Show - - - 0' 1farch6 7—THE SALT LAKE TRIBILNE Sunday r - liScoliter 10 11S L Arca - ' - I 7 I lf tour and tyeare as scout executive 'for 'the I Improwoment - A1611" f III IChurch of Jesus Christ of Utter-da- y I- Saints Rock M Kirkham xpects to laws Salt Lake City In il for Santa Barbara Cat 1 be said Oa the coast Mr Kirkham will become associated with tit Miamian council Boy Scouts of Amer- - I 14 ' - 1 it at 4f i -- - - r ' 01 - r ) ' i1 e - $ ' t w ntid-Apr- 8atmyff 4 t TP t ' :444- '' I'be move is being Made as a reult of a policy change by tho Young Men's M IA Wig toe Volunteers in the future scout field service of the church will be carried on by - 7 Ilin 14 I AS 1 91 ' Ikftir - - -- - These MIN toys Thor us Iasi' 'dig bark to - playing toitti ars shisissminisg models at test betiding 1 equipment Is ibis lobelia lit idgtivmy amitosismg Taylor wrist feral halls Gaisids A Dkeles- sod Des A- - LeRoy part hi esstereses this trock or- - rk - i to Pot tho and years he was field executive' and assistant executive of the National Capitol area council Boy Scouts of Amertcsk at Washington H C Hethen wasjacout executiva or the Mt Whitney area council at Visalia Cal for two and one-ha- ll years Founder of Wasatch section in Salt American Camping A lAke City Mr Kirkham was group president two years H will attend a Mission council board meeting hi Santa Barbara this week Brannan Price Program and users - Itrs Secy of AtriculturoCharles rBaumali Is dolNr itreparablo he the fanning tectuetrY" plass ma- - tdemage by proclaiming that food prices for IllaW1 are high Roger laming Chi- I cago sanuat high tAmerican Farm Bureau federa- bi Salt-- - lAke eweerror& to 'tion mid 'Saturday -- — - - -- C5tY Road builder& Tend those lite supply the terisis and machinery Coast Scout Executive Mr Kirkham is a University of Utah graduate He completed three years of graduate work at George Washington smiveraity Washington D C and 'was a graduate 'of the 56th national training school for scout uecutiveS at Mend' - ri - rixi Bureau Leader Parley Dated bigteway-letwo- it esuk lAptt tio tight dart D H Vibittemborg 'IRREPARABLE DA3TAGE1 RoadEno'ineer t ThreeDy 4 I volunteers of the TMMIA gen- end board and by local scout council ofilcials according to Elbert R Curtis TMUIA general superintendent III Salt Ake City Mr Kirkham has been a scout executive and regional director of the L D 11 church service working with tha national division of relatketships of Boy Scouts of America in coordinating L D scouting with ths naticmal one-ha-lf j e'‘' 4 - '' ' '' '- i i iS it of W 1 Anderson Ames Thursday Friday dWtngths week Saturday In Newitouae boteL Joe King secondnational-vicI president front( Petaluma Cal bow permanent in be guest speaker at the final meeting Saturday h year permanent?t The convention begins Thursday at 4 pm when eight speech con-testanta compete In preliminary contests of- - the Itick-of- r event 4 Finals be held Friday from 1 to 11 am: first gen- oral session is 10 &In to 11:30 t Dock X Kirkham : - Has berm pin and the second general ses- lion at 2 pm 1a charge et L D S eroattag Second day teethIlia' will be climaxed by a leadership training session at pm at which the A Ontah FP' chapter will give a demonstration of proper perils- mentary procedure Mr King etpected to arrive in Salt Lake City late Friday will main speaker Saturday Final lb York Rite Masons opened their 'event ot the convention will be a with program Saturday prtteater banquet at pm candidates from Salt Lake Qty Donald Stahelt HUIrriellitt Ogden Provo ad Park Oty re- Washington county president of master the stets organisatiofl is in charge ceiving the the gathering le will be asdegree la the 'Masonic temple 450 of sisted by Elvin Downs executive E South Temple secretary and Mark Nichols state Utah coiincil tl& 1 and Ogden director Salt Lake City 11 council No Royal and Select Master& conferred the degree with Robert E Kimberlin Salt April 4 and to Provo April T with Lake City and S P Dobbs and the grand commandery visiting P IC Cook Ogden directing the salt Lake CitY Knights Templar — – ritualistic& April 124- 'Commanderfee ' la - S'aft Lake Utah Cemmandery Knights Templar wifl confer the City Ogden Provo Park City and Orders of Red Cross and Malta Price will commemorate Easter Wednesday at 7:30 pm and the 'with April 9 sunriae services– A' E Order of the temple on April 5 Eberhardt grand commander will ' The Utah grand conunandery make his official visitatitin to Malta commandery Park city on and the Utah grand chapter make official visitations to Ogden Easter Sunday - -- ' ' - Others who ) f 1 - Ghe Deffrees At & SL Meeting aiet-----aSUPER-ILL- super-excelle- nt - Its mod 'toirondetfal thing Shot eves We layette Superb Itexthe sew ALL CREME Permanent la ' Ifs happested Is yeas look ram halt is !tarred with creme eteetrePted wide ovine end topottitteeettwith etsme The new hollow-to- d cutlets alleys the fixative le aeutestrao Ititst the Setpee-Fle- x ' Inside ! Ka1 mill 4: 'AD GRAIIT CUTTERS 32 1 117!EZI1Z3 WAVE X and and because the curl Is locked In! 1 - South Stet Dial - t - - 1:13 IIAIR STYLISTS r - Strait Solt Lake aty for Appointments ' a ME tw&I ) - SUPER FLEX WAN - 1 d ' For Softer Stronger - e - - -- - ' 0 Thorn and Sons Contraction Co Pmvo "lick Gabutia preandent Utah Motor Transport Amen Salt Laker Edward Clyde fpringville W and salt Lake city T -- W - - - ne - - ! - Transfer Concern for Appointment - "mk Mem - your fur coat if outdated mto a smart newlooking : Ext 335 Z011 BEAUTY SALON—Second Floor OUR RESTYLE- ' EdwartimentI:ir your hair! - Skilled Furriers Can - cause it's so easy on Telephone ' - Mk feedort lava pdresie at the banquet Thursday st 1:10 pin at labich the witl be ghee by ' os - - - Chi- - The new hollow rod allows the new creme fixative to neutralize the urh from the inside out! 'this means thorough complete neutralizing and softer curls condaion Lair better stronger longer lasting hair-dnow that demand more frequent permanents )ou'll find Ilayette's Super Flex ideal Le-- 1 - ' - Oydo gorthwestera university t 1 - Leonard - e - plat-teem- iii A e Because the curl is locked hi with a new creme neutralizer this wave is the most 'wonderful thing that could ever happen to your hair! ! s Thorn It Curls Too With Rayette's new creme permanent wave your Lair is waved with creme neutralized with creme condi' ' Wilt Preside - will preside during Grant a Longer Lasting Curls Gives Creme Treatment as 1 1 of I Yàrk Rite Masons lora-eheu- Oty 1 ' mooting at which be 11"PP°eted he ree°"1-basis - ld various phases of - highway mended at levels that would pre-cannot prosper if Ron planning construction and vent anreasonable price decline& theAgriculture rest of the economy is 'bogged n tenance Termer do not expect govern- - 'down" be said wAlcite-- gia—t—Lak three-da- y Co 714 - H response will be gives by clinarmaa of the lichittenburg ecienkeicen State engineering Presiding erill be Peirce Young preekleeL kiternmanstaia briuseb Associated send Contractors of engineer f AMet A Taylor iRoy - the repretadekntgatitesghtwdlamtrictareg 1 era avekone the dekgatee at the optletag erashist Wednesday at 915 am and the D the I i of the Brunets plan is sok mem was and never will be primarily a farm ProPollak" he nit --It Is a throat to the tontming ability I of farmers to earn and get a good income' I 3 Congress should refuse to aP- propnate the billems of dollsze that would pat the Brannan pro- - mele gram biter operation Mr Fleming Flemming Says Secy Anger declared And even it the plan were put into effect he ackled C A Bramemsa bort agrieedturm high fixed prices would result In ment to guarantee a prontable I I rigid and continuous controls that would restrict efflciimt Prodtkers price Mr Fleming told delegates sad result In lower Incomes to the regional meeting 'lnztisd we are' anxious to help the pi-- 14 min'" Fleming' "the direct' the vats enterprise system function so III now' Farm Buresule blade-- it will bepossilale to have reason- tire program said Farm Bureau- able prosperity among all groups favors use of flexible price sop- land so that farm families can do i 1 Feete Pemetee41' In the 'Increasingly well without govern- UL WU"' Inor Putties Farm Prices Intent pMg1111111 on a commodity- -- K Bagley Bea O Glees& L 0 Bore- fall Walter 'W Kershaw G I mom It 0- - learnan Alaa lg Stecham H S Roberts Barrel Welling Mr-- Sloane lc W Smith D I- Skim William IL Weir E B Whoa and A- - LeRoy Taylor dean of the college at engineer- I log-- - dents select - o ' Others -- Easf Iligh ochiToi 116four queens to high- - raqh year ot --- -- Jaawniet ' - the Ikea Name 'Dream Bo? and e tenne of time required te Utah tears money to buy food food Apricot are cheaper in tile United Om States than anywhere be tbe Joinurg hi sponenring-eastereare me University est 'world' Mr Fleming said- iodine of - engineering and fere Doe bug 'with reA of their ott xtereaka division and the 'Utah Tinton a diet that cost 25 ' their income In 1939 he asserted engineering commisaioe A Dendorg - bred - at - the Parley in S le C department of ciaril engineering I address & nal be conference director aa- - la Saltoftake CRY tdend secreMeted by L meeting presidents skein Garnet tithes of Farm Bureau organise-atax- ic Littkrield P D-- Linked and bone from the nesters region in Kesler Temple Square hotel Mr hem- 614segal !1111lult ing atrariord the Bnuoten germ ' ' to secretary-treasuner—ol—t- he mese at tht Litt ' ery sa gineenng toe bald Wedneaday-ThursdaFriday at the Usiversity Union bulletin& pleas East "' I "- i compultENT QUEENS' Fool's dance Saturday at pan the coeds will cast light socitil events On All Fools ballots and the king tqvUt b" booThe 22nd annual convention of day they will name their "king" I ored by the whool's female popo-- ‘ risk Inture Farnwrt of Amerka I Officially- be will bs known as latioa-- '" school's the "'drama boy' Now- - Thane of the dant Is "Over —this year to spotlight a national for the title will the Rainbow "-- It will be held st candidates eating as It s officer guest— orgiutization dose by the girls in classes be University et Utah Union 1 will be held and Set TAittrsda ) lallor Annual Parley For FIA ' one-ha- 1 "--''1 I s Completing 71t' 11 i or California tlit1 B3 I - (2111t — ' 1950 - s N f)1 - U 4 laZ 'IMO" at Pima Vier D light Transfer South Plstortus 33 330 foreman at G&fla cm 414 W 5th for as low as suffered apecolut degree burrs about the facet Saturday Wade attempting to ex 113 tinguish a fire at Um Ks 1 load Ing dock el the company According to Salt Lake Qty fire Ines who responded- - the fire was at ant - of your style from' our fine selection fur capes on display Fur Salon 2nd to freight was estimated at the building $200 and Omega to We like to satisfy A C Signs Perjury Clarre Jan JAL s boor: Extra charge for new skins wheat a salsmander: used In Meeting the loading dock accidentally was overturned Dam-a- ce v I - Choose --- started A complaint charging Elmer W Entafk' 44 225 Sonttr West Tem plc srilk tint emcees perjury was ipso! Saturday before Qty Judge Frank E0 llosa Bait was set at $1000 Smith la accused of en tering false testamootay elide under oath la action en 50 - the-mo- st it ' exacting sates LSE ZCIII FOR SAFER FUR STORAGE' - - FUR SALON—Second floor - safil AMiu am11m A |