Show 1 - ' ‘ - Doti"' Diary - Penicillin Stymies Makers of Cheese -- - - -- - - by Lyman Witiceirctson A - - - - is 7------ 1- t ' o - tsslulI": -- ' 1 It was tit "Dairymen who woe penicillin to treat dial- culture failure bad them puzzled until failures sudden orders of the cove udder should refrain from decided I was milk cows veiling milk from the treated cows foritil boors k is abneimLuirnudfrontity bless iheopinionts istirot issIt :' or longer Even though the is safe for as i milk appears to be normal the use as feed for calves or hogs and should notHowbe detrimental for other use on the farm milk should be retained on the -' I ever ' until sufficient time has elapsed since 1 farm led to animals or absorbed to be treatment to permit the penicillin thrown aviwy" I so it does not appear In the milk such Milk deft-Th- e " or t nitely 4 above is the opinion of factories cheese to e: not sold be abotdd i Reed reftrifi production super- - : where the changed — other manufacturing plant Nelson-Ricks Cream1 character of the milk would impair the product visor for ' ery Co-- in Utah and Idaho being manufactured And the reason given for rw Costestloa Same tention of milk from pealed- — I cows on the farm It Lk Mr Ferris statemerite are supported byExfor a period of time after such Katainelson and E G Hood of the Central ' treatment is that even in lir Itillairdsso perimental farm Ottawa Canada After exInfinitesimal sunountA penicillin appears to be tensive it was determined that detrimental to cheese making- - The moist tea- penicillinexperiments in milk had et deirmite inhibitory ef-- son advanced by 111c''' Ferris tbat presence of - feet on starter cultures used tn cheese nuilting--- is penicillin in milk is a bane to cheese In the interest of the future of dairying that it lahibito production of add so making necessary or until such time that a culture is developed to successful cheese manufacture that will resist penicillin dairymen who treat -- -the diug should not sell their milk Drug illte Culture Iniunsuri consumption or tot 24 hours longer Milk to be used In the isuutufecture of cheese depending on the dilution used-- - Oil dilutions is pasteurized to kill bacteria and then la aethe early sunimilation of the ding and kvted culture is added to provide the correct prevent in MS case the milk should Pot be sold for 48 - ' Mr-to hours or longer Ferris —as occasional According - — -- --- ---acidity — 111101rnbrolirobilliiingill116 — ' ' ' ' j - qb - v ars3 ' En Weber Canyon 6 Miles Up Route to Morgan 1 -- The entiri herd - h TL and itang's tested and herd Cows in Full Production - ithe complete - 06 Bred Heifers to freshen In - Early Summer 20 Bred Heifers to Freshen in 2 62 Herd Bulls Months Choke Open Heifers - Also Selling: 2 HERD BULLS " Both are grandsons Admiral Burke Lad! H and CHAS BILL ADAMS Write 1711113r - P - Lox aLunch 763 OGDEN UTAH Will Be Served! 4 ( DEALERS —l IN U1DES Wisconiln Of i -10 K ' '' : q d 1 r ' 5vL 1 - FURS CI :3 I2 43 gARIAmpl WOOL AND PELTS WitakliMitsfOPENNIM4 11101pAilmill Farm Letter ig ALL 6 205(724e- -ti No-Sto- Ho-Squ- at - i - la ------ o'41"1"1111Z1111 Cls' ' 'N''''''4 Comee wad Moor sone Tela IMO i la ' Gardening People who like to things withciut bending' over to do It will be interested in agrow folder 1 received from a firm in Oregon manufacturing a system to 'make a series of concrete rings that our be set up into a Their slogan is "Garden With Rase—Beep Off Your Kneesgarden The treneral idea is that the big filled ring at thesetbottom with earth and then a Emitter on top' of it Is slightly ring are planted on the space between the rings This con- until a peak Is reached at the top where a fountain-lik- e watering widens releases water that runs down through the rings The firm Points out that the system offers other advantages besides keeping gardeners off their knees! Being small at tha top And big at the bottom it doesn't shade the and the concrete rings soak up the heat- during the day plants and keep the planta warm at night the makers say Eltint TAGS I znz lf-- II SKT tan all WAS a mil I - - for Sale Catalog' Highest Market Prices for dead and useless horses cows sheep and hogs For prompt awoke col His twoorsat plant Ai te - Auctioneers ATTENTION FArILIERS! 04401010 - gg I i '17ilift3:iiplit011 3E13 - A f fi it 1 has bees vaccinated! SELLING IN OUR SALE ARE— - ) 'When McMinn of the Itic'Wield Junior Chamber of Ccommered tackle a project they do tip brown But they aren't satisfied to let the matter drop at that stage of the gameso they use the same technique to capitalize on their previous performance A case in point is their current plbject telling the story of last year's lith annual Smothers Utah Junior Livestock show which they sponsored This consists of a scrapbook It Ls not just an ordinary scrapbook hastily assembled It is a profes-of sionally complied and bound work of art that tells the story the show from start to finish As the show was the O 1 pmject of the Richfield Junior Cluunber of Commerce for - 1949 the organization decided to akainatize it as effectively as possible in making a bid in state and national competition aitgainst projects completed and presented by other Jaycee groups In pant years the Richfield yomig men have walked away with awards in similar competiIkea and it looks to me as though they stand a good chance of ranking high again this year' The man behind the book as well an the show Is Robert Seegmillero who was president Of the Jaycees end vice president - of the 1949 event Of course he has been assisted by such men as Blythe M Gardner sand Val Cowley ably commungers for1949 along with the combined strength of the other members and participating livestock interests This year Mr Gardner will be advertising manager of the show I looked through thee book devoted to a great extent to Picture clippings Advertisements and Other display material that accompanied the show was impressed by the fact that It demonstrates what can be clone to dramatize Our farm and livestock events that sornetinseis ars allowed to become drab because no one makes it a point to bring the color and competition to the public attention 'The perocess by which a boy or girl brings a calf or a lamb or i pig from youth to maturity le a stirring story if properly developed and the Richfield Junior Chamber has gone a long way toward lifting the southern Utah Junior show to the level it deserves- - ' 1E9 1411 r 4 Selling Both ittgistered nnd Gratb Corn - 1 ' - ALAI fo) 3 At Our Peterson Ranch - ' It TEE 141111113 1:::11PraT:UriVa3 IMISTE13 7LIILI-195Q10:-- a Vietting Cho scrapbook dirroonnathing Southern Utah Junior Lire stock shore are left to right Chasm $poor lira Val Cowley sad Mr Coorley Mr Snow and Mr Cowley sure 1950 tornanagers tiosoreut sponsored by Stletorield JOIder Chamber el Commerce boo bees prepared br Stoolbert Stegmiller as bid for state sad attain"' 'recognition in Jaycee competition for project excellence to tail abour EISPErIS:::17StoiElf EIXIC:3 CC:jLETE TEE— - f - So'mething - 4 t -- ' y 0 A -- i--- ' 31 er 1 L "lin-treat- - 004t' "s - 31 i - J cr- ramal ri (- - N 0-- 4 110011100e MEOWS Ann J soft ser INS ONO or WI host- - Is Coto leas othrtwo --- Lek co Liam ay vt w gra sir gal$tamp 1 While looking through si file of bandy hints material othe ether"--ro Mtg I ran onto this tymie titled °Getting Rid of Bata" get rid of a bat in 6Ithetawle" it said Ittraactedwind°1rby and shine automobile opening the bent the bat win fly never know when you willThis is handy to know because you — by beta out THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE - |