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Show Mrs. Roy Smith entertained at a dinner Monday evening in honor of her husbands birthday anniversary. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Hillyard, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of California and Lula Perry of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Amos Bair was hostess to the Utopia club at her home Thursday evening of last week. Special guests were Mrs. Elthura Merrill and Mrs. G. G. Merrill. Miss Marjorie Merrill of Salt Lake City visited here during the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Stoddard and family spent Monday and Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Royal B. Gunnell, Mrs. S. W. Hendricks and Miss Alice Harris spent Thursday in Malad the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hendricks. Mrs. Truman Hillyard, Mrs. Cyrus Lewis and Mrs. Blain Bell entertained the members of the Bon Heur club and their partners at a party Wednesday evening at Mac's Memorial Park in Smithfield. A hot supper was served followed by games and music. Woodrow Smith j Services Held at Richmond : Richmond Funeral services were held Thursday at the South ward cliapel' for Woodrow Smith 'son of Mrs, Sarah J. Smith, who died Monday night at a Logan 'hospital. A week previous he was operated on for appendicitis and peritonitis set .in causing his death. He was born here June 20, 1911 a son of David and Sarah J. Smith. He is survived by his mother and a brother Arnoid who live in Richmond, j his fattier who resides in Sugar City, Idaho. Mrs! S. W. Hendricks was hos- less to the Womens Literary i club Wednesday afternoon at her home. Mrs, Royal Gunnell re- viewed the book ; "Anna Karen-ina" Karen-ina" by Tolstoy. Special guests included Mrs. Bryan Hendricks, Mrs. A. C. . Peterson, Mrs. Clara Johnson, Miss Lina Hines and Miss Alice Harris. Mrs. . Melvin C. Merrill of ; Washington, D.C. left Tuesday after visiting -here at the home I of Mr. , and Mrs. James Funk. , Mrs. George Q, Webb and Mrs. ' Irwin Stoddard retiring Benson : Stake Relief society officers were ' honored guests at a party held ,'at Lewislon, Wednesday after- ' noon'. .' The Girls Literary club enter-,'tained enter-,'tained at a bridge party Wednesday Wednes-day of last week at the home of Mrs. Ben Larsen. Hostesses for ; the evening were Mrs. Larsen, , Mrs. Arvil Oohson and Miss Edith Funk. .HiKh score prize was won by Mrs. Osmond Merrill. Lila Webb of California spent : two w?eks here and in Preston i with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Harris and :i family spent Sunday and Monday Mon-day at Cottonwood Lake in Wyoming. They were met there , by Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. Harris. '. Judge and Mrs. M. C. Harris and George Harris who were returning return-ing from Yellowstone Park. Miss Bwothy Johnson spent last week end in Logan. Miss Audrey Harris returned . home Tupsdy from Mac's Resort I where she has been employed i the .nisi,, several weeks. |