1 11 but If you wont "socond took' eepecially If the wte-Prov- around the mouth of ia kept closed 77 ' ' shades 7 and shapes smartness the flowed of new until the regular opening ' "fp ItoCt:' ' '' ' -: Doesn't ' ' ' Matter ' and a world of wearing ease ' - s 0 ' a's we pointed Out before It 14 ' you'll choose a hot from Hibbs''' doesn't matter any to the old tk by Real Dope If the commission STETSON or LEEI Shown ore just two of wants to open the thing just for t li GE14- - perch that is an right with us and 4cr ' be a grand move But let's our big new Spring selections ' 0not have ally phony reasons like i '- THROUGHOUT UTAH - - bentecaautr ' I ' - t 10 i- t I' THE REAL' DOPE ' - I1 - - Site of Proposed Echo ParkReservoir I ' - :01)364e0A"mriuk moi '41144116 ilwoommoe This aerial view of rugged area maw' a Colorodal Utak border woo rakes close to alto at proposed ' ' L- te ' I lita4s '''' - t 1 - ' -- Ephrami Man Gets' Bobcat While Driirnior - e -- ' °I''S - - y- 0:-- ' ' - - voiced--nopositi- ' t- ' a - ---- - ' - g : ' o c "2 I '' 1 use -- 1 - 4 '4 - -- areas-impossi- - I - : Z- - - i -- OIE t ' '' - it - erd -t- t i - downsteesmirearh v ' 4 c ' I — — -- - — — —— ----- -- -- A t ' -- ii 1''':- --- 7 ' - tc - s- - ' 4 tL 4 '' - 1 - - — 1 : entire-charact- ' tt 0" 1 - - - gen-ivalu- ee - s - - 17talt-Colora- --- t -- - 1 - - —ra v - - - - - - this comer replies that At Its annual convention thethese i voice of the nation's wildlife con- - Green which towers from 2500 to tdarly scenic $ut what good lilt if lowing construction of BouIdertxp3ofteL are men who have seen I Eren- more Important wasithe entire drainage has been tbor- able tro?t waters decrease dosvn servationista has Issued a press 3000 feet It Is difficult to see howl' you can't get to the area to see Itrdam the Wildlife ifederation -"--7 ' l studied- - Echo Park Is the """"" of organized through the yean as result of release opposing the proposed the reservoir would have much Construction of the dam Would development of excelled trout !ougiletalY - states largest groupa resolution siteand tt will in no way - entail" construction of fishing in the Colorado 'bolo the i in 'many construction Proiecta- effect on the apparent- height anortsinen passed iproJect -of the I - 'the towering cliffs" -' an access over Echo road which case the adurtin However in in of This constructioni That thoudam agreesit came!'destrojt development proposed generally lt ---Itlabour-14resu' " this" uniqua national monument"t or :removal sands travelen—the "Creent"Perk It liras explained ecmstructionlment -- withover-al-l: tourist ECho—Parit could silt dam of 'of I would ' I mean deVIOPMnf of on the Fag DOWistlrtafli the stream The Green and i!as the institute farther contend& borderiactuidly would create recreational' 'consetion policiea is not In! - — to ttils - --other major boating site 10 an area 'Tampa also are heavy kilt carrierst Sunitried op- - it appears not presently eveneeteleereeteret where- -' Eel! "ark taL - -With-eett-- - iriver delegates used to a ' tn' wItoPortant!shere there are all- tow law auchIt iseenta reasonable to presume-evrite- r: that LUIS- : further sdo the testdution tioncerried" policy ofepposition to ' - much - gain to a have ediogicaj remains7 the materallea -- ' sportsmen It would mean waterway so'then that Echo Park comtniction and game valuespassed ' 7 speritteux the"laitititte metal: ' leen wherelab scenic- ortniuston-rt- oadditional- - fishing- -through Eclio Pork construction m times bees invoieed were surprised t ' an area 'where because of its m '' now by the action That was s aot !matter the Wildlife - Something accessibility they have absolutely latrine& It must be remembere& linstitute Powerful Washington I fluctuating water revel Many specfrom the Proposed dam site- - As tot We will not dwell at length' on r 'tisculsr nothing to toentersoneand came- site& the only- 'mown onesdevelopment Of new fisheries be- as v beautifulstreams- and would lower ere those used by the handful ()Ciiause that requim investigation! Arid here We would like to point I The institute Matter of ! - -4 :' eis 1 toI new 1iW! has 0 evert dare Tout something 2 policy 0 en th pe ' Lotu experts-not s c1 ' 11 ' I the dam construction within le A' 1 going v ' A cliffs wp!ich now ehameteliaa this Green each year 11 there is w writers or construction engi- - hear of anyone 0 i ' -I:f life habitat within the canyon - I '4 - si -- e t : ' However it seems logical to iBlack canyon of the Colorado for I'most yeersIn most instances Oda beautiful area?' 1 -J t recreational ": s he beAo or 21 any other corner atteImpting to protect rec-of much importance -j t :: i :2 10 ' 2 'Important archeological re can't - ti ''' point out that fishing cant be to the comlruction reational value& has felt" the crit- ''''' ''' ''! " cause no one on foot could " - "' -' ' ' - 1 ' t ' prior :41 IP' hobbe mains wildlife a sites can't pursuit and la -r'r that 4' camp dangered place i i -' ''” ex- licism justified But there are sibly get to lithed itat' would be Intutdated" lot Boulder dam? 3' Thum wcitcte acquainted with! On the other band all of ta's are! The 1 Institute contends Echo ceptiom to every rule IP ''4- 'd ''' 7 '" 4 i ' ! ' - ' ef ' 1 110-'----the area state flatly there are no:familiar with the fine bass fishing Park should not be constructed Echo Park is an exception to the 1 irr Existing Areas - r -” - '' - - t''' recreational areal' Main" that developed loxlake Mead foluntil alternative sites have been ruleit i 0 IL ?Existing recreational areas existing 1 '' r hod an Y tained 4 Y by ' 1' ' 0 maintained by the park gervice ' --o - - -- -I t '''ft--" 4 - ' " ' would be iii -- 1t ' 4 ' —t t destroyed and detailed proltpeerdsh°t11 dtlambe alketit Jo laerni:lredd thine i? f I 1 ' °" t'''it ' '- " 1: - ' ' r for future of 4 - ' development plans ht7 of one the heart most of the ( :)-1'I — the moment- - now delayed because' 'accessible regiorts in the nation la ' t it: : -: 1 of insufficient appropriatiom and 'view of that tf F ' '' ' i the institute 'a state- ecause rbof the current thmt to meat - " :' future regarding monument ' be would deLelop the to have ' ment i the by park ir' ' -0 ' I a bandoned?' i f" ' poseefillrnhillThis writer lies not toured the tetris!niewliThvathlruee'terresincesenreee ' i area ' but those who have brioview how the area ever ran be de 1! - r tni v- back Intulmutl°11 the a ' following 1 except through medium of — ‘ fwhich Is offered in rebuttal to the soeloped - i 1 EPHRAIM March 25—Clen R dam the ' ' e" institute's statements: ' 2! Nielson has been t t ' oe-i e ' e ''"' ' " ' ' ' t struttinifaaround L Average depth of the met'-- ' 0 s i ' 4 ' -- Good Whit ' these parts proudlihodis ' be n''' votr 235 4( tr? would Mt This water From i r1--- g ' bobcat Is ps t t ' ' would be contained within walls of has whet this writer mean looking but fortu? S f plenty i0 inon the will with ' the heard be gorge ' Temps the Yampa agree e : ofIl e i nately plenty dead river and Canyan of Lodore on the Mute that the region is speetae- 414 t '' ' ' i Beres how It Imprinted " A -' - Tmmuolnomemnnap ' avail-Uta- h : - - - - - " ' - - ' Snorts' man s View on ' ° ' - -7 -- -- J-- - e 1950 - ' t itart h 26 Sumfay - ' - -- ' - 88 - - - - i - ' - Pm - - li - ' Nrsal - - - -- 7 -f -- - 9 - 113'1irs14:-::':- -- ' - to - '-- - " - - - to to ' - - - ' into Spring r t L 7 - - : ' 7 A ' 11 o - - - - -- ' - - - til - ' - " :i 7 '' STETSON "Musketeer" Auto 'Jests ' i ' - $10 - 1- - - ' Ness es aseenew wale& peed sheds set off by mnfrestiyi otroo bold-LE- I "Adventure"' - 0 vol-NI- S - 1 tyouszt lot' "' r - — - '"' 1 $10 - s'Aal:' b Igh12111 seeded vow howd'llt asupier-Sprin- g dmidr '4' - ' A CLEAN SHAYS IPS A RASH with new Feather Weight Gem! Never before a ' razor ao bghtaosesty to useso amazingly-- 7' ' gentle! Enda 15 clock Shadowl A tallSH RADS INA PIASHI Razor deli Gent Pugh-ra-h open-n- en sow ' "t - ' 1 unwrapped blade its -' la snaps an - - split second! - $1 ‘i K tv — I -- - ' 1- ' " C) ' It i - ! "01 All 40 41 2!" 221I SOilTH MAIM - - 111 st daytime keup fies the ?U 11Y oily thidoso ' : KIATE-PAILN- 421 Ia 51" Watts liPttst im me Pls allwi 16119 ' ' ' 49 ICE -- Stroke ' - ' ''' 4'1 :1:v ' ':( -- 1!4---- - - - ' - - :- I ci II 'I 'Cji'"'N - I Vettyra THE PRICE i ao I SLADti ALONE 7 ' ' - ' NNISIls"0 al At141 " "III"Peapiot r'ing ono e aliC4181 Nair sod - 1441( - - 10 ELADes — ' 7LUE ' ®0 l'ierltd Stzte vrta tho E Yor mriame 11111415 ''''' - 4 Rikzor) BLISH-PAI- C ' - - TimillivERsARIER FICA' - z k 00 49 ' - - 4 II 1 - - 114 $ - s - $174 Vele inth-- g gee ' --- "4--- ' - -- - -- - -- This - is am a Im 41 offor - Sir b - aortiman SAMY ) L Altk - (? IMAMS COOP g000sturn I Nv - -- ' - - I 1 - ' - - s II |