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Show the occasion being the birthdav i ?3 of Mr. Sjoberg. ' 7 Joal Olson of Nibley, Nephi Nil- son of College ward, Ruben Ol-; son and Aldon Adams of Logan, j Mrs. Arduth Freeman of Basalt, J Idaho and Orvin Hale of Pocatello; Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. j Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Humphreys, Messrs and Mesdames Evan Humphreys, Geo Larson, Newell Olson, Charles Anderson, Eslie Jenson, Edwin Hill, A. C. Hale, Mrs. Matilda Olson, Mrs. Nellie Pehrson, Misses Veola Olson, Nora Shaffer, Shaf-fer, Dora Shaffer. Nils Nilson of Palo Alto, Calif, is visiting at the home of hia father, Ola-N. Nilson. Mr. and Mrs. James Neaves spent Thursday evening in Wellsville with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Larson of Ogden were overnight guests on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hoodless. On Sunday they all motored to Shelly to spend Labor day with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson. Mrs. Arduth Freeman of Basalt, Ba-salt, Idaho is visiting at the home of her father, Andrew Anderson. Orvin M. Hale of Pocatello, Idaho spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sjoberg had as supper guests on Monday evening, Messrs and Mesdames Fred Schenk of Preston, Hans L. Nilson, Nils P. Olson, Martin Matthews' and Joseph M. Jenson, o I MILLVILLE-l 0 Millville A no-host party was given on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Matilda Olson in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joal Olson of Nibley. The guests were seated at two long tables which were centered with snap-dragons A delicious supper was served to the following guests, Messrs and Mesdames Alma Larson and |