Show --- r -- ' —a -4' i -- ' - : - - - - : NE LAKE VIE k -- atil'?ItH4 - t - --- I ' ? ‘ aS aik - 1 - ' VI f -- 55—Automobiles for Sato t- 37--cHr - : - A eaan I Art w Sedan Sedan '46PLYM "46' OLD—S - - itutifut tow 1947 Sri 1946 : - - 25—OTHERS-- 25 ' - 3 -- - JO- - CO '' ' - - ' t ' - - ' - --- - -: - — --- -- s ' With the Best Used Cars '48 '46 '46 $095 $2350 MAIN — CO MOTOR It FINANCE ' -' 43 So Maio iNC '' Custom Heater '47 CHE Radio W1!rcN Will efillr1-1""- - 730 SO MAIN '48 "' F0110iNtl CARE '30 '3S 31 37 Fords '21 31 '33 '34 '34 '34 '314 (11011 : 34 Olds S 34 Stu& 0 and S '34 Stud' S '42 Stude Chomp : '36 Roo "31 and 40 Orouattut '37 cot 31 Cloys lo Soto '36 '34 enias '3774 r29 vut: '34 NA 41: '3$ Plym : 41 Dodos: '41 Wtuyp led : 39 too soot Aocaard Auto w 3005 ite11Ht 150 H MUST SACRIFICE - do mu ei" teers Ptase H a" A Oirtnal bin fUtIN Matte irons sat Pollarrod eke - I I ' et r SPEC D L it and plastic seat cement beet time tip top abeam 1757 Po atts East 11 3 if—EA-6On special rivet Stood Like new albite side ails 1530 Ito Main 25 clei ensTry it 6 ab- - Radio Coupe ' IS ItidOrt---v-'-- -- -- eS- MitolionC-omodttl- rabb i 15 1: -- - FRANK HINES Si Main - ii 111 - - 02021 s1575 $1050 Southvvic "0 '11() PONTIA '6' SEDAN Radio beater Ire 68 - 0 motor 961 1915 PLY 1914 PORD 1940 NAM trada ACCPPi '40 4th St25 e e14-- O Mouth all la ' BY OWNER Good conditlea $400 It tad H PLYht Convect FORD Tudor 46 FORD Sp Do tone VA DODGE Canso US DODGE Westominfitor 1404 aro K4t444 - - I 9 rob 443951 '46 CHB Ovb Coupe ' — ': - '46 FORD T 47 DODGE Tuft 16 Too $75 - $795 STATE - -- - - '41 DODGE 46 OIEV Iti-To- 14loo ' W lot se - - :11" t:- good shape cHE-viz- '-- L1Z---1- LAM ' Rrdro radio Melo& 8423 or beat 0"'oo r “3" a”-a- r 36 eoRD imam Recently evorhautod new tired hub ups goat emers radio 641541 kAmle ° - a-- Tradea Terinti---Arre- 752 So Nam 1934 VA R and R rebuilt origin to- ' la" - Tra Will- '$178 ckdi tlolt e"1' Nortn4-992- miml" $673' sedan good tdIoelea 215eter ot boot 0"1" 124562--IIIVAT-oton '36 awe Platform blur 30412 Cherry st Morrow WRECKED new ongloo 'MI Ford $595o Maks other blOt 049014 KI7ii 2135 45270 Form tied $745: '3? Bullock et Murray net CHrv red R and It shot- - Mot 1540 So We I at opt l& cw 13° cialL 1V1331''3113---"a- 2261 SOUTH STATE - 119-A- --- -- ' --- -- - - - WW1 33 ' ' - - -- '' 01003e 7010 "77' ' TRUCKS TO F itICitICES ' Rotes to rood i OA& Custom Cams ILTa0 Kowa lik '40 46 :17"! - - - - ' 40 - yds ' - Bonk Stake $4281'40 DODGE Panel FORD Pickup FORD 11S CIO $44845 FORD Axle DODGE 48 3748 Pickup DODGE Pickup S7481 "46 CH EV Pickup - ' I I ' ' 600 'Your DOINntOWT1 Ford SO iitAIN Phone 71 r37 PORI3 Iletian- $ i 00 or reasonable oo -- - O14 otter - Co- - - MAIN MUST SACRIFICE Dealer' or - -Ready 3-44- 78 W" - --- to ro -- -- 35 mica nark rad good titan tar CHZT tear& Caw f &got !MP 2-- "tt acor--pt- $25 TiLTDa014 T ledaa roma 165 s good '34 CHAT podia coca carp slaw rout ararral CHET erica A 11Cr7 dam car 535 la 145 — --- - ' Cot I Ken Pore 35 W Center St Utoh Ph 212 or 3831 '47 NASH SEDAN ' SOUTFIEAST ' Ode amd sma Mime bam OL A modimmord MOTOR CO yes It Etats WEI HAVE A SELECTION chases trots se - I 1949 FORD ' $987 I Oilmtaat lkono ambit rhea I Ws saa meal car time - BLAIR'S 849 Sct State CIL is BEFORE etercert club elm Eke pew Repos Saw KIRK'S KARS 1A4 With ate Barreigur ' - Making Expensive X ' se- ' " 3211 " VONRD VALUES roe e arm trona e rest ATI T 50740 front $25z20 role now Illothanocal coodltioo SOOS 4-- BY OWNER v 1esese C AND C a C robes &Ritmo woe oltO Pvischain& ado rICtheet ellsittios a - so eAdellehiil rearea $1 25 at 44 - 3k - -- - -- - iettR re t 3411 Y E $99Isi4a Gd 4$loc - pE mien - i Also - I I es - OLDitI e" Several Good Cheep Cars ' & r3 W ' 1 - ' a ' ' leite rs---: 1064ed aNIL - - io too- - 11 I -193i eber: —0- -- ' ItIlLON - Pantorla—twa Ur" and mato ellai 542 ()k la44—CHE-- 1 pan 0i—do)tvery—201 tragillsOili - - n '42 ?Ott n4 peetintu S44 Cheer L W g tecneve-0- I i cts)R ir(rterovitraz moil ITy 55523 IlSoMam L'Il'Int'i7vIlutdrmsrlf6t---'t—a- iL 119 PLYMOUTH Sealltak I pita& TOT-4- -' -- trees L sled it- sweil setrat 5000 cereal ssi Air &viler led finish New osr suorws - See end service $3100 DiSCOUNI - V - 1000 SO - - - S695 - n 4-- man otter 109-7t- a aria 4 FORD DONIS' ed yo Tiros SEDAN $295-- 39 ' gopord tram 150x16 igloo IN Loots and me Iles 41 11 Swaim blot stolo Yong good este& body $21 $o Main tb: 42 PLTM cps FL and It Si ert motet roceady 4 IMPCRAIL tiod4 Cs'AltD C Fog stank 11 'idea Sind arerhauted $ea& dopord it trona Sogood tool- 111156 roar lary and b 8575 ' — oils 1 truzsa2--onooreit tirew Leek 1207 Motor St '49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN and room tgo dt250 Crete 1940 OLDIAMORILE OVniTIVID rimy rePtiaped Hydra-Natiheeding recent overhauled -- er 732 dm Main '-Gt4:4Z TRUCK & COACH DrY 3546 Cliaderlek extotiont (embalm M after 10 are IMMACU1ATE—1 Nen Spar de comae' Mottos Corporation' Ban a and IL rood Went kayo 4-aea 11450 and Mull Donut FACTORY RETAIL STORE YPRT Cleo ID Intilage 01'1 It" 2514 B Tlat 90411h whilowall Urea rade) boatilt 992 1941 11: Good BUICK sedan Rodeos airs $alt Lake11 le '49 Mudd condition- - Mr pried IMMEDIATEE paivERy: "'Alarm"' a"-- it 11114 N 'me' Auto otrora 1040 0 Mem Trailer ' do luta dnve vi W tiros 761 Bryan ars 3949 curvRoum Reo Trucks—Buses MOM 7000 cosy redan 41 DODO& Radio and heater '48 01650 Oneida aL Geoid 40a Ra1109 ontrind lima 1 ALL Rowe''' traitor D1111 Loons 1950 MODELS REPAIR WELDING AND AUTO 56 FORD Mt -Mit op r edlor Pia Poem 14orzio Mak otter '34—C1111-lshone 11 0114 11rook REO MctvilIRDIE CO 111111111eft 'edam PI 1505 Ilth Kart H Must ale la xpgwrat- - 111195 ITO U and Ili &weft &flat SEDAN 1941 FORD Cul ?477S &&14412 44d Inestp& sufett Very rood reed- - r and b $475 1947 CHES CLUB COUPE 1207 Vapor Ilt TRUCK BIG BARGA114 — Itieeflrt conditioa S995 R and torpedo 8 soda 'Ano-Ca- r Inorkiractor &tilt R sea t cot ers spot lig tit numh- - I941-81:- 1CK 111 "—&dH 0241P rue Pratittrally ere 4eryK000l $525 851 IL 5th South 1100 lingke Al 6 tractile& of I L mother Senora Goad &haulm& FIT rni 11 seat DM point As offer 1942 CA value 2794 -' $750 of -' e ""PrL Perfect er'd- - 5997 - - 7 IV- - nod A 00A14 CO377 :' :- f""-TO-' 173rvlot II sod ran Sipastico SIG L lot SWAM 334 W South ?yin tda $44!"" s0"1""rA OIL blooSI50 mates wee I ao Me IP44- - Metro eedalk tel payte 11n-util- e Mane lite 'EXC cooet S665 &Ed 14113 27th gouth and Mats Conitanntall Malt Tie &arts 27t1 DODGC PLIDAengross 1444 - Manlius '41 Clark Pamir IPPII&Ir eel warmer mod 1FL It two too toonvozoiLl South and State tr&asetrasice lane L aloa 2223 porwat obit Waft Compune goalm Ann& Soutb otter 221 Z 48th Is Hater ne 1583 2oll frost ' ' '44 iroRD sikt-taxle brownie trees sell --- -- Ln Alto tornetiots rin-iSATCH TRAILER int& vaswons Wakes &It &Wes e4 t Janda Sloth In aseoteratema4 6 itt together or l''Fals- - 31517 45 CHENI Set R811 Beautiful Block Finish ItifillaSS 11ACUIN4111 1314m--::- ''::-- ' $995 —14:alfts-e4r11"71s-----"--- ni111P1111Ir 46 NASH Sect R&M Original GREAT BAN PLIANS1 142 West 33rd Routh ' AR -3 CHEV Sod's Buys:choice 4 195 11943 —DODGE snack 112:p-- S '"onbaink trans 54ttd Sad$495 rear 414 1 roodI Whit or without '40 FORD Dix - BSA Very Clean ' 1111d1 sr liww414112 $95 7:21 '35 FORD Sect Heater A Real Buy 1944 11 CHETROLZT eye: This Best New FORD BUY Heat '37 Coe dtan li truck 24eat 3 wool tool tires with tow 11'ws- - has S15951 49 FOIZD Custom Cb Radio Heater syme cask 2410 W 47lb 9ceitin Murray ("444 1 '48 FORi3 Se:don 11- - ond K Beautiful Block Finish A $1195 maim god sumt transmission 10-1$1095! nor bed S-- ft '47 iFCIRD Super Dix Sed R and It Very Coon r irlit I e 3ed Este 521 : '47 PtiM Spec DI Sod I ond It Spotlight $1095 )N4L n plk- up Meis metal work Rana etee ft 1947 r i Ake twee sedenette 310 K 1st South Phone No - 402 ' 47 eRAZEit 3A1)10 111-611‘S94 259 A Stri Emit '35 FORD Excellent conekt 175- - Can "645' "(IL $348' 1946 PLYMOUTH glottal de him r R and H 192S 0- - 9521 $998 '49 CRORLET wallet wagon-- R and 114- 551' K- - It-- 1 conguic---2"51941 Donam sedan Rougb 4000 a 99131Ison 5are- Harrison 1340 327 RD 1940-FOconvert Perfect coo& 9 7526 sheer 9 a in or GARDENER or By --Clum s'16!"gl De -- eta sedan Your chance 7396 4 Cif Ft Y Moos 771 1150- I946strtottyto ntHwo sio5o ' - DIAL 2309 SOUTH Fntrooro $1095 H BUYS 'TRUCKS ttst ts 1115 ID Reentrett tomL $39S136 VORD floetlitte IL MANY OTHER 'OUTSTANDING beater S4451Wortb—lriT-Viri—licocioOiTlir 095 $1)951 39 FORD TWO' $14951'39 DO2GE Fordor S145i'311 TM MI PIVPA Owe Lyrnan Motor loostmot - V95 ' 1941 OLDS SEDAN SOS State rout 'HN' 147 $995140 DE SOTO Ob Cps 59451 '40 DODGE - Insurance Co BARGAINS - 2" 411 1946 $1595 Gyroes-oric -- I S49J-- - I Toe pkbeit ma Chew 139 Master D Eseet tient tarnettlent AMISS trade- - Ternil Phone cover t et 1487 it tio'incia Ila(l'o hod & ' 1950 Dodge Coronet - - lira' Orlo 6 sedan 2441 7th East KNIGHT- -- $890 1947 Dodge Moo $toke 1947 Docket IlleItto Saba 1947 Dodge 1141cm lady gelogerst me 1946 Food IC C coups BaSis beater V3rh-- t$250 Bee at 1711 S outh Bad Woe Tomato Otall 00 stetson 1141 S175—'3 S per Luep see 39 DB SOTr1-e noun' twin niniw--epaint 4o oco toiled riled seek rood 81050-o- r boot otter 136 11 2rid South Ts eAnyTTAe 62 sedenerte Like note v2991 W111 aerept trade egg PACKARD S iuir OWNER MELEE SELL 1949 POntiftt Menus dan: 14 000 Wise liko sew 1941 flutelt op otter rOT $125 env cony $450 oms Troth razy tx-cr- stria 9500 W $52 pat Pond loottiote4 'Ready To Wore' TRUCKS I 1949 Dodge U Cottle loch $2150 19411 Otemold SION C $ C 01225 - It All no A - $165 $165 0150 a brakes Food U w ofiesco ermine $200 in WW IL Phone Bounlito I 1 sL 114 1 DODGE e t Orr? soviet be Oy I Ittroliont tnrotianout ittemoon tat atter ERTiBLE New tala pipe& 243 par - The' Litt 849 $o State '39 '39 '419 i47 STUDE 1Rtto thr:dri leittit 643 oar me $10 Finance - E 9th South WI ' WARM- YOUR HEART 76PLY141PC6r:'t $7814 owl 2400 28 alEv4Dctor '' 7 SUPER tirla r N 2-- Pontiac - SPECIAL 4-- t070 - - - - 843 Sox- Maio - - 424411 19n4 aNDEP-4- 0! a c liUICK MAIN Bork et Vatues That- JAY LORS - t4'" FRANK HIN so - LESS 1110530 — f $100 m n BEST BUY -- '44 ' 440' Orals ehrOln4 Oook 49 317-1 14'4 Sadie '41 —OLD "1"r Illostudes 01-PLY M013711—CIATS 41n1101"4 on4 Wootton "bolt S1711 motor toot oltaulvd 8450 twitter ow tong squirmed do Weeds ' LILCO lent com1111 C4114-1114- 1 1155- et on at 2727 hicetelland must grim gr545 1207 SI lOor 115551 11 1041 PONTIAC-- now MIME 4144IN 1-134 CIIEV PACI1A111) coupe 110 SP:DAN Tia ell 2 am roRD ethstom ' 1947—D-ODGE—coupe 1""tro"‘ 81095 Zed cond $eat smite potHsht good toad S150 001 Itaeolient condilloa 8395 seem IIMOOL 11°2°Larter Original 'mar-- I 434312 1314 itmigration at 1207 beater hincle owner Good shspix eilta Knuth Murray 1035-1- 1 185852 St Major $1575 80 233 Z 1301 20 Goe Inn otter Phone Mut 1415M "US' tr 130 frOMD Tudor food Mot rebuilt good 40 VORD 2-nem eW- non Moo- - $ST-63 COttas441s avd or hoot R: liuid fts Od Ores 14'4 itI'DS 4 door noterdrive 1275 stator loll 1013--N 2a4 Weal tiottothtia salL be with hooter Idats ' 44140 So sum motor and firm la sunk mot 15131 PLY 4 annir nee paint 1171 341 Mellott otter 92539 ars Roma"Ate' Must fut -p1l wgekdaira' po Main 1to0 ohlrbli Oho& t Hydra-Mattittlt—MIEIC Pleetmoster flub roe 11944 MESC sad n 41 OLDS BUICK 1946 RUPer sodas TiTfr-rouHia—la—a—inealTha Chat 11 414 41 eumg tamp $878 Teresa on little metal work and saint Nevds sedan Hester mak reeently ovoritattiett 4 wood 23102 Imo Maim clam Good T0130 1164 HIV& 644114 otter 439 R Sth So 995 T ambornet ace STATE' 2-SO 4750 1e37 11241Wi PLYMOUTH coupe Good wieTh '33 ellEvnotrt '011 CPC? bodes Neve 16 00x Mai presorted family rat Mem It to sport-- USED ear lo4 roc rant la caster at 229 IL With ' ni rellabic JO bow ltnd running tont lak mat value 814 Kenetastaa- - 11142e ' Pa- Lou npni Oftbor autoninoilo row 7 6 Malvern ay otter now tirea 11 CHM" 49 Irr1713E Commander A-and-- airts eta — 4461 74434 R sod ara 0111110111LP! low foxy aseiet cord 4750 g '45 Sedan 111410 ' 21'95 1316 o Ilth Eattell-6544 meek- - cent 15 Near Ulla hated- 1111 M Men Sevrty waled CIttdithelk 456 heatcr WO good 1312-7t- h Dem atter East mum 47 BFST BUT IN TOWN Park at 1919 (Lmotorente facet eon& 444 WiLl diornunt Mr crrd0 A DEAL value Excel rood s2b ' - -183g 34 6 sal S148 ?rim Oth Last Ph 04919- od H 135 1715 GerDetti ova 7 41onv 8444E4 SILIS-- 1114 1942 HUDSON 194TitiRtt' Ws stabiatedilmaX 3p WAIL Midvale LOCI r01 $393 CHEV Coup $198 35Pliutturtd'rwit "175"1:775711- Slant I50 3710 Highland dr triazi sato SVC 846 $248117 --ever T§33 DODGE Emelt' Ona 94443 'ruder 13 end ' sod Radio batter 317311-Grrro31!?5110-zotulgi-o toziu-condition Celina cHEv 40301 $393119 DODGE dr attestant other steam 1149 Lake at Heater 403 A 111211L Pt 3- 3'50754 - - tr—OSiNER r39 OLDB erten IL and 63081941 BUICK Special—soda& 81tH : CHEIL 3448 I Ifidolo 177-42 377PIL Charon acd damacnt $248119 cHEy rash 1275 270o South and autos —$175: 8 L ardor" elmul C11179 1919 BUICK four-doCOUPS r and IL -3 anaaa Wake 40- PLYIVI MO HuDsoN Convert 4198 v 3rill 'South lst Walt 51119th ave 8243 27th 8oath ited state error Boost 157 Palace Piz '40 1911-643246' ' SI"STUDE- 43481:40 NASH 1941—FORD etub coops accd com7a-I4378 It Dand H Ph 1595-- '41 CLIEV wove reed buy IV-FORr$548 4248- '41- - FORD Club -- Excel root 41 STUDE toed att i 1 setting new Car a Pfle 11195 1960 g 17tto lo 11 ' ' - R and IL over $1498 942 P ASH $1143 49 FORD Tudor CHEV Od rood Nert coupe t 1 -- --"$ motor srrs At 5n9 10in aes -art 144'w BUCK-ConveH rl 01114 orcrcia-598 L-- KE $1498 tat 9 1)nilA NI- NOSEDAN 1165 toss FORD 1275 paint tuna :YOUR 1936 AL CONTA C11 I 52191 5219? 71212 0201 Ott PP IvE soaps beset sedan aid– naLial ::: 1936 41uochait toso-tou- 14133 rob& J045 ' Mato -- 1942 Mania Ointp 11191 Ram r$ dio beaten lees lief ket Ere ere and matatitut OMNI Suede wed 41 M oRGANts FRANK HINES mites mmint $s9s i $1243 lkcidele )195' -The tItt fie a SIPS111 le 1eek-on- d IS Wildt tkie 1111c le ref nal "$1495 inofla -- S1095 valusa :lt REPOSSESSIONS required 1097 1191 AS IS - - - acimitarel 1 f --tt- tt 197 club epl r111 de INKI born 2781 11 da CHEN sToot 1941 '47 FORD X ' Hayes Golden Rule Cars 119? 1940 Dock CREV sedm clean 1297 R 01D6 sedansechstR and FL and R 5139? PONTIAC POsITIAC sedan R- - and fl 51391 1939 Snick Sadao S1391 C1119 elb cps leaded VVEEK—END - 4 So No money dovmr7ood credit '444404 - sr um 555 - - E MAN 19? 19 STUD11 Commander CHEV aedan R and EL -PONTLte sedan “ I'Irt la - Buick IFORD if 1940 Dodge tOoor 1939 Dodge Woo- Frock up contrad paivilents119311 Plymouth Woe Tao on repossessed autornobileal Ins DOOGE 191 PONTIAC 3 --558411 - - Larsen 8c Cadman - 1 - meow '510 km4 $owlCadillac Chevrolet 414) S1 - "3571 - 147 - FORD Tudor el4HErRVC otlet6 "'flirt" 11" It alla 785 rod ROYAL AUTO SALES ' 04531 2032 0 Mato SUPER -- 714 So Main TUDC)It SEDAN 750 $ O MAIN Al DEPT Ous ewer Unit beantitat CitOtsflectal 009CHAMPloal 149 FORD V-- 8 a)NVERTIBLE rip mit trial adi finusa e exceollatin loll nik no 646 so AA114 Liam 4 - DOORS DOORS' Mike en CLUB I lesokt L I -- DAVIDSON thougami i ' '-- emir' 1 tin'croons clean A daadc MOW omit fort beautiful """'"""'-'- "' Pouts stx nArt 10 skier model rsra COUPES CONVERTIBLES colored convert ably VMS& MOTORCYCLES Whits tires R and H extras ail ' this tacelos treat 91395 to 11795 A petted 'Mat 650 to $100 I PETTY INC 111"1""lr °sat WeraA low nukes twits with 10 Oall $1792 Tout otobloss This smelt a ES 364? Medal littb IL 2114 South swot Cioarentes4 COME 'quit achy ottrattwortsuom de his OLT and RAVE $569 °alert ing PETTY MOTOR INC J MAIN s TenY 750 as S1S9 U PETTY MOTOR INC C S flirts J Dradrer Ittst South 872 So State ex Speelai Blet South CUSHNIAN SCOOTERS se- 1110101or8 H 1922 F011b—sedsit excellent Mgt MAIN 409 YOUR EACH CHOICE swim" E '37 ososOMIO Good $95 221 one Viol "Int" 81"61 $545' 18 13' Prer 71 woos Pue Only 4191 mem W J —9 oso Hol Stadoteso 37 t250 Siltaxi a: Um:tied OrL4nge KIRK 'S KA RS Packard couoe: 311 101!dlit lied ! rt 1949 Stud O Ch OMO — to-- -- 'The ILI471 Let With '49 DC - Six illarytitie So—blocks for :4K - I loan fait soon readrortPLY14 sedan 50 CHRYS ' s4 IMc s 5:50- PONT: lr clmliclr ' iflrtirs7i7essaisu:::::--ifF- il '48 CHEN': 2Door DODGE Sed17:::::::::S139S tTriultzbswJ 4 Wtsdled- 11:g reeked rItTrrstEle cone wrodrot 1195i 6 otHEy- PtNftAc wyekd $1507'47 KVA Cnt Wrecked 41451as :PLYAL Sda11 '44 PoriAcseerslr 71vrecked ' 41 4145 t bed d 15 '41 MERCURY trailer 7s111141 -racToRy AM cars I 49 FORD Woo RUDY & HEADLUND 409 SO MAN ' '47 MID V-- 8 ivnand deal - i ttchwa Palm ' DISTRIBUTOR A el"1" t14544 MO PONTIAC-SITI ' 'reekedo 'aedandt mrir dead piaci Mad& IL and IL meriathotieg Li lt mai bay at $7951-3- t Grantsi ''' ' WIN— E1117Y- - 311 241r '' MS $75 -- - I 11! - B LAN D -- ---- it :3: ru 1I tir" "lq - btlielt $97 - kora Gist ads° boater REAL Buys - 1865 S° Main ail& It-- stid ri i1500 9 79 -- ---trill::19e99ft: a ?5 I 47 PONT Se cE o4 111' DON"n ed NI' sal-$ TS :$247'41 - arigumi tiates $2251 -- $995-53- e: '37 STUDE " I-- 1 $3951 AM $295 I 1100 1895 1995 161a0111044114aa::: 8g - Carteson's' '''' PONTIACCADIUAC Okla 49 ()kW' '41 liereag8 S495 r: 1545 apes 6 maw cps 11nanr thodanotte grati"'°u'eknia '410 139 CHRYSLECCpo - 1 27" z: $346 'del 2-- 1 - 57195 Sada& Marta 1 545 1545 1995 : 2483 1181 b Okla 118 142 Idataa Nos atle —2 "Ityl"-- sfloglata: pnettat Elirdra-liatt- e 145:: 1" to" 01800 Sada '50 Itstrat8 H 2351 nardnva R and eadittia 02' ' 1110 Poduae 1 I '36 DODGE — - ' :85041 HUGH PACE SEDr"11 tr - 37 36 '39 '40 42 PLYNA S p: Dix 4-$5 0 5 '46 '46 °111110n83 ft 47 " 47 $495 47 mERc40t 47 Rae ladle and beater I'Mre'S '49 50 panty al Belies Intl be Due eate 142 ' ' j"$3951' Tudor FORD Tudor $97 memo bootwr - 996 So State --2- torroplono Sedan N w $9 darts bootee isoots Ford 4495 Just 4991 -- t $109) ' - $1595 Spr-4-D- Radts-bisui- 1$695 COO -- 1 ' Fitmstr CHEV r i - " Nus gb'' - -- o39 FORD '' 4galL Han 74410 104 94444r am- - lth this 1049Y $1395 t L'39 CH'EVICtrt Coup $295 ate say rP :O 1354 lky ft 2575 sad IL skirt& 11 eta East Call ow time sod—ballarioa 'SI 11541 sled Wane agate 440 Mama see Won bamt apt 1- ' -- JEEPS ciuninnoo sow on inom Moo Twxted —Ready to iGn Get a Good Fisliinit Car Cheap 2- 16 '35 Ford '38 cpe tott Ogee Itf os woad STUDE 41400r too lo DOWN' $1?9T 'S2M - - twice $15951'49 FORD $1495 —-r 'irovem Overdrive unowsee----an limo° saga ear that's occoottow IP Sootily t morok JEEPS "11 comnu PO &woos $1695 Ctb COL '41 NUKE Syp - Standard CHO $rns 146 PONTIAC I --- DELL ' - ' 1 USED CAI DEP T 648 SO MA'N USED CAR DEPT g 648 SO MA'N ' 1911 PONTIAC -- 6" de luxe Car nett geeClam radio twatar spotlight I !arra:v4 rirbts willtesZattanrarw '47 rord '44 Chew —852 Milton arc ra - -lt t'ut lizered- A IR S I ' -f- earraT - I - SEDAN $1547 - - - 1 MUST SEUTIMMEDIATELY 43 ktellk New tiree ana in aogy PrWs8 illi coM a "'rail" rant 5"omiy ' 8373 ' BUICK SRC 38 FORD CLUB '35 COUPEmad ft en IL 149k limps spot Geed maim ' Karel let tramper batten tor met 175 right Needs upholster work 333 S 3r1 Kew or PETTY MOTOR INC $89S-'- 46 MERCTSEDAN tto K 2111 South 14431 2 Lake ow thrtpuitut wit Wh$495:-'4PLYM SEDAN ist IC I 21111111 1011111 trade 421 Se Main Leaks see rum like ems Z terms Men tam 431 110 ex 914 43 AFRO tultj km Liken Ooly 11134r -- KtRAVS ' $45—'3S FORD TUDOR "The UM Let ViRts Rig lareato lPtures rood Priced tor quick sal& $49 rio State ISIS N11tioLD sat '48 STUDE COMMANDER '41 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 141 H R etre! send it anti it meet teed- - um paint atter over $1400 Rear 20S NHighest static 1nDPew Urea 4650 '49 MERCURY and1640 rwty) custom' SIdO5 'Mese end fully equine& it Coiumbla isdricr nee paint 0341 1704 Dowainataa ave J410 " 1948 CHEV: CONVERT Ett s - '36 7!" ' I" a" y Add - $1279 - Whitt 33176 7: SEDAN-7- PLYMOUTH ' - OLDS chloxifrer-'71- BLAIR'S Hest w"7 Channot ew Moan afiw'5 I 300 eatitat miles aage 8160 tt000twt Call Doi Holbrook 33 V Mountatut 2t2 -"Mira : '43 FRANKHINES CALL A — : HINES- 750 SO MAIN AERO SEDAN New Hos Hooter Ongingi Slue Chvek - 46 HUDSON Sodom i --- '47 FRANK F - Beautiful Condition IP 4-- ' CHEV 4E1 Encolient hos too Minnow ' Rodin end Hooter - - - STATION WAGON Vw7 elson be UMW 0 D 14 O erbilight tog light 30 elks -saw Per sae-- leek& set drives-ek- e '62' Won "$2595 '48 HUDSON - PONTIAC : ptym 5ed Dew: Moo ttne sod looster 750 REFINE - Like white Sidewall Tires Polychromatic Green Color - - 32120 409 SO MAIN 1948 DE SOTO Big a- - 7LS6iithWide':: - SWAM itoothe you with sweet music On lonely ctrolotri end wenn volt up on frosty sights nee us try thilet and then buy with eontidence at Z forma loW down IU4vmonts and HQUI 8 MENKE 33 ?let fault' 2222 FORD V-- 8 CUSTOM A sedan with se few whoa thItit smlis now all ewer hem IL snot is hwerdreve white toss too- room Ikme it end howl isitowtr - - oIi '50 BROWNING 560 SO I KNIGHT - 81095 $1150 $1075 - - 1- :- 449 LINCOLN S4clait '48 $1095 I ti lot '50 etude latatelk '50 4541 310951 ' '50 Birds nelnrs'rti Cps '41 I '49 WILINS $2095 flostloto 411'CADILIAC COUPE 64r Orms 000 50 Wilde LEINI Cruiser 4142 2295 l '46 STUDE CtImP ' 141 PACKARD 120 '47 LINCOLN Noise Chow-col- $2295 - "40 PACEABD 110 Sedan '44 Ches hero India Memory elab amp& 411 Chem 4-Chew hero meta& tt '41 Stereo convert ?be above 'title trine" est yea kindle to dive them a Mapco to strut their stuff" before You ildetit someone else' in their etesa They - - ARCH - : SW '600' Sidon' ::' too cusi '49 Doolso 'eh - ' 14 Botch Ovitallow 49 Yard muttony - '46 '47 NASH Ambass Sod $1125 BUICK Sup Crwt roe 'gramme FORD A ShorpCor OLDSMOBILE NASH Amboss Sed - CO IL' Am '46 cHEv --101- 50 Otes '47 STUSE Lana:miser $1395 '47 DODGE Um Sed 31195 : - DENÈRY 1950 MODE CARS WAMEDIATE $1395 4-- Fordor 148 FORD $995 $189 S1795 ir atm 81x 19 631 So' Main Street -- ' - Ds Soden STLIDE ' 449- - NAM (IALLARE)S ' Cpe $1189 ME °Imp smDE amp dpe '48 '47 CHM' $189 $869 '36 CHEV Sedan '49 OWL We Sedan I ' : ' ' IMO I $189 '46 PONT Main Street $495 $129 $89 '36' FORD Sedan - of SERVICE PROPER '49 STUN SI895 nder $1895 Starlit Coupe I - 148- $549 Con Alt Assurance Grant CONVERT $989 Sedan Sedan 49 PONTIAC you want to buy ea Ewe the hood rotes and woe liberal terms in Sok take thee - p J WANTED entmeorter who will mate a Mee home toe lianas ad um fallowing 1947 PLYM SEDAN It end tt Excel Coed 17 FORD ' '40 PONTIAC ' BEST BUY at You1V8uY USED CARS -- - tor Soto Buy Price and Quality Cartesonized $1189 $1189i'40 STUDE $249 '37 STUDECpe -- Jt" ' lot Sal':155—Autonvobilos 155—Autemobils OF $1569 CHEV Sedan r$1229r46 Coupe' '36 Sty feline $269 '47 CHEV Aero Sed Twn 0-1E- '50 v Ow State OPEN Mt orphans: °Mt $10891'49 CHEN 71 1 COMPARE Main- - ' 'Tam and 8th So Equipammt $1095 '' - STUDE Chmp Ow? $1495 num 'gram BUIOC Super $1275 ' '49 0ott—extra Extra Sedan Sot tor1- 31389 STkEATOR CHENMOLET at - DELIVERY Ursa ZOnd itiOtat "Veer Progroadvs CHEN! '48 WRVS Panel - muARtrt 'CAPITAL: - 1947 DODGE COUPE In Town - CHEVROLET CO Is'Always '48 - ' OUR LOT - - -- ' - '-' The Best Place In Town To' Buy co Used Car 4 'OPEN EVENINGS' - - coed Urea $895 511 So State 610 So Main '48 '37 CHEVSedon Salt yews you want a aned tor that passes the Utah State Safety'? that has the spied Woodson "who set at woo thatersd'Se-led pact ay bockt that le a Used Car that oases" rigid guarantee niquireasents shoe we coupt $145 lezooliont $1569 ! '48 CHEN Aero we SMARM SEDAN ' !Sty leline egir I - - ' toterkil CHEV aua V used car that Iwo II yew were eareplete taw enghlo oil Weak that has been cleaned sennizedi ond throughout thee FIYM Roe° 'winsome mato Wean inutsow - WALLAWCPS Lake Nosh dealer for 095 til 1 - &LN CARPI' ''' el CHEN CHEN szik 0 iL Sm 200 '49 '48 want the finest sielootien wed Nothen—aPt props and W asodele-- we blot also Zzos Unit — Choose-From-7—i- to SPEC DOL - - omms tea mentor —Lot Main-- - - I 1 cHEV 'Sta Wgn I-- OPRE ED C ISSZA‘itiitollitss for Solo '39 MAU Sedan gallea ci gad' $1195 Sea $1497 '49 OLDSStaWgri:$2297 I SEDAN Radio naIl it thm4 tenu t egoism — Lo real CHEN met - --- tor-Sc- -- v—2- — '"-- - - ----- -r ra - 1 elleoelded Airlyre COnstructioa St looks better years longer— are fully body Cod feeders if st &endowed under Pp used Nash enamel finish And-igem miles lMtbuf On entry oasts $1695 Clio l4E3''OLDS tbsawitreaa Item orlinte tidowsit Nester toupe$1047 I 8' COMMODORE : - e- ol 135—Automotaos o 111Kwhate saweakeand Jot choose a used Nash IYs Quo because F built with Lleitieed HUDSON- -- 1948 $398 $448 $448 $888 '40OLDS Sedan tor-Sol- IF??? :$148 FORD Tudor U tot Sole -- 13SAutoessobilos USED- - biles- ó SahrISS-4tutom- et148 Ike IN '37 OLDS Sedan '40 CHEW Sedan : - 1554tutemobilei lot -- 44o SOP 0 0 0 - ''''" stmdayv - Ilarelh12116 - r-oft-- 1 11' là 4 -- Inn l& 511 ' 113: SALdpir -- 1111115---7------ 1950 - ' |