Show "DUI!'" With the :Green Thumbers DI1OriNS 17011 DIG - to Hear Experts Gardeners Flock to Spring' Fiesta - SAVEliGS : TrIEE brleatal Sye- fleas Loudon BeautiEld large leased Immet free Owe E the very best dwo well in any location 9 ers-16any soil &more — A eapacity audience filled The Salt Lake Triliuno-Tel- e grans auditorium each evening Mat week Monday through Friday for the Spring Garden fiesta sponsored by the Utah Associated Garden clubs and The Salt Lake Tribune-Tel- o — srlitnE BEST 4 t W M Italy is general chairman of the project He by Gitimpvvo H Folsom utorsot swim' Meer - - la - tea- - assisted nion meat M Cummings Mrs Hrs Parley A Papworth chairman of the day sound farm- - 4'How to Grow Hosea" was shows Mrs J L Aahtoa presided at the meet Flower arrangements were tured Demorterationa of floral displays were given by Hrs Darren Howard Mrs Horses Darrant Mrs Ralph carbon George c Wareing Mrs H W Brewar and Mrs Joh VmwmaL ' - by Mrs Ella Reu- Fern Woodbry rem tenon Mr and Mrs Earres Smith and Mr and Mrs L W Minims It will be dedicated to those who lost their lives In World War IL This series of meetings ' brought local green thumbers Editor's Notes The k a week long clinic of practical VA OaSperisl a tbe Utah Aso dal Piave mionerical we better Information General garden dated Goatee dubs Notice of chairman for the clinic was - je' - Prko Betts A new memorial addition activities al affiliated ergami Walter M Keller prominent Election of office ire took 'being made to um salloos as well as other tank nicipsd recent roserian of at Arose garden sponsored by the meeting place dubs abeeld be received M Popular sarietkm Freshly Urn Garden Price club Mrs Claude L Shields was the Granger Garden club on the hest aim week before publics dug healthy field grows mot the speaker at the Tuesday - a J Reeve' was named peed- - - grounds of the North Jordan lieu date lead al &modes club waxed guaranteed to hams cle club Chinch of sews to Genevieve IL hisses June evenbtg session She discussed dent Next meeting of the ‘:Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y the proper planting of roses will be beg April 4 with this year Telegram Garden editor ear on film rose culture Saints according to Jesse of btgoted and gave an actual demonstrathe Salt lake T r I ba s ' shown C It Walter state Clark publicity chairman of halt Lake Telegram Sidt Lake lion of torrectpruning meth the Utah Roes nociety ode Fred Augsburger- - presi- president will be special guest City 10 Utah dent Utah Rose society T AT PRICES tAimots Orkin showed colored slides of out- - L W Hillam 'rotational standing rose varieties PEI1ENIVIALS Soils and fertilizers were agricultural instructor at 1 'kat and newest Pie Die Hy- featured on Wednesdays pro- - - Granite high school and C RAlsoWalter W irocalional Utak Hallam brid Delphinium-- president grant - clubs were Instructor— at bated agricultural (Regular tee)-- -ErliCIAL Granite high school was the speekers at a recent meeting of the Ogden Garden club speaker W C Dunham presiPHLOX all summer ideeming dent of the Salt Lake Flower Mrs David Fronk prpaident 1 A tepuotek gardes perennial Garden club spoke on tuber 7 - was in charge of the program ld Straw plants 4 - -ous rooted best-trie- d begonias varieties Assorted Flora Culture Show The Salt Lake Gladiolus socolors Regular directed the program on Members of thefl Mora ciety See Special for sue week Thursday Speaker- s- included-- - ture Garden club met recently Miles C Lebrun Rion' dell Aat the Art Barn 54 Finch lane AND SAUCER CAN crp Diefendort Smith - A fashion show was held with Wesley TERBURT Very Clifford ' Elliott liforaci members of the club modeling showy sad striking Steed R E Gorham George clothes designed by Beide E A Parsons and Bauble lire Howara SuF N Perkins JRedHoover! -m- meritays was the commentator Willard Jensen McGred Mrs 'Theo Kendall was in 8 J Thiiou Margaret Table decorations were In Rose Marie charge of the last meeting charge of Mrs Ab Jenkins and ColorSWEET WILLIAMS Condesa DeSastage Mn P S DuPont -- ful sad showy as f ROSE BUSHES ' ' 59 stake-taberna- - 1'o2 Evergreens ' GIVE-AWA- p E ThGSL'ECILiL 25 OuaIify ROSES - three-year-o- :25 Each Extra 15e each for $183 15e each 8 for $183 S - of Geld the popular trim reek garden plants regular liee SPECIAL - ' 25e ea 3 for 65e PEAT MOSS - - lbs' 1C3 $379 LAWN SEED Cover Special Mix-- - Ego round --P- et - tmerald sze Green—- PerPod Aroma G njos t $275 Alamoslava 2 Nitra tes 10 lbSs : Bose Near— Best 10 Nurserko and Greoubousre Iota Vest sad Fifth South (lordote River) - S7'itil 0 44 01ee rCOIAPiETE PLINT - FOOD LIMN OniterPol riageens amps's t7 the week for Utah will be the 22nd annual state convention - it of Futur tr - Farmers ' of 1 America at the Newhouse 'idc hotel in Salt -I Lake -- City ' k from Thum- - day through 0)s) Saturday Program bighlighta will include eon- - : L Caledonia Autumn ' - Talisman 0 Pres Stabell speech test preliminaries and finals on the opening day election of chapter members to the State - Current president is Stahell of Hurricane toile - De10110nd Christopher Stone Douche - McGreclys Sunset Mrs E G Hill - ' Girona Picture i don of state officers oaths afternoon of the dosing day 4 Golden Rapture - Sister Morse Ami Quinard ity Nt - - - Mrs E P Thong Heinrich Gaede Pink Devitt - Sunday' and flontlay Only! Donald - High point of the convention will be the Sweetheart banquet Saturday at 1 p m in the 110 0 :Discount Newhouse hotel when chapter sweethearts will compete for the title of PTA Sweetheart TREES SHRUZS 2 All cm - EVERGREENS - Start Mite Control Program Early these spring treatments should reduce cab outlay for more newer chemicals exPensive later in the season' Much of the mite Injury which occurred during 1b49' could have beet avoided had orchardists cleaned up their trees well by spring use of lime sulfur or not sprays followed by mite control as mites appeared during the summer Too many fruit growers and horns waited until Mite It will be too late to prevent - gardenersbecame damage apparent beserious mite injury if tree and foretrying to control That debush fruits are allowed to go Dr lay was a serious mistake until mite injury actually apKnowlton pointed out r pears before control treatments are made 'Alert fruit growers regularly examine Chock Row Interval their trees throughout the maIn planning your vegetable son applying mite control garden make the width be sprays promptly when mites twee rows for root crops lest The mite- control program crops and bush peas and beans can be conducted largely with just wide enough for your wheel hos to cultivate it with lime sulfur or oil eprays dur sass trip tig the spring It well done control on fruit trees must begin early if weather la favorable as it will involve delayed dormantsprays to clean up everwinter- ing mites as well as later sprays to be applied whenever mites appear if mite injury to' Utah orchards is to be avoided this year declared Dr O F Knowlton extension entomologist at Utah State Agricultural Soil Is 1Coy The entire soil management system of a 'farm depends largely on the kind of soil which makes up the farm— SUNDAY MARCH 26 1 950 4 Farmer degree selection of American Farmer degree candidates ot the State Star Farmer and state winners in various phases of farm sactiv Addresses by members and visiting speakers win dot Abe program which will bring elec- : Pandranda ' Poinsettia ' President Hoover -- LEON BROWN FLORAL CO: Phone Los Angeles Future Farmers Convene Major rural youth event of tOe Ms $1C3 available - itsket AURRIETIA-ARABI- "' Otto LOGAN---llit- e GARDEN SUPPLIES Lawn—Flower—Vegetable Peat - - SEEDS Moss—Sprays—Tools' - I e Service Expert Id:Ends-capFree 'Estimate' - - Complete Lille of Patented Roses OPEN Sundays and :Evenings PHONE -- 8-9- 731 PflTICIEIIIL'i-- 9E1T IT ' 2733 -- South Stab o Street H 10 |