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Show Cache County Boys Will Ride By SOLOX R. BARBER j "Marv" Dunbar, Logan, who rode as the "Atlas Kid" at the World Championship rodeos at Madison Square Garden, New j York and the Boston Garden, is figuring on entering the events in the crack three-day rodeo scheduled sche-duled for the Cache County Fair to be held at Logan September 11, 12, and 13, "Marv" told me today. The "Kid" hurt his leg when thrown from a bad one at the Randolph rodeo recently, but this bronc forker is never out. Fans are promised plenty of thrills when they see him ride at the Fair Grounds on the three days named. Dunbar placed in the money at Col. W. T. Johnson's World Series rodeo at Boston in the late Fall of 1933. Injuries did not help I him any at the Madison Square Garden show where he was caught in a chute and very nearly killed by the stomping, wild-eyed wild-eyed bronc. But the "Kid" came back and won money at Boston. Remember, only men who have won money rather consistently at the best round-ups and rodeos over the West are entitled to enter Col. Johnson's great shows. Dunbar has been invited to go with this two-hundred-strong outfit which will show this fall in Indianapolis, Ind., New York, N- Y., and Boston, Mass. All these rodeos will be World Record Re-cord affairs. Logan and Cache Valley fans will have a chance to see the twenty-forfr-year old in action all three days of the Fair, if "Marv" goes in there, and I am sure he will. TSe line list of entrants to the Fair rodeo will attract visiters' from all parts of the Stat, -r.d from other sections sec-tions whii-l u be heard from. No chorge at the gate to see f;,.-birdseye f;,.-birdseye of the greatest Fair Cache Valley has evov attempted. attempt-ed. But rlip rodeo is my main con-tern con-tern right now. Ill enjoy the stock shows, the pulling,contests, the fruit, vegetable, poultry and other exhibits and the concessions. conces-sions. But I am afraid that I will not get the same thrill out of the Ferris Wheel that I shall get when I see those boys fork a bronc or a wild running steer. The rodeo events: bronc riding (dangerous), calf-roping needs speed and timing), steer roping (take your chance with the horse and the horns), bull-dogging (try wrestling with one of them), wild-horse racing (a thrill if there ever was one) maybe other events. Nobody knows at a Fair. Parley Reese, Benson, will be the arena directer. Dennis De-Witt- is another Cache Valley cowboy who will be on hand. Calf-roping and steer-roping are his specialties. Parley Reese is a fine calf-roper who also will be on hand. Sylvan Peterson is still another Cache Valley boy who will give the visitors a kick (but not in the pants) in the calf and steer-roping trials. They are triais to body, nerves and soul. LaVere Ricks is slated to be in there for the calf and steer roping. rop-ing. Buck Peterson will show his stuff in the bronc riding. The Izatt boys are also cinching up for the contests of brain, nerve, and muscle. These are all Cache Valley boys and there are not so many better. But top hands from other parts are expected. Make out your schedule so that you can be on hand to see the rodeos at the Cache Valley Fair, 2 p. m. September Sep-tember 11, 12, and 13. And watch those cowboys ride 'em! |