Show 26 March TUE SALT LACE TSIBUNE Sunday T71 ICSO 0f Shrine Will Take Oaths UOh :W prpéri 1)-iiieiit1'- 'Re1ätb7BiadtViUel'a4'7::7:t:::'Ti'-:- : On an utternoon in November fortroeven- faculty wires and women facult y members met at the hems of Mrs Joseph T Kbigrburlf and rermed the Uld- 'trait" of Utell Women's club During World War le the Urd worsity of Utah Women's club Their purposs is lo promote so 11009 - Looking owe post history of rationality of flak Women dub aro Mn Ilawy IL Fred Jr Ord 1 vies presided Mrs Mobert 0 Plane soll Mrs Georto Irsdrrd &Walla $eillra President Ladies' Lit 6rary Group-Will- s Sponsor lictInual Silver Tea AlcDthvell Fund -- Tho drama sumdo &adios of the Ladial' Literary dub win sponsor Its annual paver tea for tho lifettowell fund at the dub house 1150 East South Tem Tuteday at 130 pan Mrs Adrian F Simmons win be in charge of Sur gala &Wain A beautifidly decorated tea tam bla will be offset blr pink triPern A center piece of pink 000nWd flowers caught with pink satin streamers and bow knots will leo arranged by Itra lirletonthlir reservations Ilia by Friday for Watt:ay-touri- st at settaa 11 aro la will meet Tuesday tho club house Mr Allen T Sanford will present a paper oa tho wpinning j a a y and the weaving loom Ira Arthur la Planar will speak ea home sew Marie Dongall The imastrel program will be under the direction of Mn Per 0 Perldtm Mrs Carrot E t - The followbig Sr the section meeting ochedulerd for the Amer kan Association of thdversity Women: The Music Study grotip meet at 8 pm Morulay Bessie Nickerson meeting place on campus call for Dr David Shand will present an illustrated leave on 17th century murk Tbe Social Studies group will meet Tuesday at 8 pm at the home of Dr Olivia McHugh h ave for a discussion oa dthe American and British Bill of Rights can Dr AkIlugh for reservations The Afternoon Oct Acquainted group will meet Wednesday at 1:30 pm at the home of Mn 69-et- l'ARc PEO Schedules Meets chapter Monday at home of Mrs nuns win meet It St the T:30 pm W M Hodgson ave 2152-11- th will meet Tueeday 8 pm at the borne ot Mrs atCbp$rtQ Rdwin H Lee are 411-10- th r clothing drive& In of then aervicesi the of Utah Women' University club received dtations from 'War TMC thew department the tho YWCA During the presiden a num beeor student swam projects and n Notable wet is amorrig those were Um establish odertak a student of &tin In ixt to the graduating trims the highest university vitt Us licholastio average After Peed Harbor the Uni- of versity activities into war work Recreation and ohnlY rooms for service men wets tom pletely Furnished at - the Ea the thdversity Lake stir be stadium surd in the field bouts eritailed the soliciting colletting mud refinishing of fun& This fure sort the buying and snaking of drape Necessary funds for these projects w c is raised through Individual donations aid by a tour of the model mho os the campus Donations Well given to the War Cheat the Red Cross and War the Victory took dries bond and stamp sales during one driva alone totaled over eighteers hundred dollar& Ilene be helped issue ration books and acted as b a 0 d donors r Throughout the war thew Actively Interested ilk national civic welfare the Unreel silty of Utah Women's dub is afMated with the Salt Labe Come cil Of Worms the Women's and Legislative cotmcit and the Salt Lake district of the Utah of Women's dubs Still ea the agenda of - the WOLSOU of the Uniforty-firversity of Utah Women's dub is the election of officers the Aprd dinner-dam- e and the dosing vestt of the year the annual Fed-orati- on st V-- realty Claud Call ironies presidents honored Rebekah Udi The Noimt Olympus lodt Rebekede No 50 will celebrate Its twentieth anedversary Tuesday pm In the 100 hall 41 Poet °Mr rL litra taledia deppson Noble Grand- - et the lodge will preside The guest of honor en this day will be past president Irene Sudbeimer who Instituted the Sugarbouse lodge In 1930 Seated aroimd the restively decorated birthday table will be at the following the TOOP halL 41 Post Office pL Call hirs Isabelt Murphy or Mrs Arny V Carpenter for row emotions - 7 r- 1: $ Madiant chapterEreadoEow tag settles of the 0 E 5 will meet at the home of Mrs W J - 41 4!r— i: Smith 1359 Princeton arc at T:30 pm Reservatkma may be made with Ada Beagle or Blanche Cameron Tbe Rookiere dub will meet at 8 pm at the horns of Mrs John O Simonsen 1453 Ilintab 4" aw dr Mrs L R Morrison sent a book review- I will pro Vie Friendship- drele of the Worms etvlbe Mums will meet at 8 pm at the home of Mrs V E Cedermalat: 211 Hubbard Kimaited Ti TrtSDAT The T H Ger tittle No Ladles et the Greed Army of Republic will meet at the Labor ' temple 1514n4 East at 2 pm 01y1) Rest low 850 ‘STOTIAGE ‘'0 f ' "4114tion- otor al OAST Mink ' prove Slug trotise refs's - Sears complete fur service includes repairing restyling manufciduring - - SOUTH HOUISt 9:30 sms ' - to 111 'Webber Kenneth KDallas Mrs Kathryn Dawson Mrs Irene Beale Mrs Fred L W Quick StaktIng Mrs 1su-rhire Anna Waktemst Jordleoe and Cluerles Lelia Ths program will bs under the directlest of Mrs Don Butholoflew and Mrs I3rues L Allen y AT r-?-" )acony Installed No NT" Daugh- Lytais temp ters of the Nil will conduct Insta Matisse corewanists In tho auditoriums ot flu litasonk tem South Temple Thurspie 650 day at pzn Queen e3ect Dardel Bock end otheir 'lune and sippointire officers will be Installed by tho wigwams Princess 'loyal ot the Supreme temple 2tri Meario C Keit mak aseststet by the following 1 suits 1 cf 1 e IA IPP indin p t' 1 n 8 H put quesrar lira Jed F WoolMrs Arils C inutile ley Jr WLIflrn Nrs liam 3- - Datia Wil- 31rs Lyons and Crockwell Cecil Seekers' Club To Breakfmt SeekerS Ira aria club Literary hold S W will Seclor Mn WEDNESDAY The Chapman Chie deb will meet at the Chapman library Sth West and eth South 4 ' THURSDAY The WaliMdi Were kiss Ns Idadktt auxelors te the at 2 pa Brotherhood et lailmind Tndio nee will bold a dinner at S pirra ha the Labor temple pot-ba- ck Salt The Lets (harder No 112 Women eelf the theeei torlD held a party blare la ban at their a 1130 presented by Poragreti "Oat ea a la the tills The Irri-- L dab will have book pm Afton Limb"' review I Tbe IL-home Z deb Mil meet at tbe of Mrs Why wris GLbe Zit William Layton Flint Ift fora - - SAITIDAY The Meentee Maccabees 1 pm coolest stut in the MAL pano-frkla- ys 51 PARK FRIE Until 9 wcw!-I-- - Vaasa' ass two Jimmy in Jane when It's tool because Ws ribs Desch wrool-nyo- &cony craftsmen tut 'it detail ps for -" ahnost weightless - coat Na6 2Z will meet at the 10 0 Pm hall 41 Post Officio pl 'at 10 n March membership contest awards will be presente4 n because Ws proportioned to yowl' figure- - Osammookeelly "- Ga LIMON? I THE OMIT W ' litoosetwitiolotootossoWlamentelli Of PALM savs 7as you Charge or gage As Too CAN LOSS A POUND A DAY Trav L1M:CD WAY - 0 Consult Guinnutts Professional Figur Analyst Special Roamed Isles NOW DIAPPIOSI 41144Sli Ow OppJilin Id lednowity Mirtv-on- PRtWaPnY I sthn It ha2 tiara In Cc sew r00111 41palsommovir - that's ptactn-smootto see to t ctoes natter you—atal dat t7 - tap dancing lessons twin tol - '1 h to fit sad aa-e- and tr: 1 PA 30 at 'who"' BRIDAY -1 CLE11111Z!G ER Eva 1 0130 YOU WANT TO16118'1 gni lltra 1tra Stria Blinkered Ifery Jordl son lire Margaret Burroughs laSt Yak ave Queen Elect to Tbe !Bedewed will meet at 1 at the home of Mrs Charles pm Wheeler ring Special Cembincticn STATE AT members vrill Lloyd siss bit priest ass et Iris esserri Is April CALENDAR 4' 02 charter IL irdesall Installed I I &V& - MONDAY The Itanser Review No 11 Woman's Benefit Assn will held a public card party at I pin in 'MUM Kra be It Rufus Campbell and Mrs IL T Large Sara Lars lideCordis Clark Is program chairman - LUSTERIZI:G C To Celebrate Mrs& Bull Theodora for reservation& Be Gallatity princeee: biro Williarci C llogenson awirbuit princess: Mrs Jack IE Weiss first ceps monial lady and Mrs Louis J Cots second ceremonial tidy The Oriontal Shrine is composed of wives mothers daughters and sisters of Sluinenf and Its purpose is a more congenial aseociation amongst those women and to fulfill charity project suds as their work with the Ehrhiert Crippled Children's hospital High priestess Mrs ILkcyd will hove bs early May for Pittsburgh Pa where she will- — Grand Connattend a three-da- y ea sessioa At this session the programs for the corning year will be discussed and the Grand Mrs Lucille High Trieste Field will choose the national The 1949-6- 0 project project was a "Wishing Well ono of which was placed ht each shrine over the nation spring luncheon at wtdch tww officers will be installed and put Women again Utah their channelled erred regularly at tb U S either as hostesses ew with the club canteen limit-- y loan fund which to forte and the presentation each year of a gift aunt Its 'Feud pesidenra break fast Tuesday at 1 pm at the Civic center Mt South Main Rodesee will be afro F Gutte- I I soap and recognition lonn-Wa- chapter II will meet Tuesday at 1 pin at' the home ot Mrs R D 'Taylor 2$ N State et Chapter S will meet Tuesday at 1 pm et the home of Mrs George U Potter 35842th Dust ample: 4L wlfl meet Bator 'day at 1 pm at the home of Mrs MA Eettior1530 Indians to I p11 e members addition Release Dates of Meetings - I In regularly itsrAted An ail Libertl installation of the ofthe Iris court Nt 47 LOW' Orksital Shrth e will to held April 11 ht an LIS pin careloonr to be solemnised in the Iodise Literary club El E South Temple lira Edward R Lloyd will be butalled as high priestess by the past high priestess Mrs Keith E Good The installing be lira Harry wurshall Thi following E Thompson officers will 'also take their oath on this occasion Mr Cart Tho ficers of American University Women -- Burk Prrsideat and Stri Perkins will Pour during the Us A- - Sew boon Contact Mr& Mn Oscar Schroeder or Mra W- it A mitigated ciability and to render vendee toward the growth of a greater untrereitYv Trio following char-ter members aro known to be living and many ars still active Loaders in the club: Mrs F W ftdreynolds Mrs Z W Febrile& Mrs Richard B Lyman Mrs John Z Brown Mrs 1 L Gib son hirs George Marshall lir& Milton Bennie& Mrs Z H Beck- strimd Mr Robert H Bradfor& Mrs R W Fisher Mr& Mostar Ilan Miss Mary Moorhead Mina Charlotte Burch Mise Nellie Merman Miss Jeanne Borne Mrs Fred J Pack Mrs Mary B Fox hini R L McGill and Mra J IL 'Tipton ' During World War I the UM- of Utah Women inane verity tamed a Hostess Muse fee army personnel tattooed on tho campus Beer daily members entertained berries men and their guests providing homeniade rt-freshments music game & read-lag and writing materials and a snewiing service' They also pose wired dancing partie& picnics and excursions for the ooldiers and opened their homes to them on Sunday& Red Cross units met 47 COURT FACULTY AND WWFS o Sau:N 14111 - cr |