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Show of Ogden spent the week end and Labor Day at the home of Mrs. Phebe Hyde. The Misses Daphne Duce, Geneva Seamons, Ellen Hancey and Margery Hancey spent Thursday Thurs-day at the girls camp in Logan canyon. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lamb spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Ogden visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Nielsen. HYDrTPARK Hyde Park The Grant family :ldi their reunion on Monday, ptfember 3, in the ward recrea-jnal recrea-jnal hall. There were 106 pre-nti pre-nti The out of town members eluded: Mr. and Mrs. John -ant and family of American jrk; Mr. and Mrs. Jed Grant id . family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben ant and family, Mr. and Mrs. aude Grant and family all of aneyville; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ant and Mrs. Hidvig Bingham Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Ferron mi;b and family, Mr. and Mrs. slyin Lucherini and family of gan and Mr. and Mrs. Oral illam and family of Cove. A lirtious luncheon was; served at iod. A Very interesting program is i rendered in the afternoon, le program tonsisted . of talk F. Ballam; -duet, Mr. and rs.f Ferron '- ,Lamb: : reading, ant Lamb; duet, ,Mrs Martha airt; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Ben -arJt; solo, Oral Ballam; duet, dsss Barbara and Shirley Lamb adjng, Mrs. Ben Grant. Follow-g Follow-g he program a business nieet-g nieet-g jwas held. John Grant was stained as president with Mrs. ivej Grant as secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Seamons rej visiting in. town, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R.: S.' McQuarrie d 'family motored to 'Ogden on ibor Day...., . . .it'.- 1 . . .; Mr. and Mrs. ,F., C. Lee, Miss rajLee, Miss Xhilaliat Lee,' Miss ez Lee, Miss Valene Lee, Mrs. ,'oi Lamb and family and Mr. d ! Mrs. John E. Lee and iuhter, Virginia, attended the adsen family reunion held in rigfiam City on Monday, Sep-mber Sep-mber 3. :Lorin Lamh motored to Ogden onday. He attended the horse ie, . ... . . jMj and Mrs.,, .Lyman , Purser t l ' --- |