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Show LEWISTON j $ 0 i Lewiston Mrs. Mary Orchard Orch-ard entertained the LaGa club Thursday at the home of Mrs. Anna Orchard. Small tables were set and a delicious luncheon served. Each table was centered with asters and cut flowers served serv-ed as room decorations. After luncheon the table was cleared for bridge. High score member prize was awarded to Helen Bair and high score guest prize was awarded to Florence Lewis. Seven members were present and special spec-ial guests were Mrs. Florence Lewis, Mrs. Lola Coley, Mrs. Vivian Viv-ian Jones, Mrs. Larna Brown and Mrs. Zona Wiser. Mr. and Mrs. Theon Nielson entertained en-tertained at their home Friday night in honor of Mrs. Ruby Goodwin Choat of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell Camp-bell of San Francisco, California. Painty refreshments were served and the evening spent in visiting visit-ing and enjoying a program from members of the family. Those present were the guests of honor host and hostess. Mrs. Ann Choat, Mr. and Mrs. Nielson of Hyde ' Park, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Choat and family, Mr. and Mrs. Van Choat and family of Logan. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Ruby Goodwin Choat returned to their home in California, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hendricks Hen-dricks and daughters Aldean and Leona were Richmond visitors Tuesday. |