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Show ill l iiiwi llww yiWMwyUUWMMIUWH'"m nwiailli IWMiiu JIimaniMWW.;SSM i r?PiBaking The only Pure Crcntn of Tartar Towdcr. No Ammonia; No Aiutn. Used in Millions of Homes ao Years the Standard The World's Fair jf Can not remain smh without tilt)' blooming look nnd radiant completion which health nlono ImpaitH, PajBf! Ten, by clearing the blood of impitrman j iomUs the coai)iie.lun regain tho hyo of' youth. ' I "During my term 'of Bervhe lu'lho atiuj 1 enntrarted chrome ihurliuM," says V. K. Pending. o( 1 lulv, Oigon. ''ttilue then I have 11m ! a ;rt t uiiKWnt-of uiiKWnt-of tmillclno, but win 11 I found iinv Hiat woul.i give mo relief they won!. I IttHra, my stomach, until Chainln rlaiu h Sjo, ' Cholera and Dliurbon ltininlyVvvn 1 brought to my notice. I use. I 11 uiVll say it is tho only remedy Hi ( K ivg permunont relief nud no I u I iejaJ(l3 ellow " For sale by Piople'u o-ogp Mr. J. C. Uosnrll, one ( th&tt known and most rtpeeted umajgaf Browuwood, Texai, suirrod w.th JKr rhoea for a long time nub tried UHRL different remedies without IsWE until Chamberlain's Cottc nud liiajCTBl ! Komtxly was used ; that relUvid hlffiB & once. For mile by Peopliii L'o, i,. BB f 'Vfiflglfr i Tim proi tedlugs 111 tholrtiue dBBM i 'lsc ih v'uiiriing coiuideniblo cxcittfBBi n '-all l.ik. court t-i nles. tfnLwBI 'il.. 1 ul, , eAtttor tilth fatoiy BnBf ' -'ii 'n i.dtbe pulp went dowrajjBjg ' .into the lake to fegBgl I'Kl.-a.t b, gSfil ir- 1 flBBBBBBBBBBr wBP '''9fl9"HVHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl VbbbbbLwbV ",- M'Tu r UIQGIfJIBBBmBUKBBnnnHUBnKBBGKKEKKHKKKKR lyULWW'IPMMMW II II gagMffagggggggtggtggaiaaggagjaMgjgggjajg j WE WLU TISUPE A i jyieffy Ghistpias apd V Pappy Mew Yeaf If You make y otir Purchases at tine f eoples' Go-Operative jpstitutiop : Where the fo..oWii)'Prices W preVnil or TliejS'exit .'TwQjHre elf s 1 ms """aaMM"MM,,MMa-aaaaaaaaa"a"a"aqaMqeMaB OaMiasBSxaawasHlsaMaaiasWaMaas lr. I JO lbs D G Sugar 1.00 4 1-2 lbs Rice 25c 1 20 lb ojx go:l Hri Riisins I..0 1 lb Mixed Nuts 15c . 1201b " LondonLiyar " 1,85 1 lb Lemon Peel 7u?c . lb good Rabin. 25o 1 lb Citron Peel 20c fe Stick & Common Mixed Candj pap lb 12 l2o . 3 lb can Tomatoes 10c I 2 lb Cilifornii Pronss 25s Two cans Peas 25c 4 lbs Currants 25c Two cans Corn 25c A choice selection of Plush Albums, ! Toilet Cases, and a good selectiou of Main Store State St. iToys and other Goods suitable forholi- Bran Gll " Main St day Presents. yy K RACKER, A Come earty and avoid the rush that t , iwealways have before the holidays. oUPERINTENDANT. 1 l ; " - - " - I I I llll I - , . . . F, AUEBBACH and BRO. !!kkillisiMLaieCilf. ; For Vine Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies & Chil- drens Shoes, Fancy Goods, Cloaks & Suits, I Linens, Childrens & Boys Clothing, etc., etc. , We are having a Special Sale of Cloaks. M OR :' -u ": 'lOH.yiJ. , ,. ,.... -.J r bual. hl ImvV pinned toctai jiuuilrolonule A lint of tlfint Mack 8amte Jcltl, In IimUIII.iK, Formerly lold Irom (j to VI t Jfl.00, 07 brautllul tan Cape Jackets. elcdcQ M-Willi M-Willi Ulcctrk Sl I'ur worth for?J.75 .110 Tun Caps .Incktts, very stjllnli, with fur wlReil Worth Collar for 10.75. Very sljllsh full skirt Jnckils' hrnlil ' trImmwl,ItnTuxcdoCollnrforfn.OO, uorth $20,00. Tho latest circct. Nobby Yulour Capo with fur edged Htiltcjlly Collnrfor f U.'JS.worth (20.00 filK) Novelty Jncketi to ho sold for (10 to twortl' jiOKitlvely '10 percent more. FBT W W CN ONK LOT OF 9 9 Ik . Ni' i-or oi- 1 9 Im l ClIII.UURN'f $ wLKJP oni:lim:oi Mail orders promptly fill i i -.t,'"' ,'i, . " .. ,'j' , .ft.. b.SJ. AmugnlDcentllnool Mines' elgant fur trimmed or plain Winter Jackets for 8.00; ngu IX to 18 years. They ars good valus at (8.00 to f 18 60. Children's tine Heavy Keefer Jtvcksts nt 95c, worth $3.00 to 4.00, In sizes 4 and 0. illSChiMrsn'tLonz Coates with Cape, I in dark shades, at $1.60, worth $4.76gesl0, IS, 14. 22 Children's extra fine deary Reefer Jackets at $1.M; ages 4 to II. BfiAOK MUFFS FOB 26o run hoas foh $1.40. i WHITE ANGOKA FUR 6ETSFO It.tt " BLACK MUFFS FOR 86c. 'ocl at advertised Pn cc .-nn mil i i hi I rMmnji n ii i n i ilh ' iU SfT'iPw So',c,'; Your iwTlS -Patrojaag-e 1 ' i BEET PULP The Best Food for Stock. FOR SALE AT 50c A TON While the Factory, is-run'riing. . '.Li Everybody to know that J. Stoker has opened his Central CASH GROCERY STORE On 1st Hast Main Street in Jesao Smith's lot nnd is gixini; tho beet prices for f'ssh. Como nndghe us a trial order nnd )ou will bo ptesscd wlthcmrgor-ds. 1 CHEAP LINES FOR CHRISTMAS inlbsLEIIt SUfiAlt $1.00 Ciuod Cleaned CURRANTS 4 Ih 'Jbe j 4 lbs RAIINS fcr 260 CIIKKSK per Hi 2tle ."IbpaiUf I.ARI 50c SARDINES lOr, PA.LMON 2 for 2mi 1 DROOMP 25c, COAL OIL 2rc Home Made ItRKAD per loaf ha, I TIMVARr:, BRUSHES, etc. See Qvr Windows. ' a I 1 ' "'I " " ' . . . .- mm N fmn HapijTiefLJvej Stable, Btst Horses and Buggys Day or Night ESESEEis ma? hz the cheapest -. A.J1 kinds ol Coal delivered from the Co-op; Qood weight guaranteed, fJaxfc to City a.., Main Street, LeKK WANTED AT OINCEf At the office of the Every person that lives in the North End of Utah County to keep posted as what is going in this section. This Jthey cannot do unless they subscribe for The Lehi IUnm:k, the only paper published in the northern portion of thU county, This is a matter that needi YOUR PROMPT ATTENTION. Subscription $2.00 per year. Six months $1.23. Call on or address LEHI BANNER, Lehi.Utah WE A bath AT Beck's Saratoga Spripgs On the west sliorc of Utah Lake, live miles from Lnii, 2 Large plunge bafths Thcse SprinRs posse5S omler' 6 Hot tub bathS. fl1 medicinal ptopcrticoas manr People in Lehi can testify, for R A TT-TQ 9P Khcumatism and diseases of the JJi-lXXlkO 60J skin it has no equal. A pleasant ride and a plunge in these-health-giving waters will cure "that tirrd pbbung" . " t |