Show Mi!mFpleMOM7!7!J AI ' - ' NowsN - -- - ' - - s - 1 IMMEMINEIMMOMMIlli I 111 lommons h Does your bOuse have - i - A - I i cleaning blee? - - - 4- ' r - 1 inmeomoseemoonlo (':: n i ' - k RAYTIIEON- -- - k II proves' Stot EATTISLON Obese opoodorfol mortise - Iliirioness eseeeves Ike FOR - 4000' 'i - 17- - Su &trues : -- How toPtan - 4 ci Room for ze m - s I 6 r vk I CRAWFORD GARAGE DOOR Ain ' maintain For an expert So elm!' Eirparit ramt oPPenlee irepMr CRAIICGE TOUR SISARRY OLD GARAGE DOOR ' pr ! DIAL 611930 : CRAViTORD s MI ' :-- RN t SoL Er — 0- mil - VMS —- - 40(42r 'set - MODERN- loosto A VII - them ' 4 - OPs ' t ' ' t - Ikeedikmont Asybalit at :' Rabbet Min stice 4 '1il - t VI i 1 Si2045N i T - itUtligt III 26 )950 - — - ' -- - -- " - - ' Estisats Fr - Herb Towers' ' MURRAY - CO and ArtIlAriCE - - Mose 4155 So State -' - —- 1 34339 — sr:lrltmttps trs ) ill f anitooloilopshos (ihrooriatroisto pew leSN I TWA - PAINT (MAU-IT- 7 -- Cs- ipb 1I - kw: ati fit!et - Szgar Ec:se I 1141111 213e la lità IloomommJ ' t ' 1 - II n opit e 'la dpokal - SIIIIVDAyi' MAR' CFI - - 11 jL y' ti Mane 1 - - L2I ss '01 1 ar - iimp yi 1 - 1"717"771 INS ri t- carpet illublity iportrowarship tereremes Service A ' i PLUIiIBING- ti f ! il4 t 1 - i i10'1 1 ' Our expert plumbing men are ready to help yeti phut your new CRANE bathroom Constant ' financing- -Pay Nothing Dame IF fa litres Years to Pay I "1 -- FotaTo-na I ifrv-t Litidommil 1 111111011S MASI Ca PosodaNg R --- --7 - euvcoL4"'E Hootti - WW1 01'1 sone U - - ----- Iliiilltpuows prr11111 - 4 Ike lateratortatelass ' FINEST SELECTION 11 SINE - a ft i - olligLII --- er -- i1J ' i gii11111111 0 tat 0 10 me ' santaoA you S11111111111 - ' ' ' 1 UTAH Ii OM al ging111111111 DUN I 1 -- Slar - J - I TIME CSITI L 1Plis Ss snit! flt 21 sot isms most Mohr wheal la -- : I 040 SPRINGTIME IS i START 011 - A A SALT "AKE a - - iI - iks ni ' iler I ::ik eeeee -- the Inside upright of the frame and then by turning the turnbuckle you can get the door ' back to plumb Now as to screening host le eheapest but copper brass and aluminum will outlast it The main thing to remember hi buying 'screening is to am tacks of the 'same metal to nail the acretung as the screening is made out of If you dent you'll get something called galvanic action which In time will destroy either the tack or the screening oboe" 3a k - - - - ' es Cog t- — 1 1' -- - moug $3409 -- either inside the joint or along the side The plates inside the joint are the best for bur money Sagging screen doors can be fixed in nothing flat metal rod and turn with buckle One end ot the rod goes on the lower outside corner of I 1 I lbBC maw Amaursan 0 somf 77 I! ARA I t1 ' ' DOOR SALES CO I I tug welt tad Se Sat URA -- L L -- Floors Take Beatheg Durable and easily cleaned floor towering' & light row solpassr such as Bookman or coniponitios tile are good Palma' selections for the bors room Fabrics for drop-trii 4 Ides legal hurl Fa bedcovers and upholstery of heavy textured Craton in solid cokera striped or plaidr or' orowvon see (shrill 03' f corduroy In dark shades are practical and at - 1114sosislkalsislarZ the same time decorative sad moot suitable L Ills"pabdr shirt ' Built for two young boys the combination' pla3rroom-bedrooillustrated features lighted IL Walhalla larallet ta niches along toe walls directly aboie twin L isdsalso hos studio tinichen The akhes are built of combed mint sumo gi I wood and serve as converdent and decorative I Obi storage spaces for favorite toys and treasoned SIEESEINDOte erase eve Ad es Sack ei collections with the concealed lights spotlightToo we've ram" - -- ' ing them and adding colter and character to theroom These niches can-latbe used to ad- SLStzterziLlmS471yCs vantage for books and trophies km DIL Dfolie IL- Solt Lebo Clew 10261i Dial 74011 Miwynav UMW by flobbe'rd ' ' - -' 1 STAVE 7--- - - IC 11011E1 " ' 4essomo - old furniture good me in the kitchen table can be bey's room A east-oi- l turned into a good work table or desk painted 'to blend with the other furnishings An old dresser can have its mirror detached legs sassed off and varnished or painted to harmonize ' CO OSCAME CHTMAUS - - --- built-inso i Art owl pollee from Ike sir filiet 1153 WEST 2N12 SOUTH - to the can be refinished sad put to We ran into a hardware dealer the other day who goes slightly -crazy this time of year waiting- for customers to decide what they need to fix up window and door screens Well he's nervous in the first place so we won't worry—but here are some of the Items you'll need for screen repair Loom joints in wood door knd window screen frames can be Mild with metar'mendin g plates These ore in the shape of angles and can be attached - OU TOO can' havp a beautiful 'NEW so oeti to - -— -- 1 How to Repair Windows Seseeris 4 -- Growing 'Fix It Yourself - rt ) ' - talooleast iletty t by Once pest the nursery age a 100ra of own—his own bailiwick for his precious possessions and his own speciak letMtiell- -il an imboy portant part of the life of the small Most homes these days are not equipped an room for this purpose but there with titre Is noreason why a former nursery properly furnished cannot fill the bill From crib to college:a bors IFOOM can grow with him by using some of the basic pieces and adapting them to his changing needs -0 can be replaced by a The crib Or youth-be- d single-bed-simattress and spring combination with a trimly tailored cover and bolsters which narrow the mattress to sofa width providing ample seating 'space as well as a comfortable bed v Eullt-le- s Help Even though the room la small a few built-i- n conveniences and some simple functional furniture will make it adequate for a combination aleeping-playrsoand later as the boy grows older a comfortable and inviting bed-room-de- n ' 60 '1 - - I A Here ore some tips on how to look ahead to how the years will change his needs - k ' ci a f i IOW tiramort- ' ' '16' more eemplese Inforessoke owe i NOME : A A (47 Ann1111016011MOOMIINMEMBIOMINMANMOOME041101111ENIMM7V110001 a noose send I '' A ' - loge poor' sopreessiesive rod owlish la flooso I oodeneend slows will be oe obligetiee oe my 'Pont e sod sturdy furldtonso aro too smolor f outgrow 'Shrivels' eon be word for diffroriot of Mondani erixdposest that a boy can't j lkims korpleg pore Irish bin etrosgtog istesowts at-b- os Ikk 1 ' ' - 11 Aiimiched Se Preileot Seesing lyeeeee For fleet Uwille Write? at Owed b -- -- 'I - go 5 II 6 A CLEANER IlEALtHIER - - ' I i it- - i log mod refementiog IoillesOs Oho ossell' or Of Wows spool be boos dieseling abirneloti sovilig Toy Oosoob to peg for Itself severe! limes - I gives dd 4 ' ' - N- 1y 4" lkossio ledesoi dot owls el ikon — 1 - Sim Woes- of- Sorbs"' Noose assegoss es ItATINION slecimmatically deenese Moe eir in year Mows 1 I etV 'A ewe vial r'' t - - :i ' - - - - |