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Show ! County Home j Demonstration : j Agent Leaves j Miss Izola Jensen, for the i l past four years, the popu- I ' lar Home Demonstration i agent in Cache county, has j '. resigned her position and will leave Friday of this ! i week for New York where ' she will enter the National ', , Recreation school. During the time Miss Jen- j ' sen has been in charge "of I the extension work In her I department in this county, it 1 j . has been extended to ren- der service in all commun- ! i ; ities of the county. She has been an untiring work- er and has the confidence of ! , her co-laborers. They all- ; express regrets at her deci- sion to leave the county. However, all rejoice in the ; ; fact that she is taking steps '. . to better her own conditions ; by seeking a specialized ', ', education. |