OCR Text |
Show In Womis' Realm, livery lndy is thinking n.botit tlje toiu ingholldnjs. What would lotIi9 nfceS. present to offer? Ileforo ilc'cidji fem-ember fem-ember that the health Is to iiujfD.lsHPIc i-d lieforecicrj thing clfo. How irtii )oii unjoy n Christiniis Dinner urn new ctrtm if jou nrt not feeling will? Dr it Jo 'a fninotis prestrlptlon Is n dow ry to cerylndysi"ir!iij; ttitlt mlnfitl nnl Irregular menstruation. In order to ghe thoso who hno not nlit'ndy Irltd it an opportiin ty of ilolnno, uq will send one ttlal trratinriitonly (ovalIi pLrhon for 2.00. Jtegttlnr prko .100. Wc send rt written gunrnnteo. to euro any ca?c, no matter of how long stn iding, In two treatment! or refund money. This Is tho geiiulnu prcsrr'pllon ot the famous fam-ous Dr. iik Jo 1 ; hundreds of testimonials testimon-ials nt jour Bcrlco. This .world .-novMKdtrcatmciitwnsOlscocrcilin .-novMKdtrcatmciitwnsOlscocrcilin 16") I nnd has bcon adopted lit nil tho principal hospttnls of France. All orders nnd Inquiries must bo sent to tho "Lndy Manager, Salt Lkk Mkmc'ne Co., Salt Lnko City, Utnh." Write for particulars and remember wenro responsible respon-sible for our guntnntir. Lndy Manager wnnled in ou-ry city and tow. n. Wo soil Tarks' Cough fiyrtlp on n posh tiv guarantee to euro all throntnnd lung troubles. It has Blood tho ttstfor many years and to-day lathe lending remedy for the cure of colds, consumption nnd all dlsoasea of tho throat and lungs. Price CO cants and 1.00. Fold by 1). K. Klllngson. Forn sore throat lhr is nothing hotter than a flannel bandage dampennd with Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It wil nearlyalwnystfTei-tncittclnoue night' time. This remedy Is also a favbrjtc for rheumltlem nnd lias cured many severe cases' GO cent bottles for sale by People Coop, Rillier Sleep Than take in any other form Is what many peoplo think nnd Parks' Tea is mado for Just thoso folkr. 1 1 cures constipation con-stipation and though not a cnthnrtlc moves the bowels every day. Low Rates. Aro still in effect to custom points Ua tho llio Grande Western Ity. Hemem-bcr Hemem-bcr the K O. W. Is notd for the el-gance el-gance of its equipment, its now coalIis, Its free choir cars, lis tourist or colonist sleepers nnd its new nnd artistic Pullman Pull-man Double Drawing Itooiu Palace Slcoplng Cars which run through to Chicago without change. "Speed, Safety nnd Comfort" is its well earned motto. To main line fast express trains to tho enstdulfy. PATENTS. ..I..,. . aj ) ..... ! Notice to Inventors. There was never a time in the history of onr country whon the demand for (mentions and Improtemcntn in (hearts and sciences generally was o great as now. Tho conveniences of mankind in the factory and workrhop, the house-liold.on house-liold.on the farm, and in official life, require continual accessions to the sp-pcrtcnancps sp-pcrtcnancps and implements ot each in irder to save labor, time and expense, fhe pollticnr change in the administra tion of government does not affect the p'rogrcss of tho American Inventor, who being on the nlort, nnd ready to perceive per-ceive tho existing deficiencies, does not permit t) affair of government to deter him from quickly conceiving tho remedy to overcomaexlstingdiscrcpancles. Too gnat caro can not be ttxercised in choosing choos-ing a competent and skillful attorney to prepare and proeectilo an application for patent. Valuable Interests have been lost and destrojed in Innumerable Instances In-stances by the employment of Incompe-Icntcounscl, Incompe-Icntcounscl, nnd especially Is this adyire applicable to those, who adopt tho "No patent, no pny" sjstora. Invcntorswho rntrust their business to this class of nttornejc do no at Imminent risk, as the breadth nnd strcngh of the patent is never considered In viou of a quick en ricivorOgctnn allowance and obtain tho fee then due. THE PItKSS CLAIM COMPANY, John Wcdderburn, General Manager, 018 F street N. W., Washington, Washing-ton, I). 0., representing a large number of important dally nnd weekly pupors, as well as general periodicals of the country, was instituted to protect its patrons from tho unsafe methods heretofore here-tofore emplojctl in this line of business. The snldcompnn" Is prepared to take charge of all pilent biiBimss entrusted to it for reasonable lees, nnd prepares mid prosecutes nppllintions generally, IiiLludlng michnulcnl Inventions, design patents, tntdcmiirl., lain Is, topv rights, inteifeiencs, lufringuncutp, vnlidllj reports, an glv ts tfqxclnl attention to rejected cases. It is alno prepartd to cmcr into competition with tiny firm In set uring foreign patents. Writoforinstiuctlone and advice. Jons WriJgrRniiitN, f.ISFStieel. P. 0. Box 385. Washington, D. C. BBiiBBllllBBiBaaHfilBlJBBiBBBlBlBBBBHHjaaBBBBB 'BB "i W L f a ' r pesl picijc.e ijiacie ior the wncil-. yrooRBirThe Centrr'Sa F21CI3 fJ5X03.CO. Send for Catalogue. Agents Wanted ' ' Y Central Cycle anhfaclUrina.Go Indianapolis, Ina. Patfopize ome jpdustrv. When'you build use " LEHI BRIGK HfaitUfaclUroa b LE1I Vi. ai)d JB. Co. S' . Itii., ul Ret the prices. x ,. ? , , i - Trrri "us- raaar I .-.,.- tm i .,,.-,. ., i .i- ' -' ; Wm. Sunderland, Lohi Junction. ; ' Gold & livriliilampMli Tested Processes of Leaching ' Giti:r.l Mining B tisincss Done. f - Santa Pb Route- MIQ GRANDE WESTERN, C0L0RW0M1DLAKD ATCHISON, TOREK A AND SaW'I'A FE RAILWAYS. The only line which runs Pullman Palace SleepingCars between Otjden. Salt Lake and Chicapa without change, and : Pullman Palace Reclining Chair cars be- ' tween Ogdcn, Salt Lake C ity, Denver and Chicago f TIIE SHOET LIMt, i survun scExr.nr. K S eq ujiwe.yt ifkntr. ltsr.n L I v t Ae YoU Goiig East? , r IP. 0, UK HUKU AND SIXJUIli: THIKITn Itr.VUlM, OVlMtTlli: "SJ.YT.l FEJlOUTJl" Grandest and Greatest Itnllioidmi llarlli. ZZZZi a.L Ok'1 or ll MkonlhevnliiBtt'n inonlcr to vc tin .int IjhiII(mi; ccftfry tn America b Vm - T ThIuIImtu KloOtm.l. Wcitrru niot IMIl LakeCHjr, atOSnp in llAtl (Iflicr IV u, ;iul H M M C pURNET,Genl Ag'tPasscrigcr Pennrti?icrjl ' 105 Dooly Building, Pult Lako City, Utah. J RETRENCHMENT! ; 1 i . m . - r s lt' As we were the first to agitate this question wc nrcgoing ' to show by our works that wc arc willing to help the , people, hence we make I ' Jk payd fiyncs Offef TO OLD AND NEW SUBSCRIBERS !' UNTIL DECEMBER 31,1 893 : We offer! iihe fallowing liberal terms: c To all old Subscribers who pay up all arrearages we will send oy paper for one year for only $1.75 if$paid in advance. To new subscribers one year payable in advance, only $1.75. ,j Subscribe at oi)ce ai)d saVej i)oir MONEY. I JKffir ower liai no s5v m moond cbanro. If SvJ 86 Iff yoimoulrt tnrt mo N jf WW ccoit, be lureaiul nUrl with vA ' a I FERRY'S m SEEDS, I lll Ynrr' m Annual for ISI 11 Bf luinlJiint (heiiiiii hiiiI i.jI)iiht)J K v V of tli Inloct fitrmtnE l.nuwl. U Jp WW.eaii. Ktnrr rlntr houljy b t, VSS lir It. hnt fro. J K P.M.rtrryfcCo, m M tl I i "" m..L mi Mi i in i w a i Hi Hi " 'I iuii l mi " r-w k i 1 Bfjfi fouf-Job Wofk o phe Bappef pee CoodWork at Reasonable Rates. Ca-oa'i, al Trado Marks obllncl, ind all rl C,,H, Trai'fl njrl flfl-Jm Palflnll CemrlMits. Wcclly Wrt"'!"U.r"'t '19!1 Ouiorii.riaOproairtIU.n PATCNTOrriet Am all Tatcnt biulnro condoctd for Ucklv thrje Manlln ' 7 anil w. can r i-ur latunt Iiilrm time lliao ibo.a iMiwni iirai.i.... AillmnitUIHllluKtr, 'BlBa remote Irrnn .ai-Illusion p.?nnrrYAriT trrm ?alt 1 aki !!aw Buil tno.1 I lraliiT nr rholo,llh dwrlp- ttiOUUKATfe 1-i.bU. "1M lion. V. l i ! Jf i alrnlalila or not. fr of Uforua.lonanda.hlcoclMntolaTcaorivlUKrut iaW. cliarje. Onrfjn i Cue till ratrnt l fftutfd. t APan.Mj.iT ; ll.tnOMlnrtcnta."-.Uh rg. Addrca r!Ttm """ M "" " mrm j.m a . namoacf jrlaal cli u In your fctato, county, or pprnn ri AIWII m y)5J5?K "' """' 'in -,7, town, ecDtftoo. Addro, I'KcoB CLAIPrlJ OO., wi--8!!? mirii ni'b.tni . .. C. A-S WOW & CO. JOHN WSDOBRBUIIH, p?&&&$ ManatlnAllorner, K IjM imiki t cr.tir iiim,H,. Kwjacr 'rir riii.riVniiTi. aWThla Company limanwd hy a comWaatlon ot AijgfK. ,'".i l."A!".'.r...ft'r,J,,"' tho lararat and mo.t Inllninllal nuripapcra In IVi - i-XZA. " . loMUu. taua F?!miVrTzL-i!KM P. n Ifiwt Vtitn V6ltd Ctatra, f or tV aiDlf i purpoaij of proCrrf f'-tWV T a KWfit C nTftf l"li',c' M l tbrlr.ab.mi-r. .min.t nucrapnlou IF TOU WAST IHF0RMAT10H A3 CUT L2iT.uLilii!3ti of "'"hoed h'ai'lnal and Inf ompetrnt Talent Actnt. an I airh rar a,JsinjlH ,IUlMllflPlaal'll4l &05K)!rH5vivS Fitlnlti,SpJrm'itotrtia, ptlntlnj thli adtfrtlicinitvonrha for IMrrtrontU lj nnl W jf-t H H A AI Ifll"jl3l 'H tG f N""0""""' tflDUlnih uutyaadblihBtandlngtttlisrrcuClalsuComiany Rj I BS .O Lbl 1 H I 1 IU gSlfS DEM aid A!IDU, h, L:mSH1uM V&Xtn&K&a 81 touio. . MO. Tliconlj line iunnlnB i.aik it waS.uK.t?)N.d.C7 ii... irxf ions rr.:cT.nn mn 11 v . r, 7 - t - , . SOLDIERS, WIDOWS. ?A1) OH . Two Fast Trains Daily to childJiem, parents. 1 I I l I AM I ,Alo,forf"olitlfnanilPlloradl.aMfdlnthlliiaof V III IUI I, I i: nnt IP rr. i nt n S"'lr.,a,h",rfiH.r ArmyorNarj.lnrotlinirir. " i.FAiinLi.r, .inrrv, i 1 1 hi "', piurlTora or ill. Indian arnf litrj to ina and 8U'LII.1NUI(.I Ml sr tu-ilnruticNOU to f.,,n , nivna nn,l Tlrvvi tWr l'low,ii;.r rnllllcd Ol landrnjfrtril tlalma . lolOHlUO MrtlSnB mm I'F1 II. a apMUIty llnuiinill mtlllml to blsbrr rafa. nSr . . . . 15 . . Z ? I for 11.1J tana- So clurgn for idTlco. Kafoa 9 OWST Q ODiJCS, i:flcctloNooinberimii, 180.1. tinulacfoi. , It.oo -m ., f i thr -mire tear ii .tiiinn Train No. 2 lonxts Ogdon 7 00 n in. " K?s1ylM!ffi& PltU.o8M,. Arrho at Viicli!.. VOril Tl'TUIlR ailnciiiilini( tii. .(H.iniVMysM mhpriiiou- ri.fiO n in. Colorado fcpriii-M 7:20 n in , f li .. rIc Nmnhcr rln. .c conniiiliig aititneloua ,,,,, I I I I I I f w I , iiirb) AMibrmriiictcc intiii.d DinvcrO 40n m wv W j V "Tho Damned Tilingr." Iraln.No. ll?ae, nRlcn BSO n ni I) s-W"oAJ ipO thf tcii.il rlnh prirri.fToNTorctd Salt Luke 0 'Vi n in rrivft l'tiplild 7 Sll I nl "?. " 4'-" "' . rAn.srt.iu imvN ToiKHfo. oicjrtrwlil.cct '-""l'J P m .rrio i uenio ( ti I ri - g. , j munolutilt ln . IniK. aaalKwrlu the rtld 11 ITI Colorado pprillCH 0,07 1 III DotlWr I lA . i&tiUr flk 4nitl'.. I. .nt voluiiiMorialcti for lh.1 -! ' ... , ' ' I i -Jl J T ""-5 md the holll number ofTatca out lire I, tills ll W p in I a r S-- IS 'l .ur rt ith tl c t.trftt Piifr Wory It'" V. ,iv55t. J ANTHONY KF.NT. Comuctiona midcat Puebln, Coloin- ) JCsJ. ,n' -I Athcrj(iglil Ci)tnoc.liti Nortl I rkr Wc ill) SprillRS mitl Ucnxrr with all III OS J- 'AiNPJ!' $f I rS1nkroncur throthci olTor AroNt.lt aid Hl't. Jllcptnt ln khicIkh t linlr turn lif . Hlit "'w I rm.1 In 1UI not., older. rN Y :cltatn.i mnl I'lllliiimt fit i nr oil all trtllnH. Till i- S J O I'llVrtN I ..Town Topic., t WiHttKHSt., llio I) K (I mi.l li.nu h toinfoiliillo W .'ijlV-4 , N' ft Yorl.. lripaiiiliiij.il' tlic lluuit euiur on tlie - .v "j)h J ' rontiiicnt. tiyyit Slwi' qkflLVAY rtOTfCBS A. N l.u.l T.ann'Mn.or, V ' - TUB COMING LIME. l.e.ncr.CV. wxtaftlft-( Tho ('liit'iijt", tTnl.ni PaHllr- A. North bi K. II.Mipir II. I' Mi'ni ' ' ' -i.l Voylprn I.liut affinitliB IipkI anamimi- o p.s. p v Cinurnl uuit Is ,N VOUIl OWN HANI). liltloriM 1j tliu (rWMllllg Jitllilif I'll route i),r ...l . ... , ... , .,. t ralraltry auumra lo toll what lh Uneaia your i CIlll'HgO nnd iltcrineillntt'txiintR la '""" -l Mil Ulhi, limn, hand ludlrato It will amino jmi.K nothing more. Ininlin 'I'l n.nrrli Irnlnu fn.t . i . .Hi" ahoio lhi.ram nlmo.t .itilalna Hull Tim . . I iK " '"'" . l"t ti III', , lengthof Hi. LINHOl' IIFI.'ln.llalc.i.rolal,lo iinvrmlimit slei'iiinif mm, cloKnt illn- THE. u to whirl, you will ll.e Lnch MIAL'FLKT . iigciim, rcfllnliiii .linlr tursitr..l liaud. R'JVf.10!' "''"r.y""- Weil n.ataod lisp. r ninoilVv mm hri ,3 m ttik. ISA Baa ocav a. be, 11BIi denotoi liraln tier . clear L NB Or omfill contliCH g23 .1 K7A U Wm Be dKV IB IOHrUSB.famorrlchea lloih combined mean p- tl tl HI alii BL- N M 9R fiereaalnllfo, but youmnl krrnui rlthnodrrn Tl.r,.uBl, ,,., ,rr !....., Ihroush ffiLBJIIEIIIlC "'lK-iSn!,W reiitl.1 lr....a, q. .. L i..ut. xm tho CI, KBW H WJ f.K!,h,r..TdVnKr;.iUWiL ago, t' i l' lilt A North Wwtcril CC tf) J !',; "JV.r Itapr.W.tendcnia.a aatralel.i " . ., , ., , , , Clave 1INI! OP rAli: pcaccrnl life, the reer.e ir .(HO to tliejlititi il lltkafaut of Ihu jjS crooked A well Jeflned I m! OK 1IRAITI1 llaWCHirl l'irr . ..(Iniulin j( area you doctora' billa, to will the health hlcta luvoiiri itiwr .i i ''niMlin. In D-moreifa Nn oilier magazine pobllabtaeo .CL- n ntV .inn anile, lolnlerm th home clitic You rill St. LOUIS Is ill it. PTTTissi, aiiliecltoeitremea of lilch tplttli or detpond. vlWltiBfKR' '.W I' y"i hire th. (11111)1 1 or VrMI! well l'vn.ll.ilv . I,.., . roi.. i. ci l,,l. K 2P?I inttke.l k.rp up your atililia by haili s lxmt rial's l,XCOllil(l i licnp rali'rt to St. Louis PJ W1 Maat no to r id fly ul(rlblnc to It for IMH ru 110U III cfTict TIil- 1 nlon Pirilli l J1 rilllref. jcjller of cifinUllanorktof art r nun in unci, i in i moil J .iniit . VmiuMIlLTT? of errat value brildeii tli euprrb premium picture, ml MlMOIlrl l'lli 'l'i' H'lH tlie rnnillllL- n rr i n .ll irrnaaMiilBBrtffTirT Kt.'ilnrhci, Ima HalsyrwhlclilaalmoHareal ., .Vi. V . ruiiiillll. n nm3aplMMff baby an I equal to tho orljlnal ill painting which all' I'.llh.ia.i l'a'ucc Hleciu i from .Salt br.lt?lfiSSSjiy "HStSit'Xi cotW and you will liar, a maparlne that cannot . .l , ivWWt?J&i:r B KwQGimii' ho cnuled by any In Iho Motld for l.a Uauilful OKOUlty, Chl.tc.llioanil IViiMr to t-t HjKltrS.'X R umf7SM-'V& llltilraUona.nl puhlect matter, Hut will kern ,.,. ,t . i i. I, .. aX5 "1V ' vyilHMfCSi!.I I'T ' donallthofoplcaof thedaT.aialalino llic Mitliotit iliniij0. I'ltllnur liming lisSr1?:r',M JIf WmXrtir '" ,ort 'liferent Itema of Inlerc.l aomt the i.l)n.i,Mnl.ii...r, . i&iJZi !5iBl IKmi hoiiwliold, botldea furolthlnt' lnlcienlnr; reading fir UCUMilo KnilMBll v c.jral B H W W matter both erai. and gay. for ibe-whole family; it.T ! t , .,,,, I, ,.,,, y fl M flUELA and Mhlle Deraoreit'i l not n faihlon mararloa, flC 1 1 . I.ntiligli, ogmt -fl j&tftftajcJVMMWt Itafathlon pur.i aro teif.et. aid you ret with III mr.'t(r TflHl3J f.roofco.t. all the paltcrna you rlh tome dnrlng v3'V &KhH tne yr. and In any (Ue vru chooee. Fend In World's Fall DuilOlng-O No I HIM JiKNi a jour auh.'rlptlonatoiice. only J20J). and rou will PiVv.M-(1l'TCSj'Ui.Vn really jet over $W In ralue Addrria ,he pnh. THE nOKTItlilll lilt llllLIIIin. AVW0K?SSiJlr lUlnr W. JrnnlnBa Demoreil Laal Hlb El . H 1sk?i?tK'K! ISHBr U f"'" orlc If ou are nnaequiinted with the Height of doiiif 1 M fett. Cost of i TSSSTCtSS $K f!ajln aondforaapfclroruicopy A larreQlJAr). in o. , . ,, .. , TJXi.' I ' a4J 1MSOLR meana honetirl . Irc TrtlASOI B. u.ldill); 300,UU0. Tho ( hioiiRO Union fl cenernaltv, lonr F1I1ST D1VI9I01 OP THUMB, .,olfl,. nn.l K. ........ .,. ,n 1 ln r.rr..,u " aiionj will , IINO fiKroVD IHVIRION, reaoon. UCillO nnd .JttlllUrn UllO OiTcrH .trlrtly l.lrli.-rndr, mm I It .e.tlnrr In 'acuity Th. MOl'NT op JUriTi It bewkena ttrH M chenn 01 the tli.Hiientnil.l linox- ,,.., T nimllj ielnc .mhiiionf that of SATURN, prudence thaBUN, . , l"e"l' '" Hpwi nun il.iox marlillie, poKCKlnn nil modern loreof aplcndor. MAItS coufase.MOOV.Imaeln . lll'd lUiollimodi tlutiB In ClliUlo. No liaprotruirnt.. Hn VEMJSloieof plcanuie andalKltCUItT. mii.ru ,.f ..r n,ir,,in InlelllBcnee Take our adtlca aa abote and you iiaiigei.liariieiir.iiiti.. niMflllllTrrn milll 1 II nrrvr lf-ti ! Ih lt and mott valoaW ,t r .:,... ng,. cijjiji!ijD EQUALto the BEST ' " , , - - SiiuoiroCiBi. the C.ru.t CoubI. nnd Pp Tryreoajutilri. Obtntn lUoni ,,.A Viri FFRR. ...npcm ' i- u. i-btict r cmparteoM. "The Lohl BannQr" and . vvr u . , ELUHfDGt MANUrAGTURIHG CO. "JXS ' ' & . gcLvjuRRE, .ti.., , , Bcl"1 w" "m-- ' - - - t j Te,' c i j . llffi M0NY-rS III NES&L0SSEaPRAlN5lMPOrENCY OR, &:riASim& Lost Manhood. Rheumatism Lame . , , 1 ' tliecffctscfaliusss.csceoseo, worry and exposure. rr ruth wfftrcM ie line a relief ami euro A h our manclout li.ienl.o',, ukh rcjuirr, lu.t o trial to convluw Ilia mo.t .LTrS irillEr1!' lfflVS 'IV o',)r.er,"or7fK',rc, '"" 'wnn.hlydranwd your SMtcm nm tt iiS5hir?lt . V V ;?U ;'raIno'fdl,U .T "'1"'rC'1 " 'VV'"Kh.lllicr..A.eMU,BiidlJh !.H, . " i . . 'f- '- Io . ?nc1 a'"i. " a niUlral " iMi loiirpUii nn. t (.i lcm, mil - t . jr. tlec a or. or moicy nfuukd. i tfe .Send for our Illualrated l'umpblcts, free; wi.t by mall, , .led. '' "'"c, fker .'llSlSl?,'?.?.i! , li. ?hIt,', " "iw'"""'. o w" l've labored thouaands U, rr.l.HM ,r- , M,l vIwr. Stf L ?i fL ro',nnt ?Wtfi! fa lc1' " " 'n hy liumlrnU of rum throughout tSh sut.. v. I. v U riSdll mwr. and from rwny of "ll0" w l lro.iC Ictltr. Uailng trctlmony to their r.iou.y -iftr uur, eirSt. THE W(W DR. SHNDEN ELBCTRIC BELT !hfc?!S?fl!.sU.,f ti.,?iM ry mail81!ato ,boU M ,0 w " w" i'l'H' wn'1 w al ,r ' " " Cv" ,0 'Hiliiir, prftonatd eurtwM Sfii.U",ly 'l" ,1,'cu'5'""" "" ? Irt. or fo'Wi $5 000. It has n 1... rovod Elooirlo rJUywiiiwr th St?,!l de.VCiSjC"'r'rok me"' " to cure any of th above uruknew., and to cnutry. tl rut.uca lirir w pan,, or SAWDEN ELECTRIC CO., Skinner Block, DENVER, COL. mtiamaammamMmmmaama ; . . f BiliH |