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Show Flower Day At Wellsville Sunday School Wellsville A special program was held Sunday morning in honor of Flower Day at the Wellsville ward Sunday school with Supt. Grover Haslam in charge. The chapel was beautifully de-! de-! corated with all kinds of fall , flowers which were brought by the officers, teachers and children. child-ren. The program commenced by singing "The Opening Buds of Springtime"; prayers were by John B. Woodward and Wm. P. Leatham; singing, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives"; sacrament numbers were duet, "Rock .of Ages", Verda Hall and Mrs. Ray Leishman; organ selection, "Inr-dian "Inr-dian Love Call," by Mark Price; two "minute talks were by Margaret Mar-garet Jensen and Reece Leishman of Gospel Doctrine class; song, j "All Things Beautiful," by Betty I Maughan of the kindergarten ; I resitations, "The Death of the Flower" by Sarah Maughan and "It's Nothing to Laugh At" by Louis Baxter of Church History department; song, "A Perfect Day," by Rose Bradshaw of primary pri-mary department; musical reading, read-ing, "Home," by Edgar A. Guest was by Mrs. Jane Wralters accompanied accom-panied on the organ by Mrs. Anona Maughan; talk, "Flowers" "Flow-ers" by Herman Theurer; song, "Little Purple Pansies" by primary pri-mary and kindergarten depart-j depart-j ment; chorus, "The Little Old Garden", Irene Archibald and company; talk, R. S. Bradshaw; instrumental duet, "Star of Hope," Reid Brenchley and Lyndon Lyn-don Leatham, accompanied on the organ by Roy Darley; closing remarks re-marks by Supt. Grover Haslam. Closing song, "Come Along". The flowers decorated the chapel cha-pel for Sacrament meeting also for the meeting on Founders Day where Dr. Adam S. Bennion was orator of the day. |