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Show BBBBT BB Thoso boys who broko into a pail of BBt caudjr nt.thc., U, l'.depot and etolo 3 or BBf rU''d while tho asont was looklni; BB1 'ter olbor freight aro liablo to get into BB1 trouble this time. Tho Co-op ha putin BBt n '" to "ie railroad to make tho n- BB1 mount good as the good had not licen Bfl turned.ovcr to that -institution. Mr. BB English say this I the third time he BB lias caught one of these .boys pilfering, BB lie also says ho is very ranch annoyed BJ by the school children congrcgrting at BB the depot after ichool hours. Parents BJ should warn their children to keep n- BJ vra7 beforo aome accident hnppen. |