Show Work Progressing On Building AtTheU.S.A.C Pouring of cement has begui on the new Home Economics ant Commons Building that is beinf constructed on the campus of th Utah State Agricultural college This work will be completed Witfcl in a comparatively short time ac-j cording to Dean Ray B. West ol the School of Engineering anc in his opinion there is no doubi that practically all of the outside work will be finished long be fore the cold weather makes sucl work impossible. It is expected that the insid work will be carried on through' out the winter and that the en tire building will be completer so that dedication exercises cat be held in connection with th commencement program nex' spring. The building will o course be open for classes an regular school functions for th( college year of 1935. The new building is locatec immediately at the new entranct to the campus and already pre sents an imposing appearance. T fills out and balances the quad rangle group of buildings. The work is being done by the Jacob sen Construction company of Salt Lake City. |