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Show I'leasant Grove Point. Miss llertha Shoell, get 10 years and It months, succumbeil to Typhoid Fev- jerli-'r-'l' . e'"ii 'be; dvylt'T ' l i i ir t .: I il 4-.jii.iii. unite, iioi uinerHi wiis Held ill tho ward Meeting limits on Sunday and was largely attended. Consoling remarks re-marks wero inndu by KIders .1, W. Gardner, U. W. Drlggs, V. 0. ltanks, James T. Thorn, Alexander Uuilock, nnd llisliep.I. II. Thorn, Iterthit was a lovely girl nnd she will be mhwetl by n nuiiierous throng, Tho old Citv Council Is winding up Its business nnd preparing to imiguute the now members which will he almost an oiitirechnnge. Tho old council will leave n clean sheet and cash in the bunk. School loncliers nro in the 'amis', no wall this (all. What's tho inattei ? Taios nil paid uiidno fundsred taH methods. Clark llros. A Co. hare been making ImpiovouienU about theii store. They Imto orueled n large brick warehouse and grannry. Frank lleers lias eonvertctl his old lore building Into s dwelling bouse nnd the family are located thirolu. |