Show II Is The First Thing You Need For A Cold —a To i Feel Better Fast! --- J flo' - 0- -f I 4 It -- ' 1 - - ofit trisinwatertegraandteswaytitiz- 3 i -- t Nta'17-g- r o AP )4 '10 VV 41 rd IP ---- -- - G — ' -- - ' - At Sports Afield Club the gourmet can enfoy Get BATIR Aseoterie today When you buy ask for it by its full name— Barg Aspirin—not lust for 'aspirin' Because no ether pain reliever sea match its record APS by mouroes el 'aroma peeyier7 without W fad ens thing yea can take with : calsopkte ceolideoce is genuine rare et k - !En ispllGllhi PARADE b- 01x bonder th(oet membranes relieves pain and leritatioa - - - You'll find that Bairn Airline is not only highly effective but wine darfidly gentle too Its single active ' ingredient is so gentle to the eyelets doctors regularly prescribe it even iv liL -q can a this two second with Peet! your own eat gargle that almost instantly - P 6 i v fITt - soothes 1 l WHAT TO DO FOR SORE THROAT BAYER Asrtene is also an excellent medication to use for the -relief of sore throats due to colds You just dissolve three 13avga Asirmni tablets in one-thiel glass of water—and then gargle I - This mashes a highly potent medicio a - ItNow r FEEL SETTER FAST And it's advice that produces fast results For Baru Aspiner is actually reedy to go to work in two seconds That's why when - ' : you take it to relieve these distress- lug cold symptoms you get the re lief you want with astonishing speed By dropping a Ilinvut Airtime 0 r -- - la howingsuicitsy ' --- because BAUD Asrucce brings you quick relief from ' the headachy feverish feeling—and the nesectdar aches and pains—that a cold - wandly accompany Ask your doctor about this We're ‘4' sure he will tell you that no matter what you do to try stopping or shortening a cold it's sound advice - - ---- - - tskene'lla Aimee i 1 1 o-- CM11111111114 At the Brat sign of a cold—helot yogi do iwtything else—you should x -r -4 - COLD effective - A -r- vasevutert that is widely recommended today is aspkin and as much rest as possible because of all cold treat meats this is the simplest and most THit - 4 fish and gaM e from all over the world TO THE HUNGRY MAN who dines at the Sports Afield Club the evening's great mo-mint arrives when be sits down to o calorie- laden'meal like the one pictured above This toothsome repast served to two recently began with Bacardi cocktails (left foreground) and ended with snifters of brandy (extreme rear) In between (from bottom to top) the diners consumed Beluga caviar an Bionis garnished with chopped onions parsley and egg whites ($14) Key West green turtle soup ($250) with Piespirter 137 el' white wine ($151 African antelope roasted in wine and served with Strosbourg pate truffle sauce wild rice and chestnut puree ($28) all washed clown with Chat Brom Contenac Marggox 1900 (B25) endive and kenhockl lettuce with pickled beets (B2:50) a coup Diplomat made of (mins sherbet crushed pineapple and creme de menthe ($250) served with 01923 champagne (S25) and finally demi fosse with s ($110) and brandy ($5) Total bill: $12801 including taxi but not tips to waiters wine steward and gil petits-lour- hat-chec- k |