Show -- ---- : — -- - — -- t - a ' — ' - - -- 4 - 4 4 - ' - ' - - Radio Nelors 7:st Laall 11:14 - latermountaht ' Station - "' VOL 160I - ' ' - 1:13 e — psi- - - -- - - - - Netvrerk-- ' 1 1 ' ' - 1 de"--111- - s ' - - - - - - - 1 emoel Clears Me "tS - k - ' ' - - LAKE (TrY TJTAIT'SLTNDAY MORNING MARCH 26 1950 oisot SALT " erpossortioluvr t - Details - ' mirth- - Bala S' 1- vo ' ' - — ' 163 ISTO Weather '' - 4 es nage C9 ' - I Ill - at I - cmT3 FIFTEEN 1 I ' Cm : f - - - 7 4 1 it '- 0' ' - 4 - i 01 le - - ''k i lk N' 4 4 ! 4 4'' --- 44 : 4 t- 4 - ' - - $ - - ' - - A " 7 - - --A 4 t le-- -- -- '-- ''' - - ''1 7 ' ' -- - - 2Z7"-- 4' - ' - - ' t '' '''' ' - B-2- Elp 5 - 4 tvii----!' - 11-- INK 4ravAvia' 460111144111A071k !--- PII0ENIX-Aria-Mar- cli 1 I - - - - -' ' - ' - ' !amiltillMlik litAidesamtilliblaw "- - 4 ''''''' I1 - '-' - -- ImendaoltitKtiwlee l' ' - 51 :n- - - ' $ ("Stier 4ita aam1wat CRASH CLAIlit 15: -- 2 I 01r ciecl IS Ask 6lavd - -- - - ANKARA Turkey March 25 -tPF"'- -- A Turkish air liner catzied — including 15 Americana and a babY' sod of the pilot—to flaming death in a crash hutding after grazing a Sa - nil la(DaleWiier Irina-l- 4111 vrec- isiotriethe ge:Fr:eetBI to- - - - - - - ' In-- Republican inake-orbre- laseDitu"reccoPmt°rlejtii: Edangallit' A ak trnytillis?-veo- - 1 kill-Acheso- n-- ' -" - Bloc Plots i ""ted IP" FBI the ' I to one - toirdherepfwerteTerrethisst file - NeivAttaclis----- - Frank Buck9-- - B-2- air - near here blew-up-- in 3 the-timi- - Saturday and plunged seven employes of North Arnerican Aviation Co Lee An-t- o their deathA: The big ship broke hate pieces wbith scattered over- a telf-mi-le area The 'nein part or the plane plowed a tive-tedeep trench la 11:43 am' field Task Off st El Paso Allen Rolland a ranch worker This was the second major 'lime who was in a field said he saw crash in Arizona in three days the plane i flying at a low altitude 0 An air force exploded in !There— was a loud explosion be refell on the desert near! flight and and of the craft new! Cita Bend Thursday killing 12 t ported thepieces air : -crewmen Ttro OceilPants pars-- 1 through One wing fell into an:irrigation chuted to safety The tail was ditch 'near the highway North American's roadside at the assembly dropped C to bound from Washington bodies of the victims were Loa AngeleuIt bad taken off ILEI The crashed In the firselage Them was -- - ot - ' '' - ' ' - ' 664 hi - - - " 2 '' ' lull la causerefortSiw casea they - sow toiSedmreStyles Bridges (it- - N N) "no Saturday that "a ' But McCarthy was not exPectad whok group of Repubhcazuf will and ootiotiott to he as easily at be at work on the bbuiteAcheson least res - P?werful Democrat project for the next few weeks— lie -Walter Sen hint vhth agreed and the nut start next par" George (IliGa) warned that the WeeLL administration is Inviting a Neve xxamPaldra ItcPublican unless it re" "whitewash"--tharg- e inena leases the full loyalty files to men- - rteexPectspet:ecttoitleattadckinollgalitteli Clainto-- loyalty ocratic members of a senate judiciary subcommittee Friday atde-asecret Meeting hi the Justice starch 23 (Xi— partment ' A number of senate Republicans Nscaum for Worn' ' Man to mgo after" Secy of Etats In a new series of aDesattaclutebelieri Ssegthatserkerasill - - - -Ins head off proposed cuts by htform- -irirs'' ateaainavest igat1 '1 -i ing Kee that the program outlinall it is satisfactory whom department and far cast "I don't in the omnibus measure is the AL ILAISA44 for Mr Hoover to tell what is in pond have coma- under - inertia-th- e EROLVG Germany March — minimum consistent with the infiles without members of the Mg GO P fire- (UP) — Twenty passengers and terest of the United States and our The ITIOVO was disclosed as subcommittee)" examining them" arvenorewmen HOUtTth4 of Czech — thn three brarch 25 lull near Ankara's airport in efforts to schieve a- peaceful -said "I don't think you'll showdown appeared near In tba George Leine& wondering De4a asked troriel Frank Buck Texan ever unless the bunt tar communiits and latasatarday satisfy the public cam spies in who gained fame by capturing be ob- - the State All aboard 11 passengers and for asset unt 131 the United States information necessary department stet off by ofrobs flange but wild intimate throughout the world tamed from the thee" Irreparable Germany Saturday four crewmen were mile& It Sen Joseph It McCarthy My deman!"- was Turkera iworst air accident 57 other outraged Czechs "'Failure to enact it in its full died of a lung ailment Saturday - Truman SOU Mous ant-mamount would do irreparable 'em The back and first fatal civilian crash in edrati2e be sent !mac alive" "bring Sedges' speech le expected to ' Hoover and Atty Gen- - J How- planes took oft from 13rati-- - 'harm" he continued 'We cannot 10 years authority had been ill since be followed by other& The Americana were Mr and slave Ostrava and Brno three live isolated in relative stealth and being injured in a Chicrigo troxicab ard McGrath are expected to take Sen want:A (114 F widely separated points oetetimbly I abundance a stand on that questioh MondayWe cannot ignore the wret-- three year ego Mrs Julian Parker Cole of New bound when they testify before the sub- Cal) said members of a senate for Prague but landed here !urgent problems of other peoples or He entered Hermann York They were returning from 1 one hospital at committee Pres Harry 8 Trui- - appropriatiorue subcommittee will after the other Friday before threats to their independence' a trip to Istanbul where ' they- - the amazed the 9100000000 Texas medical man who bas the lut word on demand an explanation Monday the of soldiers at eyes C A Present 16 E authorisations entered their daughter Let center about a month ago A abort disclosure of the files atilt hail from the State department on what 1 this air base In the American college Cole expire at the end of this fiscal year time earlier be had come here from not sent word from his Key West is being done to One of the pilot& Leer Kleznil June keep the Eritwn 30 hie San Angelo Tex horns for a Fla vacation retreat on whether from 75 transport v"a: identified as ale engineer a reluctant guest et the U S air The chief executive over turning Kee told check-u- p to see of at the Univarsity of he will permit the senators to the chines communists forces said: planes threone-packathat passage of Texas M D Anderson neering Co He Ms been workfor the complete files- Sea - E Flanders IR asaiMance act - would cancer research ale° athospital foreign Subcommittee Chairman Millard WVIA tuaRalph the medi- ing for the Titrkish Eti bank Illertste aticarday that all threatened nations 1114 all rejected of E "strengthen has cal center which mining Twinge charge °We liere about 13 minutes otit I muted no Part of an effort by intimitiatiort !subversion or' request by Seta Bourke IL Hick- - some - NATIONAL: FETE operations in Turke- yof Omo 'edict the second pilot with ' Rata of ! Republicans to oust Acheson I Sunday STevicee direct aggression" Parte Falling ill) testintoriPmtPelle (It' and radio operator poked a pm at 1 McGrath-Hoovuntil folwil The be cremated Some witneanes said the pilot body my head I thought it was & joke Hickenlooper said ho lowing services Sunday at a Hous- Wednesday - I did not think they were serious might have been trying to make! will be out of town Monday and ton home funeral an einergenrY landing l'a the reed- l another Re- 7hrs4 they told me 12Fou go His widow Mrs Muriel Riley that he understands subcommittee member oux- - wishes we will blow iwayAfter the explosion falling i against publican 1 V'S7-Mda'and a Buck daughter Barbara Sen Henry Cabot Lodge Jr Mali-psirts narrowly missed autOmobiles 3iur brains out! They ordered vie - are survivors ' Neiv-T:Cal)1on the highway sacillisette will not bd tiers biers" to fly a course ot 240 degrees was Buck born March 17 1884 day either the Ines °I1' tas plane ' which ts in this region iptet don't Antrzcs march 23 6N—Two'tint --- toA at Galesville TeL Hie family SOOn Kiehmeier was as Ills know why we landed at Erding Probe Delay Looms American generals 'were given ire- - Tyrusla—Calif°rnia A moved to Dallas t° rnaltrY Miss nal' They simply insisted on coming mendous ovations during a Greek Vivian AS a youngster Buck quit school has to leave said be L°1 af TYdings AngelesSPriggs r ' Independence day observance Sat- - ' Cecil CacePern chief ' - ' after the seventh grade and be- town Tueolay night It was unrepresents- gress Shand landed his plane itt COW IVASRDZIrTOM March 23 lirdier M7 JAMES RESTON Belgium March gan an outdoors life that included derstood that Tydings will accom- tive for North American at Pa- - BRUSSELS point He a flight engineer and u Defense Secy Louis Jolmson n told Saturday that was a WASIEECSIGTON puny lmins- wild and Msilinsisea cowPunching 25 surprimeynove h hoboing I OM dstafa'wrul'I s Marc linasi'"a7rMetvgot taseal'immtiorMoutspóken Comnumiat pitmen-Charlenightl to the APril 1 Meeting sf the it the United States tried to said Melunrier had Saturday ger told their stories Saturdays in- (NTT)—Sen Arthur H Vanden- game expeditions throughout the Atlantic touring the Mediterranean areas bought a- boom near Patuxent and Regent pact defense committee achieve absolute ' world to both berg Mich) appealed nA security against asked dbert Deveze- leader of dirating that seven of the crew the Netherland& in e4 n-He been bid In anihack interested to his intended drive oitit major —"the political fliniti 20 the parties bad Saturday i Ita° would of were to 1-atomic these there Meanwhile attack Ltberali Pamengers it hays Ameticaof Belgium's ' batched the plot to flee by air to to support the European recovery mate birds and snakes from boy- other developments in the Corn- mission to Greece It was estimated ' bride' spend mom than g300 himon end His mother once spanked muniat party to forma new cabinet the 'rest But no one cotdd be program and create an unpartisan hood Dead inquiry: List el two-foo- t tmolficially 500000 persons lined him -for commission a recommend etaila--or-whO to witkw a long playinr letter become a tarrtoon Alta was be I McCarthy drafted i understandingiliure-or the streets for the parade comand told him United Boies L "never This hie civilian C States econotrdc and copperhead range and Sheriff defense minis hind It was that Dever" long-tim- e to TYdinge repeating request analysis of Collins 'told a news conference again let me tree you with a snake" for permission to political peace policy ' pany spokesman In Los Angeles ter of defense would try to forms I mks given the Abombs against N the Amerkan mission under Van Issued Native T of In a in letter to Paul C Hoffman rebuttal this bat of the dead: witnesses win) testify e First Expedition atomic committee by Fleet will continue In Greece "for Pilot Miles A Towner South coalition cabinet of Liberals Social The 27 who wont to stay ore bi administrator of the Economic to his charges In return Mc- some time" but declined to evalu- Cate Cal -Paul 1 to His submit Larsen director ' of the to was made first Socialistic quest expedition Christian) and this: ing questioned by air forces intelli- Cooperation administration the agreed Carthy ate Greece's strategic value In the Robert VI Toy public relation were Tessfid °the new govern-- 1 genre officers Jimmies were o- Republican senator called for unity in 1911 to South America Later tions from "anyone" Office of Civilian Mobilization on ' event of war He said the mission's rePrewrilative Iran Nuys Cal the National Security Resources menrs ink would be to brings lowed to talk only to those who between the parties in backing his trips took him to Malaya Rebuttal ter purpose was to continue - with Los A- exiled King Leopold back want to go home An air force the Marshall plan opposing Com- India Borneo Burma New Guinea Jack Steppe engineer tot - 2 - Ha!dors Hanson a State deBritain to train the Greek army Belgium: on Ahe premise that spokesinan said some &canon will munist aggression In Asia and de- Slain and Africa Obrkmaely Impossible In answer to a question whether He made a trip to Malaya last partment official describeda by Me James Scludfer technical repre- would abdicate in favor of his 19- - be made on Monday on bow to get vising unpartisan policies to mainLaraen 'said in testimony given the United States would attempt sentative Manhattan Beech Cal year-ol- d Carthy as "a man with mission son Prince Baudouin but and native tain his them economic world year back when uprisings stability world" wrote In closed session March 23 and to beat Russia into Greece in the Dominic Kudtan crew chief ' health forced cancellation of plane to communize the The liSth person via Mae Kat- - the Marshall plan ends in 1952 Latest- Development Tydings asking a chance beto an- made public by the committee event of war Collins said it is not for a mine Kosmak 41 riew York Jungle expedition said He and Recent Arguments McCarthy The designation of Deems as: sistant attacbe of the American Motion pictures made on bin ex- swer possible to tell now "what hoes i Edward A °Brien project tog"- been subjected to Saturday that perfect security have his family atomic attack 'obviously was the latest dereloPi embanry at Prague who wan on I Vandenberg did not refer ape- peditions made Buck a hero of ISCCT Redondo Beath Cal Pctlicy will follow military premier of suspicion and against "whisperings ' We In the tralted States act I Tynis H Kiehmier a- North In the long battle over the: the Bratislava plane She was cifically to the recent partisan millions of youngsters throughout hate" in his Virginia farm com- is not possible' ' "Nor is an attempt to achieve 0 ' See Page ? Canons 3 arguments over foreign policy or the world attempting to prevent war" he American technical repmentative return of Leopold to the throne and munity site McCarthy accused l the movement said "Americans are atteirpting assigned to the Patuxent naval air was the most unexpected news! A feature "Bring '''Em Back him on March 13 Tidings said absolute security desirable under in the house of to build for peace-- " present ronditiona mime we are station Patuxent Mt P ' Belgium has had since Its citizens repreeenta tives to cut at least Alive" made about 20 years ago Hanson will be permitted to tesvoted March 12 by a majority oil willing to become a garrison - I 500000000 from the currspt gave him the lasting nickname tify Tuesday tate be said- E R P appropriation but recom57'4 to bring back the king ' ' He said that looking at the mended resumption of impartisian Since that time the dominant frtand'DIPEIL4IFVE' FLEA Social Christian (Catholic) party problem from a Pecurity support of the E R P and A ECTION S which is violently ma studies of ths pohcies neceshas point alone the solution might apbeen trying to form a government National y miry to supplemertt and follow- the pear to be compulsory dispersion which could bring him home E ftPtiiEuropsandAtia of people and of industry but he Foreign added: Socialists' called Editorial In this same vein Vandenberg POMONA CaL March 23 Mil— tma's Injuries Included four or five strikes in Belgium's vital Indus- Intermountain 10-1- 3 Me dollars and cents cost of ProPooed creation of an lodePoad- tmt commission to study present 'Two circus elephants frightened broke ribs and multiPle abrasions tries and a general strike Friday decentralizing some 200 cities in SECTION T the tnited States having popula and pontz —marked by economic prob by the lehiettP1 led belle et or more would probMany residents in the eastern avowed intention of preventing thef Local 1 Industrial and commercial lion lens March 23 ' Passing trains broke loose and i residential section of Pomona were trines return They said that 2 IWASHLNGTON !Ports - imam La- employment in February dropped ably be in the neighborhood of of Best rampaged through this orange belt :awakened as the scared and truns- the came back these tactics Drama 465000 from the January figure $300000000000 13 ' town seriously Mjuring one at- - Ipettng pachyderms- - crashed wouldking sit venture this suggestion" be bor issued an "imperative" call to a total of 41700000 with two-thir- ds continue until be abdicatecti - Might Klil Democracy ''sccrioNT tendant before they were ettp- - through yards and streets The ISaturday inristo stem action for who one was of said those of the decline traceable to ' - Police switchboard was flooded by Caotinne right tured eocill and political costs — "The be A bad to sisted that E C 9 preaassitied Advertising ing U S unemployment "before the coal and auto strikes HowIll:- - Police Sgt Ed Stevens said the !persons reporting that Imonsters" —Despite this the Social of such decentralization might put ceded by the studies of the Hard- it is too late" Weather ever Death' I job passed manufacturing huge animali both females were were en the loose- - tuna appeared determined to coo- Local the and would and end to democracy as we know 10 man commission—mobilizing The labor organization said in the 14000000-mar- k being led back to a circus train I One of the elephantar rammed tinus their ffght until a successful Mines and Markets e— best brains available for consultst- its monthly economic survey that have gone much higher were It it To accomplish such a program 4 Friday night after a performance through a feria at the Pomona formula for the kings return was of compulsory dispersion we would ionp—to determine what role is 2000000 more workers are job- not for the strike of 90000 ChrysSECTION AV of the Clyde Beatty circus when Tile Manufacttuing Co parking found and there ban been no anhave to be wining to become a 'wisest and safest for Amerks less today than in the first three ler workers " they were panicked by the noise :lot roamed through an orange nouncement that they will give Society in fac- months of either 1941 or 1943- for her own 2 Weekly earnings of factory canteen state" of trains On a nearby track and 'grown and then crashed through up and coopersto with Deveze in Fashions He added that "if too much of crisis 'Only a emit& part of this unem- production workers continued the threats of post-wI ing tore loose from their handlers s a chain link fence at one of the a compromise formulas!" our national effort is expended for Kathleen Norris It The E C A was the result the record level of 15637 is I ployment is seasonal" 'it said-Th- e at- - citrs reserroirs At that 'point a I Leroy Spellnum 12-1- 4 afternoon they Clubs Al we approach the statutory census bureau bat reported The average work week military and civil defense purposes Only Saturday tendantI was Injured after lie :panting attendant caught up and held a party congress and pro--z the very libeirtle we are trying to tend ot E C A in 495Z I think it the number of unemployed creep- was 397 hours reflecting an exSECTION M chased one and tried to capture tt !caned to the elephant The beast I n ! !would be well for another such ing toward 5000000— The total pansion of hours in heavier In- make secure will themselves be in a vacant lot Police said the ' responded by ramming through "It is up to the Social Chriallas Features 4 endangered" 14 COMMIPSIOn equally unpartisan number in the nation's work force dustries animal picked Spellman up with another section of reservoir tent I party to constitute a government Book Art that this country Conceding and equally impeccable in charra- (those holding jobs and looking But the A FL noted the mountIts trunk dashed him to the but then eubcnifted peacefully to desided to end the regency and Music Radio Log 7 cter--to resume independent ad for jobs) was estimated at 59- - ing Jobless figures and cautioned isn't ready for as atomic attack kicked him t and attempted i capture by the attendant ground delengs I Leopold back" that "Lit is imeprative to check Larsea said that civilian risory studies of our pew responsi- 000000 swrioN to roll on him before he scrambled l The roundup °tithe pair took bring The Liberals also met Saturday' planning must be done at the The labor department's Oureau unemployment bilities as the worlds largest cred- now" If unemsway Its was taken to Pomona Ian hour and a half After their afternoon rmd one of their leaders Farm Home Girlita world 's 'pea r- - of labor statistics Issued tWo re- ployment is allowed to increase community level will the f l itor nation and the Valley Community hospital where !capture the circue train left for said: "The Liberal party is morel Far m Lotter 2 head in the quest of a dependable ports Saturday bearing on the the A FL said It will be too let to government standirg ready to al4 Dr George W Jcase Amid Epelim iSsa remand CaL liet tax away united than over ageiest the king' Itodel Home -in case of an onslaughts 1 stem the tide dt cot 4 situation: !peace Sae story ' it--s' i ' I: r 44 0 converted --- A - - tt k—-4 ' Wisconshi slats that this is the a president — - case on which be la prepared to stake- his entire Mdictment ot the Etats dePartment Imo" Ithiess - - " no - - ep - '11' Costlinsol All The omnibus bill called for authorisation of S3375000000 to be spent for continued economic aid to Europe and Korea help for Arab refugees from Palestine and rnoldc sack 6 Lang onoseot funds for the technical Assistance 71Wing Ym Back Alive° alibis mpart of the chief esecutivee ottled "point four" program Debate on the bill which began Friday in the house was marked - ' ' by misty efforts to'redo drastically the figura atikeAs by the NN L Ilsterday killiat Its nevelt campanili tinployeo or North AbletitalL The converted 1543 tooetago plowed a trench ao It hit -- Satu rday:'Worth American its employel—were taliing the craft to various alc forte hams I ' for demonstrations Tbe 14arirt wiutAying through it exploded driztling- - 'sin' over state highway 37about three mdes Irons Chandle r southeast of Phoenix The crash occurred atsnl - 1 Vk - ‘ whi3 - nt bower foreign affairs committee which reported the bill to the house!I 1 : - t I F refused to be quoted directly said the The Democrats data contained nothing to prove McCarthy's charge that a ma connected with the State depart-miis Russia's boss spy in the Gt)p FUSILLADE United States - - - (UP)--Sena- te the state department a — ' March 25 Democrats fug' gcsted Saturday that secret- - B I data shown them stay wash out Sen Joseph R McCarthy's main "communism case" against as-H- ''- ' NPe iludaboAdi--:-- TURKEY PLAINT m Might - 23 w likAPILaik A S even r--'-- - Blast Disintegration at Low Altitude--- lode--s- - - March l' ' ' wAsuzzarom ' - WEST--lirla'- I -- l - " -- ' - -- -- -f 'Afte-r-Fata- - i A North AMIPtirall Aviation Ca plasieffying trout' litailihigtos DC to Los Angeles exploded In tits sir sad crashed sear Phoesix Ariz I(1 ' :5 - 1"4714§1116 1040 A'" ''4411001111koAr"ii - - - ' - - - --Al - - 0 - - - ' '" " Lit - - it'e 1 - ' ' 25! - 4 - '' (UP)--P- rea ' - - t 1 "'----- 1 IIII k - Harry S Truman Sat-- 1 urday asked congress to "strike ! a blow tor peace" by passing the 13375000000 eamibus foreign e ' ' mistime program said "failure to enact the administration - backed omnibue am-tur"is ite full amount would do irreparable damage" Mr Tninian' made hie recom- - KEY --- s --- - ---- PI obers Scout Solon s 411 latie-ot Break Case ' N' 4 - - ' 'Asks Truman 'ii Mid on Full i Aia Bill Fund &- I 1 r- - - '7' 1 k i b I t - ' 1 - 9 1' ' - itt - B-5- Fe - a - - L!!! - ge lit a (a - er - PrirliP0 'Orders AtOM Security ri Placcd Lost Suppoll ERP Vandenberg Appeal Urges ' For Belolans rno - la 8 3 09Billion - um-Con- L11---I- (lt 1 - anti-Leopo- ' 1 ' --- --- - crose-esami- senste-houa- If lit n-- - ' - " P 4- a -- - Two- Ramp-- I 1 me ft Ele halits Stir TIIE INSIDE---- ld toast Injure Otte -- -- ON AFL Ca Rs for Action to Stem ising Unemployment Antl-Leopo- ld R: vielence--Arlth--the- -- 1 r It ' (— -- - c --- I 1-- - 11-1- self-intere- st at ar mid-Febru- ary k ! z - it 1 1 1-- rt - - - (I lbw - |