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Show THROUGH A Wmans Eyes By JEAN NEWTON "BACK TO THE KITCHEN" unpHERE are two kinds of wom-- wom-- A en those that men love and marry, and those who belong to clubs. Well, it's back to the spinning spin-ning wheel for women now. And back to the kitchen. That's where women belong." Pretty strong words those. Their author is herself a well-known Mid-West Mid-West clubwoman and lawyer, and recently she was inducted as president presi-dent of the Chicago Business and Professional Women's club. "Every club woman and professional profes-sional woman, young or old," she added, "would gladly chuck her career to marry a good man." A married woman and to give force to her words she added, "I am active in club and professional work myself, but I see the error of my ways." Well ! What are we going to say to the scores of young girls getting get-ting out of college preparing for careers, who ask, "What about that? Is it all a fizzle, this business busi-ness of independence,, work, careers for women?" The answer is the same as to any extreme statement. If the lawyer-clubwoman, lawyer-clubwoman, Mrs. Leonora Z. Meder, really spoke seriously when she said women belong in the kitchen, she is not to be taken seriously. Naturallv everv irirl. rarepr-minflpd or not, has in the back of her mind the assumption 01 eventual marriage. mar-riage. But If .t is true that professional pro-fessional women would gladly chuck their careers for marriage, it is no less true that many married women think they would gain in a swap for careers. Again, if Mrs. Meder Is serious In her statements, they would seem to be the re-action of something overdone. Perhaps the combined jobs of wife, lawyer, clubwoman have proved too much for her, and for the moment nothing seems so idyllic as a retreat to the kitchen. That Is one point of truth that we can conscientiously hold up to wondering won-dering girls. Trying to take on all the jobs wife, mother, and business busi-ness or profession, is very likely to be too much. It's more than any man attempts, and lt's hardly fair to a woman. . Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. |