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Show Place for Gelatin on Menu Pleasant to the Taste, and Gives the Consumer Little Worry as to Added Weight; Should Be a First Favorite With Dieters. and the green peas. When firm add a last layer of gelatin and the carrots. car-rots. Chill for at least two hours. Garnish with greens and carrots, and serve with salad dressing. Fruit Whip. 1 package Btrawberry gelatin 1 cup boiling water 1 cup canned cherry Juice 1 cup canned white cherries, stoned and cut In pieces t marshmallows, cut In pieces Dissolve gelatin In boiling water. Add cherry juice. Cool. When gelatin gela-tin is almost set, beat to very stiff froth. Fold in fruit and marshmallows. marshmal-lows. Pile in glasses. Chill. Vegetable Salad. 1 package lemon gelatin 1 cups clear meat stook U teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper V cup vinegar Vx teaspoon onion Juice 2 cups cooked vegetables, well drained Dissolve gelatin in the boiling stock. Add vinegar and seasonings. Chill. When It begins to thicken, add the vegetables. Mold and chill. I . Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. On a subject of general Interest to housewives, especially mothers, the value of gelatin as a food, an authority author-ity pens the following: The other day a reader asked me if I would write something for the column In regard to the value of gelatin as a food. "Some one told me," she said, "that gelatin was fine for a reducing diet, because It did not have any calories." The short answer is that gelatin has caloric value, but that it takes so little of it to make a jelly that when you eat a gelatin dish, flavored as it usually is, with fruit juice, you get few calories. It is a real help In planning a reducing diet. Being in solid form, it gives a feeling of satisfaction satis-faction which is lacking in the fruit fruit or milk to them, and by beating beat-ing the gtlatin to a sponge as It thickens.- The busy housewife regards re-gards gelatin as an aid to quick meals. Salmon Salad. 1 package lemon gelatin 2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons lemon juice M teaspoon salt 1 cup red salmon 1 cup green peas 1 cup carrots, diced Remove two tablespoons of the measured boiling water, add lemon juice and salt and dissolve gelatin. When It begins to thicken press in the salmon and let this layer harden. Then add another layer of gelatin Juice or even the fruit itself. ' Several helpings of the gelatin dessert des-sert or salad can then be used and ' the "dieter" will feel as if he bad eaten several times as much bulk as the amount of fruit actually gives. Of course, he must be sure that a large amount of sugar Is not used 1 with It Children almost Invariably like gelatin desserts. They are so easily made that mothers use them a good deal in the children's meal plan. In my childhood we demanded "shaky," as we called it, often for dessert We were particularly fond of it when It was cut Into cubes after it was set and piled Into a glass dish. The fruit juice left from an opened can of fruit may always be used In this way. An even easier way of making the gelatin dessert is to use the already flavored gelatins. Real fruit Juices are used in the good quality products now and you may take your choice of flavors. You probably have your special favorites in flavors, as I have. Gelatin combined with milk or cream Is always a good combination. When combined with it milk has a special nutritive value, as it furnishes fur-nishes a comparatively large quantity quan-tity of a special protein which milk has not in as large quantities, while milk supplies one which gelatin lacks entirely. This lack led to the belief, be-lief, when the science of nutrition was In its infancy, that gelatin had no value as a food. Later study, which has caused us to reverse many of our early beliefs, has shown that "proteins" which are necessary to build new tissue and to repair old tissue are very complicated. There are many different proteins. Most foods, such as milk, eggs, nuts, and cereals, contain several different proteins. pro-teins. Gelatin Is one of the proteins found In meat and is extracted from the connective tissue and from the bones by long boiling. Each protein Is made of many different, simple constituents con-stituents which are known as amino acids. To made perfect protein which will give the body everything it needs to build new tissue there must be proportion of all these acids. Some of these acids are more valuable val-uable than others, because they will promote growth as well as maintenance. mainte-nance. Gelatin lacks entirely one of the most valuable of these acids but at the same time has a very large proportion of another most valuable acid and good amounts of the others. Thus, while gelatin could not be depended de-pended upon for the total supply of protein it Is 100 per cent valuable in a diet where there is plenty of milk or other foods which contain plenty of the "complete proteins." No one would ever need to depend on gelatin for the total food supply therefore the fact that gelatin is an "incomplete "incom-plete protein" is of little importance. It seems to me that gelatin has its great va'::e sa a food from the fact that It makes other foout: rnre at-1 tractive and interesting. Some one has called it a "carrier of vitamins." That can be true If it Is combined with other fods which contain vitamins. vita-mins. It might just as easily be called a carrier of minerals or of any other food constituent which is mixed with it The way we use it, it Is practically never used alone. Gelatin's next greatest value, as w: have mentioned, Is that it Is easily digested. This makes it most useful In planning meals for children chil-dren and invalids. The best reason for using gelatin is the fact that almost al-most everybody likes gelatin salads and desserts. Desserts can be varied so much by serving them as plain I Jelly with fruit flavor, by adding |