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Show Electric Humor. One of the Columbian guards on the Wooded Island, w ho business it was to drive Intruders oil the flower-bed and keep them from rating dinner on tho graBg, tells about a woman who accosted him about noon with this Interrogatory: "Canyon tell me whore to gituti electric lunch?" The guard nt onco surmised that she meant an electric launch, and began to explain tohcr that these launches ran on lagoons and were propelled by electricity; but sho declared slio had read all about them, and knew n gondola when she saw one. What she wantd to know was tho pluco where they cooked things by electricity and gavo thcin away aud she believed it was in the electrical building. The guard finally directed iioi to the gallery of tho Electricity Building, There was exhibited in the Electricity Ilulldlng an "electrocution chair" for executing criminals by electricity, similar simi-lar to thoso used in N'ew York. In somo way or other she impression got out among tlio country people that this was "General Washington's chair;" and n man who had an exhibit In the building states that scarcely u day passed that several countryuieu did not sit down In It so that they could go homo and say they had sat in "Washington's chair." From "Undercurrents of Humor from the Faia," in Dtmorut'i ifagatine for January, |