Show 0 ' almml 011111 '— Nlor - Frozninet to kettle drum there Is a nappy: helping of tender talent in the Vta1-- Symphony 1 'RebortCStak ii41i :Y12' ) 4iLWVeaS Now boasting bell OUTHrUL feces blossom In Utah year he was yeers of formal bustruction Rays rating is moth Symphony like opting violets in an old &ewer bed - Ns41 College crew cuts Men d with long- Horsehair Yielder - balls and campus cuties talk tempo Silas Madsen echo has been drawing horsewith grandmothers From clarinet to hair over catgut for better than 42 years has kettle drum there is a happy helping of tender talent long been active in local music circles She has ' 713 $O been concertmaster of the University of Utah member playing of the orthestra's are 23 years of go or younger' Mostly the symphony the Brigham Young university symphony and one of the Melody Maids a violin youngeters find places in the atritg section But looms-tuquartet up as horn tooter& harpists and the Gerald a drummer boy for half dozen years power behind pereuenion instruments They work is a jack of all gadgets in the percussion motion wen with their older more experienced colHis lob is to pop up with that important clang league& And under the brilliant baton of busy boom or rattle at the precise moment other MusiAbravaneliMiturk they make music like cians Si silent And be plays along with them masters el the Bead During the football season he Ions the Ted '211aby sod whits Lite band unitomrs and 'trances over the band la bus man Raymond E baby of 17 Wood At Raymond is only months out of the turf at halftime still coming up with those' all Important clangs booms and rattle South high school But he flails that big fiddle A former concertmaster of Granite high with the finest school symphony orchestra Leifer began visituig A veteran of six treasons In (Jul with the violin while still a gangling Snide- of Utah coed Norma Les Madsen violinZursity schooler Be sio site in when tha imivntsit7 tykes" are Gerald Epperlit Two other 'typical ( son and lAVar Krantz violinist symphony gathers for a musical evening percussionist The 26 other ''youngsters" have had careers both le- They are orchestra freshmen and similar to Ray Norms Gerald and lailfat sophomore& But regardless of their pasts all are grateful Raymond who played last summer with the By thilversity of California symphony at Berkeley- - for the chance of enflaming their futures 's has been thumping the thud a new holding down a chair with the Utah Symphony interior base violin—for three years For the first they are gaining solid experience lf-educated" ' t - rn - ' - Wnilin - box--that- - in tacts em sEmRtiNt:NealmonmalmftamilmlwAk A few of Utah Symphony orchestra °youngsters gather before rehearsal with David Austia fillasid front left assistant director sad Soso beckstead personae masager extreme right Youthful ben Sad their sgm ars frost row from left LaMar Also 34 LINN' Krauts 19: Norma Les Madsen 22 Eugene Kingsford 29: James Hurd 21 Back row Reed Walker 29 Gerald Epperson 19: 111Tham Johnsol 29 Deo Andersen 21 and Alan Robinson 210 Timmer young many of junior itrembers aro experienced musicians mi )nce a Week g country ediior puts nuHe gets in fights he ts' paper at Aberdeen makes mistakes and everybody' reads his sheet Idaho's prize-winni-ng $tove Lamorour "I think you're stupid" said the private to the sergeant and so Idabo-- 1949 ditorial t Bob got his s Hanunos 31 star traces his prize-'sinn- er career : ' days in INS to his present job as mortgage-holde- r and editor of the Aberdeen Ida from Plc and prints Ma own ledgers They find the Times is lout- satisfying 'Td never try daily newspapering again" be says There's a certain satistaition to Your etto here and theres a chance to make a better living —eventually :7 At present- the causes editor the to mortgage -' draw I o M 4 times a salary LJe IrOU - 11 :SEE less than that of his printer ex Bg Dennis ' t Peterson — "Pete - )' 8 i geant They fget along fine ' ' 7ii ' - - outlook ba the mission of a country - paper explains- w h y the Timeg wu chosen 'this '' - over year Tone quality comes into its ovintoowidi these RCA Victor sets Sound is RCA Victor FM frequency modulation at its Incomparable through the "Golden Throat" system 16-in- ch 64 publies tions "Besides - k 4 I '' - other Idaho ' I '' " ' to pressatclear facts on political and Jo ' ' -- we should try f "' 'RCA Victor maintains its high quality standards in' styling and at the same time gives you the 'widest selection of designsfrom shich to ichoose "The Iwo sets you see on thit page exemplify the beautiful styling durable construction and expnig"te finibhes RCA Victor offers you RCA Victor televibion ii luxuty televibion all but the price reporting the "4! local happen' lags I think - : : - — 1' ' - 16-in- : - prresdn:- ''- :flit' steelchdolvinat9:'olvinanteina h 16-in- Hammes' i ' 16-inc- Was the amiable type of ser- - e - 4 - The larger the picture the mote ion med RCA Victor quality RCA Victor perftormance RCA Victor pictures are the brightest clearest steadiest you have ever seen Details shades of gray are sharp with a full rich range of When your television is RCA iaor you see it all and see it 1) etter ihtille ch A vast 164nch view and a distinctively beautiful cabinet i a s Model TC166 Pictures are Iwight clear steady locked in tune by the Eye Witneso Picture Synchronizer an RCA Victordevelopment Tuning is effmtlesi with the Automatic Multi-ChannStation Selector There is a antenna and a place to plug in an automatic 45 sc' record limed — or walnut finish rpm - changer Mahogany Pl" gt SI i'""111 oak finish- slightly higher AC RCA 'Victor 1CI66 el " & Bob libutune the - ' - booty-p- e From that flashes hho Oa Ilia editorial pogo day cm Ito - wiser After weeks on KP and the sand pile the - outspoken Hammes put hi for officers' Three years later ha school was mustered out a captain High light of bur army career was when he "stole"an English tram to transport wounded troopers from the bulgy NothBritish ing came of the theft 4 ' tikt trlow- - Givetm the facts" Point-- mates bait C011165 bolo Very best value in16iirbeh sable television ilia all the canons RCA rartor features in a lailiatica" cabinet- - Lye :Iritnesa Picture Synchronizer bolds pictures steady touted in tone The Autonuttie Multi Channel Station Selector make tuning a breeze liiiltin antenna And simply by plugging a "45" record changer attaelunent into thei phone jack you have a television phonograph combination Cabinet available bz mahogany or walnut finishslimed oak finibh slightly (195 Li gher Matdling Conaoletto 113aset optional extra AC es 1131 Fo4- tea 11CA Victor T164 rah then zone printed speeds and license num bers of those over the limit One customer stalked in too mad to talk and expressed his feelings by ripping the paper over the editor head deen's 20-m- t n 7 'L7 Incidents such as this do Sdiminish the respect his tile fedlow publishers hold for him Since coming to - Idaho in April of lilett he has served continuously and without pay as a director ot the editorial associa z In Aberdeen population 1000 be has foimil a home Newspa--- pertrig there is not high-pre- a' sure For instance divorcee are ignored' 'It's their own bun ness7 he says His wife Jo Jane explaim it this way: "We don't report any- party of two or She was a business student at North Dakota university erhers they met This causes books fights aver th lituunies totally unachooled in accepted methods has evolved kis Iva bookkeeping system Your "give-tem-fact- s" was - 7 theory This has exploded in his face once or twice but nothing serious tut summer Hammes arid a fellow fact tinder timed cars in Aber bet was general headquarters thought it cute of hum Now married and tho father of two chtldren Barbara 3 and Michael 1 be seeks no goal but Lb chanco to sleep Vegularir Until 10 cin "Had big ideas when graduated from North Dakota But after working in New York and Philadelphia 1 found that the small town boys ins don't take to the big - S3 8 9 404--'- as be ta'kes tiro from - 4 Only when you select an RCA titter do you have the opportunity to buy the RCA Victor FacteryServion Cattrac When you buy this Contract experts of RCAS on Service Company will 'install and servito yam' set and guarantee you its performance You can choose tho length of time Contract you prefer and it ran be renewed from year to year No other company offers comparable mice ' Proof that the Aberdeen Times is read from cover to cover is easy to find 'Any error that we make anywhere Is reason enough for someone to come in an tell us about it" Hs tells this to prospective advertisers and it works Such aa the time oaveral high school girls were debating the cost of advertising a dance "Every mistake we make someone tells us about it" Hammes pointed out Well we're not sure sakl the spokesman while herfl cohorts nodded their perms itentL Hammes eye on a sale wasn't "Dora worry"9 hi stopped counseled 'There probably be a mistake In your ad" Prwes shoisu list prices a On subject to champ without notice I- - w 0) " VOW LEADER IN RADIO DIVISION Nov Yew atel!'ityklitg Fre sod with Lire Wren's weederful dwelt-Irm- a See them es yousISBC stiewitirm biation OF RADIO CORPORATION OP ANTI CA FIRST IN RECORDED MUSIC ' FIRST IN TELEVISION flit SALT LAXI TRIBUNE |