Show 77- 4 Aunt Hattieis'Kitchoi Talk by Aunt Haftie '' riainked Elogs - - 1Ih Hilli cup minced cowl ' comktd ' con dried urged truants which you should swank yourself) ' (Veal" at mashedeggspotatoes- -pouched tor rheas from that half a And a Reply - : - 1 ' tee readies's are is from lirk Leftovers the-fir- bi " take Tribune-Telegra- pita the itiowok ' The Belt hers—hut - lealmer m 'ciVedi11 of Cnaking Mix ham Sutd r gewlana using -- ellicalga Cream to make a paste ' 611 a heated steak PlankSpread aalr-1- 1 a flat - kakinS Psm Mak itanrow border of the ntautae4 round the Plartlea Potatoes -- -1- - -- -- nioes Roqiwn4 anyone know 477' how to M illi Irs la cols cold aster - ' 1' cull boiling otter Grated not one orange ' ' ' 33 cup Defeo Juice soak gelatine to cold water 0" 11 1 4 i 1 till Aloft: Dissolve in boiling water Add other bogredients wiz wen pour into mold& that have been rinsed not wiped in cold water Set in refrigerator arrow with whipped opear it ' - ' edge Inside this border plaice Dix beats of masted potatoes sup a nicely washed egg trete each nest set Is oven till po- tatoes begin to bionic Add garnish and aocca Lu plto A -rid — jelly "'" ''''-------is this from T'Ors Rasmussen 209 E 1st South Richfield: Wise Jelly 2 MAP- - granulated a" a - wowed gelatine I cup sherry or Madeira wine UMW s s env caraniteluice VI top t : -- - In A - irreew Deeper lonely in lettuce boa) Aunt Hattie' admits that- - ' ' - ' t of Salt Lake-- °I think I could use the same recipe with Utah small fish"' Omit? she? Such ' ham I - stake' marl' nated herrhig—like the expensive kind yots buy hi bottles ?" asks Mrs Ortrud There are 'thole iettoverm the icebox—not enough of nosy-thing to serve five—vet you an try this out of the taterectis of the baked ham that wouldn't 0 turned out- gaiters InsWI 'irbertio fee SI will be nonited mans oesiling in nar" 'sr:abed la lealemaadserba when -- - ' - - 7-- - - - $11 be seat for printed reeteen enntribated but aid requested Toe limy also 'write sad reumpsid any peels& "'rises dairy& Write i win :: ir44 babkilstbe to Aleut 'Ot 11-- - Herbert Wright meat cutter dplays the istere tifle teclutiese et breekhig the treat 1111111rter How to Cut the Cost - Of -- Know Your Melia CIAO ' ff Did you ever atop to consider that there 111 t more to than round steak? Take a look around the butcher shop and see for yourself If ' woo dual know what the -various cuts are ask your ineatcutter-AU cuts of meat are good protein food Theme cuts most in demand are higher - et el steer late various sections tows which table emirate grill give the swat vase tor le' I 1 - -4 N- -- - for which you formerly paid top price The sonnet prbwiple applies to the modern cuts of standing nr roosts which ere cut with five lib compared to the former cut of seven ribs - - Aids oxi Midget Remember that 1950 incomes are expected to fall belovr those of last year and that you of the steer is comparabe will wit With the man 'behind the7 tively unknown to the average housewife There - counter matching will be important to get the greatest it Itttock and shank neck and the and brisket lowatsbOhlk— Isymimmommmawasmoassommlir : heel of r°4md which sr° all exceleat fm3r° for nutritional value from the most economical -- Rump reset: the tat layer mtopn Ode cut—aosures the housewife buy To do title you must knowyourntits of of a teat flavor Without lowest-m1use a dry sr moist beat: otoriing or ground meat- - These Portion" of the meat 'or tuB meat value compare the beef are all top quality but less familiar than e with This should be the motto 1 goings the pot roasts chuck steaks ribs and rump ' of 1950lowesewife the Lest you consider these cute as 'poor relacase An demand and of interesting supply - bons" of the meat kingdom ask a really fine is found in the of the round comparative prices chef what be thinks of them Chances are he roast and the No 7 chuck roast Round 'is the will tell you that many of his choicest dishes higher and comes from the front quarter of the ) are made from these less familiar cuts beef No 71 of equal quality grade but there t :Trick Ishi the Cooking is a greater supply of this cut per steer This The trick is in the cooking but this hi results in a higher demand for the lesser quarto t ' turn depends on the cut of the particular piece tity the round roast causing the price of the : of beef The meat cuts are separated by your latter to Jump up' meatcutter as to the nature at the muscle To rostatines Meat Vales ' tissue Tour stewing braising and moist-cookisee Please that your husbj4 carves across ! meats are those muscles of locomotion which have been toughened through exercise Dry-be- at the grain of any meat Renmnber no meat ever come ton rolling boil This shrinks meets such as oven masts and broika shotdd steaks are cut from muscles of support which the tissues and coagulates the protein 'twee: thaw the are tender and need les softening Tour dry lag out the natural juices and with OW the mune meat flavor of well a coked beat cuts are the more expensive due to supply at too high principle never cook on dry-beand demand - A new development in the meatcutters' seer-Ic-e a temperature to housewives is to eliminate the mart - This Information comes to you as a service of the Utah State Agricultural College Eiden from the tip of the steak" Although' yba man service cooperating with local merchants steaks house for merly paid top prices porter for your better buying 1950 A B Knowles in actuality were paying top prices for the public relations director and representative of tail end of the steak which is composel of Safeway stores recently conducted this first of muscle of locomotion and should be prepared a aeries of Consumer nducational Institute- Short ribs: the marble-lik-e Your roestctiner now also ohm In The Salt Lake Tribune-Telegraquality of the 111111POS fat bads Itself by moist-heauditoritunz — Ile quirk bralelat followed by the mold cooking Is tenderise Mates the "trimmings" or excess fat sal bone ' assisted by meatcutter Herbert Wright- ' THE SALT MKS TRISIJNI priced-neglect- r ed two-thir- 't - 111 the-pric- k 5 ' at at m '- - |