OCR Text |
Show HhMT l'imi i i i.i i ii iinuiii ii ii n'wiw Saved Her Life. W Mm. C. J WiMiinmnoK, of Wnrllmm, i L Tcxm, anv nil Hi. h( of hprrliilil In tlm P hho cf Ajer's ( hurry I'ec' "iil. !, "Due of my ohlldri-n hud ( otip Tho 5(4 raionna attended h imrphvilPlan. sntlwm fV supixniNl to bo wpII mi If i control, (Inn A iilitlit I was startled in tlm chlliV Imnl w lircalliine, mid on c'lng in it found It "Irniv- 9 rlltiir,lt had npiirly cease,! to hrenthp. I llenuilnrc that Hi" phlld'a alnrniln ennttllloii liA't liepomp tolble In plte of Hip modlPlitPS 4 plven, I rMmnoii Hint aiiPh rpniPdlos wnuM C im nf no arall llnvhitt part of n lioltlc of ilW Cherry IN tirni In Hip Iiohm1. t iravo I Hie child llirpp dines, nt hort Intervals, ami 1 niuloiKly walled results I'rnin the moment Hid I'cetornl was Riven, the phllil'i brpnlhlnit , irrcw eatler, and In n short Hiiip. she wns stoning quietly nml t.r.--ittiln intiirallr 'I ho child Is nllp nml ni-ll toilnv.ahd I iln tint lplt it" to s-iv Hint Aycr's Cherry I'cc- tur.il sated her llio." i- AVER'S f Cherry Pectoral f Prepared by Pr J V Ajirfcl'o , Lowell, Mass Prorr.pttoact,8urQscuro W ereTANDAROGUAQE.J1 f CUfUNI I Ml 1 W 4. i. J- c -9 K f t S U - " .- K S S-w ft 5 t 2 3 1 g ft 3 B k " 5S- " m e 9i it a SSSftSftB' i oi en si " . 8! & U s li - " '" NowiTbne Card -.rA'' fill Like J:IO -, frflfMW UtUrntllun .iu , IT m Atnt nnni fork m ," ntip I'lui mut UruQ '5', 5 JU-IO l'r.v -I1 10 18 t'ny"011 :Vf5 - UiW .luub --ft f VlUMIOpm . Mai- .P" v ' l Tri-weeVly ' HALV I..VKC ru WMIIiP.N lllTltHT. I I tVF. AlinlVB. 11 Utti. m. J.iM Junction ji.iu. 5:0ft " mr- Jllifi IrniiUm . ' .L Uiftl" 1 uroktt J:-'1 r 1210 iin. SilwrClty p.m. I.I' ' . &, II. II. HI 1!IC, IMUCKINPOX, Vlso-Vrtm. to X p Annint. Clen. Mri. K I.. UiMAW w. r..m'Ku:Y, IMii. I' Atr.ui I i'ii. Agonl. ,? flTHIF HERCULES Illlib Org anil Qasolina PIHBFB Ians H liPuaUxMU 7tivi ftwpr rrt. iti.1 ra aerxoauisirncss' tiu'rviore P'iw lumly to ct out . pf iWttt thill ny oHipr.iiiirnunlliinjlu.liow K IrttUt. JnilUUIUil)Utu.r.iUi.ilU vul, w-J't S rain all ily. II jr.KKH K( H.MIMX Oil DIKT. R ;:otl0a!l0 0PrlPplolniH,O fTWJUPBt ltll U.1 tnmtuituiiiiirKi Si rurnimpllcll ft lloaH tlio Worlil. , ItOlU lUoK AiilomallPJllyi f Ki Udltorlun or Kloctrlo Bpntlu j jtniMwltUuC'liinirflMdoorai!Iootl"lJ' wUer dunlin. " . jpmejifloeincuiiiHAPftrTo J -J PAI.Mgn & nSV, MAMUFACTUKEBO, f'Q Sis rn:M, CL and PufM. Cr. I 6oM liy Driuirisuor ik at l,y "'"'li "w I ami tUX) per pukiiv. winpluj rroo. I KO JiOxurlUeWtUftudlJrca.,i:o. NoHco. TotlicStocklioMetn I-ehl Irrlgntlon Co., .ro of InulneM Uhl City, Utith i In peminncu olnn order ol the Boft.d of Direitursof alil Compjinytnud Sept 1 1, 1S03, the fcilotting .IJi of UDpUI tiwrnnro nort-rilliKmenrn"1! Hv.lpf? p.tlil pi lor toJnn.4,1891, tnid itoclc will liofildln tlio hlglirit biiMcr at the Court lloiw, lAlilClty, -to, xrnmence nt 2 p m on tlmlilny to pay th tforcwid ili'lliiqiipnt tac ami expense of adve r-llilng r-llilng n;id E.ili". n-older of iho.BoaNj Jvlin S'oodliotipe.,FcciJy. N'AMCA Nl of Ami tjl Aiutol Cett, flock Tx Asliton Tlioinas 70i 260 12 AMiton.luj 20 2 . Austin acorjM 218b 70 - GO Austin liubcr 12tlb 140 4 nilcrjon Jfono II 120b 25 2 GO AllndHcbcr - 10 ".1 nnlfnTlioiiiim lOllli 20 260 A um In Marl; "14b "R0 1 An-'orron J M 17ob 2ft 2 50 M-iton llenrv "27 1 1 "40 4 a finm a tiro K" 30Jb '01 0 40 llritl-m M in "fia 40 R 76 nail Win 21n 2fif 11 60 llimlimnii i; A -130b SW 20 llrnwn.Neutl A 200.1 3J6 2050 llinunlhonn W 7.i 50 1 lUrnra Jinppli A TC 2.50 lliiphmanl B,.l U, 2ai 1060 llvrk QottlCilt '2I3' 150 3 Bt,.nn Jnmpi 181b 100 4 (Iron it John fr 21Rn 30 76 llrook Pirab Ann fill) 74 0 00 llrck Ororp) 310 ' 170 12 05 Itct'k Jnlm 320o 6S5 M75 l!-ini(l(or20 10 1 00 IK-ikJolinJr 30 160 HniclrhawJolin 241b 2fi0 2176 Clark VmV 170b 410 8 60 ll'niiiurOrorco 311b 386 R I CaHpoii Mra 112b 20 4 Christiansen Tcter 276b 40 26 ( onii'r Helen 10 1 Comer Iirenio I38b 278 11 65 CollodR" Jofeph Hh 230 36 Cox IMnnril 221 210 5 00 Coll'ilcc Tliomai 7Hb 120 6 25 Comer Alma 40 4 I)ivlsi:iiflmiISr 4Ra 470 3825 IMrlon Joseph 0.1a 260 18 46 l).ils Henry T Otft 206 18 Dnufon I.ucv nt f3. 170 8 75 l)jiki;iIJr 08a 00 8 I).l Is Joseph 218 10 1 DausCiCorftfl n 100 0 26 D.nisAlphonto 20 60 Dortoii Georeo 140 X 76 PinisHiiben 156b 10 1 Diirion V,n ' 40 4 r.viiniiDMirilteit 102a CO 3 HMinsJomes Wia SO 3 KHwaulsndwW 70i 220 0 KtnnihilwA 32b 158 8 20 Kans Israel Pr POb 769 61 86 i:nnsWinS 100 1S8 7 R0 i:nna K(li(l 88b 40 4 fimpev Alfred lOflb 10 1 fouler Thoi Mi 420 10 50 fox Isaac Jr 100a 120 3 00 fox Kurort lSSlb 16a 7 70 fowler Daniel 20 I Greenwood J est 6fib M 5 40 (liirnev Wm 113a K) 14 70 Gilchrist Kobert I6Sb 6"i 4 (ircy.lnmesG 111b 116 IRS Grey Charles llhb 150 8 50 GliibJohn 72b 150 0 Goll lames 110 170 5 75 (lontiti WmSr 120 .'M0 25 l (inriiey Wm f aOlb 370 17 j5 ll.mtea Win.lr lo-ib 'Mi 3 00 lil.dlilll.lns aillb 100 1 (ioil JniiiesC .TO 150 Hakli A f-Ma 560 13 60 linesman I)S 10 2 Hurt John 10 1 Jiii'o'jh John 37il 370 1100 Johnson John llllb 270 13 60 lonisJohn II 28a 270 5 26 Jones Thus It 39l twi 15 Jumes riumiiel cit IMU 2l 10 80 JnckMOii (Iraro 122b 180 10 60 .lolinson I'urley 212b B 40 leiinliiKH JiiimchK 3131) 2.M '.2 .lulinson Willnrd 40 1 76 lohiikon Charles 4A 1 10 Johnson Henrietta 105b W 5 Jneoln frank 2o3b 20 2 Kiirren Murlnli 131n " 8 25 lones AlUfl 20 2 Kuneii Cliurles 3:7rt 140 9 60 Knrien Hnnnab 133a 10 'I Kutliill.liahet'i 13-hi 10 125 Klrkhnm JoMiih 13(U 21) 2 KempJulin '.'65b 60 5 !..(( I.uiium 185b 45 3 00 I.osi'p Dniin.i J 20 2 La i son l'eltr 302a 200 0 LoderMmiii lS9a.20 2 Minilerfii IVter 28b 88 .1 10 l,.uU llenrv 102b 68 2 60 l.ocriilu Alex U 141a 110 6 I)feclWld 1Mb 335 2 lonnfellx 20 160 MiUinlt) l'elf r est 210a 270 0 76 1 unlock Georgo 14-la 1C0 76 MearsJoel . 145a 230 10 M.i'0ii John HOa 40 176 MallhewaWm K2a 363 6 20 NgleonJnmcsI' 380 1 20 60 Noiten.M A 75b 20 00 Nelson (Mrs Pirkel)170b 10 1 Normon Oforge 257b 381 35 Olnutead I.oren 3Jlb 2o70 17 45 J'oucll JaniPfiA -35 860 Potts John J 20 i l'liillliwOorgft 17hb 260 2 P.iMCllJnnusT 211h 110 60 V. rijonlMer 3l2i Iifl 5 lVfrwn ClirislltnlOlli 5J 125 iii.oiib i:imcr irob i:o im ItosslM t 1 1 HhodesADist Hi 5- Kuleria Joseph WU 0 "35 ll.nloMotoui 1IW 140 125 Kifdiiiowir.UIra 3U8U 26 115 SuiilliJuH.l 171b 610 n0 .Siininoiia Henry IMi l-'S U50 shaw .1 nine -'lb bS o 60 Bmuiii JAiiiea 2.'7b 210 0 80 Smith Jesso 178a 330 1100 Sunderland Wm 184a 61 fl 40 borensou Koron 274a 70 1 .Smith Tlios M 1 60 S.'hool New Welt 10 60 bli.iri.Win 124.115 5 60 SmilhlMwHrd 2071.260 15 60 S.MbriyktCL 115 64 2 40 : Tamer Win Jr M 4 60 . T.ijlor.lps West Pa J30 0 00 1. 1) lor Samuel 242b 310 3 TajlcrWW 185b P0 68 75 , Thomas Win 188a 40 16 Turner Mary A Mb 106 0 85 Titccmb I.uko 23a 150 7 60 ThoiuiiB John J 301a 200 10 50 r.unerWm 102; 80 3 TiiuriiwiUM., - iSStS I Triuiiemnn Kllra 203b 00 3 25 ' Thomas 3corgo 388a 30 160 Tlmoihy Hyrum 131 4 85 Tayloroid M 2 Winn Wm est 20la 476 21 M ' Wunlass Wm est 227a 80 T 26 Willis Mollssa 41a 00 3 WanlassJiirkson 217b 200 17 40 Wing John 85b 60 8 WulknrBaraliJ 208b 30 60 AVlllis John B IB 1K Yates Win Jr 271b 80 8 Yearnnro Trunk 237b 0 16 imnierman Jolm al4n 460 13 J5 ,'ON BEKCT1 V Isnison feler 13b 320 IB 85 ItikJaeobS 305a 1310 b8B5 Irk CM 208b 241 6 07 lUtkl'eler 14b 320 33 85 I Heck C J 101b 48 385 llatcmnnJT 3Ub 216 5 03 I III own Wm II 81b 221 2M l I U ! j aw . . - Ilrnircr Charles 40b 48 2 85 UolcyKlI U20 15 85 Heck John .1 183btl00 12 80 HrowrlWlI&jV 120 0( Cavlon Kd 100 12 Mc'Daniels8 182b 10 4 (W Davis DU . 144 7 02 KJtihtWiuII 33fl.'205 10 41 IHealey Kphriam 110b li4 avl Hansen Jens 8 246b ) 20 211 Jenkins BE 137b 130 1088 iluhnBomlbin O 322b 128 1021 Johns6li l'etcr 123b 100 8 30 Joins Kf 305b 320 1135 Moylo Stephen !S04 830 4a 80 MoylcJoJ.n 6Ibt50 14 25 ill re. i Qe Y 307a- 370 7 60 IMattKAlUirl ,144 77 Martin Barnb 00b 330 8 80 Nash Ephtnlm J8-b 541 14 Nelson Jens 300a 160 12 Nasli E J C5b 160 1.' 80 Kobetts John It 87b Oil t h .IttouifSO 1011. 60 3 40 StronRals.I 138b 40 W .Shipley .Wm J lll.aKI 17 55 Smith (tobert B 4Hb 40 a 16 SayiUohnU 17b 8 .M SteffgcUohnW S83II l.0 5 85 T flehel Uvrus V) ."08b 7.'0 3? 86 Ollnton'lMoon f Va'nooM W 40 1 .0 Worlcv Joseph II 1031.160 U80 Wajker W HOii Ull (160 rtx Win ?"3b 570 -5 .'4 WilwilEW noib.MO 10. m , ,DeiIri?ue-it Cit; 7er.:. Totitiil(. f, Jlu-p..' 1 Easl, flat A, I LolorSuMl.l'Un bl.Kl.or I ofotttKm Rtctlon Cimle Koad Aaijb Thotnao a 7 ITi 5K Auiiln llcbtr J 71 HO luktrjc; f 1 TO II. ltoa John Jr fcn t .15 i 10 Don Joho tit W 2 nrownKtwelA J 3A M Brckjohn !-ll M&3l M l" IkMGeorji ;ii 71 M B Brown B war 2M Brctnrjohn 1 1 1 77 W Its Brerai Frsm N'l " 1 Brothers Hom J ' Bck&arh lliWrod SI l DcckGmrge KZH S-lSert 197 BriR JoMph 10 Bujhannl'.A KW 17Ucrr (18I l Cttlion Mint rtj-l 5 IM Child J J 12. 21. 1-2 71 M H JOI Cutler airihK I M 2 00 4 16 Cjtidland rViblni S 71 M (A CtHtHfnrj-T !IWM S-l1) cre 1 7 2SV EtrlStMh I-Jl 10 T Poxlio 4 27 120 1 12 PowltrJueK 2 71 )f2 I fowler Lconird 140 2Ve Clbb J L It ft 8 S2 17 7t Garner Wm S W 2 tl ii. CrsyPT IS 71 2K 2I Olkhrlit Robt WSM 91 1 S7 S Olbb Sarin 81! 9-7 acres ll HI !Iarw-o4 Jaa ),' 2-3 1-5-S ISIS 10 04 Ulleaman David 4 TA t la Hudson Martha 611 S12acre 1 62 24 Johnson ;no 8W 6-24 acres SI0 Johnnon Martena SW 1-i " 2 . buaJJini JoMph "dW-"ln"icre""r"lr1 lit LanonTeter 8B I 4 acre 2SJ 4,7. Norin R'chaad I 19 1 Ik. rottajohnll nl-2 M IM tit Prjiracn Orlando ft 6 il 121 rtltnttAnd 1CH 0 HI Roujobnc : :s: Roberta Joseph 1-2 S I rlojboUom J eit rt ti-t acre II! I I'D Slewait John r 12 Jl 2 01 Sit Scbow I'cler PI li 2V7 !9. Acalirlnht C 1. 2t6 2, 0x7 toils 4J 41 11 3 t.a Stater Joa Jr hi'. Ifi actea 10 li Mirenaco (lunarlons Nl! S I iV 2 Timothy lly PI s-f 10 III J7 TJjIortomuel M 4t 3 32 5 3. ra)lorUald J C2 f l Thomas HkliaM M', Macro I l IV. Thoram Win J. MS t-. unrj iOt It,-, Thoa Wm I'.tuma Biig V-I ' 61 rurner.MaryK B 3 " M o) VauxhauMeat 2 W WilllaLB C-l Jf 155 Wllroa II D N 11 3 li 1 02 f 01 WlnealiaD 2.1 U 150 7M Wlnj Wm 12 lit Western I'nlon Telesroph Co 20 SC Dr. J. B. Hoshaw Rooidoxit 3?hyioltxx. Day and night calls Promptly attended to. Olfice 11-2 Blocks oast of Post Office. Lohl City. Utah. MOnOOF! NO HORSE! Take your horses to James Newton's To be shod. First Class Shooing Bono. Plain Ghcolng $3.00 Pr. Span with calks $3.50 AMERICAN BISCUIT & MFG. CO. f-$u,oaowor- to Utah Cracker Factory. HEKRY WALLACE Manager. Manufacturer! of the celebrated oS!lYer Brand of Fine Crackers, 27 E. THIRD SOUTH ST fiALTLAKKCnT Utah "DENTISTRY E. CMEHRIHEW ; DENTIST. fyjKtosP Qfnco 1 k blocka A,BgW5piR eastof Tost Offlce " vQv' v'sv where ho can be H. JU seon almost any hour of the day be doea all kinds ol PHNTAIy WOHK, In tho host and latest 1 stylos. All work guaranteed, A fit or no pay. E O. MEBRIHEW. :"dP!5g& W.H. .Botes , &4S Rooms 76, 77, """.' 78, COMMERCIAL UlOCK SALT LAKE 1 TIKEDENTIBTRY In all Its Branches 1 5peclal Hate and Induooments to Persons Per-sons from adjoining towna. Be sure j on givo him n visit nhen in the city. BALT LAKE CITa UTAH. Caitain Swebsev, V. B. A. Sen Uiego Cal. says. "Shiloh's Catarrh Itcmcdy is the first medicine. 1 Itavo eer found that would do mo any good." Trice 50c Sold by P, Ei Elllngson. ) iiii ' ' ;si in j "" JmKb ! Mr. ttarvcv Heed Ijiceyvlllp. O. j Cntnrrh, Honrt Failure, Pa-ralyslo Pa-ralyslo of tho Throat I ThnnU 7oil una looi' Snrn- jinrftfn for Perfect Health." " npntlemen Tor tlio be npflt of siifrcllnaln.-manlty siifrcllnaln.-manlty IwWitostitanfpw f.wn- Voroornl )prs 1 hunt snfforpil from natjirli ami Wrt failure, cetlhiK so bail 1 coulil not ork and Could Scnrcoly Walk I linil a very bail spell of paralyn of l!roi.roat aomo llmongi.. My tliioat sccmpil plmul anil I coulil not Hall""' Tlis (li.eluM ssld II wa i caii'il by heart lalliirp. ami K lie inpillrlim, which 1 look According t (lllrclloin. but II ill I not appro to Oo mo any poml My rtllciircyd ma bi tiy lino Pj HaMapanlli. trWngmo ol Mi Joseph C. Hinllh, who hail been At Donth'a Door but km entirely cured by Hood's Sars.iparll) 1 AlU-r WklnB Kith Mr. Smllli. I fnnplif'l( lo try Hood's HSMapatllla. When I hvl lukpii two Irattiea t felt rcry much bPlter. (I ha ronllniipd Uklnll, ami am now fecllnR excel-lent. excel-lent. I thank (lod, and Hood's SarsaparilBa and my wlfo for my rpaloratlon to pprfrcl hrnllli." Hahvev Hftii, I.accylllle, (). "TioOIi'h VM-Csdo not purito, aln cr Rtlpe. but act promptly, ca.lly and eDlclcnt'y SW. A Card to the Ladies Deii Linv If you nro troubled with painful nndirreeiilnr pertm.atako Dr. nr Joz's World-renowned prescription Wn plve wiittcn Riinrnntcc topermanen tly euro to two trcatmentaor refund the money, l'rico for 0110 trial treatment 12.00. Write or call on Ladv Manager, SALT LAKE MliDI'CINli CO, 6l WestSccosi. Soitrn Sr., Salt Lake City, Utah Puticnls unsuccessfully treated or imposed im-posed upon by othcra especially iinited lo rail. How's Thlsl We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ofC'atarrh that cannot can-not be cured dy Hall'aCure. F. J. Cheney &Cn,. 1'rop. Toledo.O. Wo the undcrelBned, haeknown F. J Cheney for tho last 15 jenrs. nnd believe him perfectly lion irnblo in nil buidiicsf linnsaclions ii'.d finiiui'lally nblo tnir.itrj out niiy obligallou made by their firm. West to Trunx, Wholesahi Drngtjif In, Toledo. O. WiiMiinj.Kinniih Mnrvin, Wholesale DrnpislH, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's C.iluirb Curo in Itakcn Internally, iiclinmliri'ctlyuiMju tlid blood and mucoiiH surfaces of tho s stein. Price, 75c. per bottle, sold By all Druggists. Testimonials free. Parka' Coup;li Syrup. Has bicn po highly recommended lo us that wu h.no taken the fluency for il uud now iisk our friendu who :ue sullrr-flit; sullrr-flit; "' it cold to Klve it a tii.il nnd if it does not civo satisfaction our nioiut will bo refunded. Eery bottlo Is fold on n poultho guarniiteo. l'rico 60 cent and (1.00. Bold by I). E. Elliugson. Probate Notice. In the Probata Court in nnd tor Utah County, Territory of Utah, in llio mutter mut-ter of the estate of Augiialus N. Powell, deceased. Order appointing time nnd place foi settlement of llnnl account nnd to hem petition for dlatolljuti'in On reading and Ming the petition ol JaniCH M. Anderson uduiiuislrnloi ol tho estate of Augustus N, Powell, dc deased, setting foith that ho has tiled hit final account of his administration upon said estate in this court that all tho debts of said deccnsid have been fully ful-ly paid and that n portion of eaid cbtati remains to be divided among tliuheirsot said deceased, nnd praying among other things for nn older nlloKiug said lliial nccount nnd of distribution of the rcsidiu of said cstato amoiu persons entitled. It is ordered that all persons lntcrer-tcd lntcrer-tcd In the cstato of tho said Atiusiin N. Powell deceased, be and appear U foro the Probato Court cf tnu Count) 01 Utah, nt tlio Court Room of said Court, in the County Court house, on the 15th day of January 183 1, at 10 o'clock n 111 then nnd there showcaute why an ordei allowing said llnnl iu count nnd of distribution dis-tribution should not be mado of tho ics-iduo ics-iduo of said cstato among the helm aim devises of tho said Augustus N. Powell, deceased, nccordidg to law , It is furthor ordered that tho Clerk cause notico to bo posted in three publu places nnd a copv of this order to be publishc iu tho Leiii IUnnkii, n news- paper printed and circulated in Utuh I Co., four weeks successively prior lo I said 16th of January 1804, ; J, D. Jones, Probato Judge Dated Dec. 13, 1803. Territory of Utah) . ; County of Utah J BB ' I, V. L. Hnlllday, Clerk of Probat. 1 Court in nnd for Utah County, Territory , of Utah, hereby certify that tlio forego ing is n full truo and correct copy of tin ) original order appointing time nnd pl.t. i for settlement of final nccount nnd h ' hear petition for distribution in tin cstutoof Aguitus N. Powill dto-nnil, nnd iiowc.i file nml in record ininyuiiin Witnepn my hnnd nnd seal of mi Court, nt my cilice in l'rovo Clti il ! ' 1 1th dn.of Decouilwr A. I)., 1883. V. I.. Ilulliilay ! Clerk of thoPiobnteCourt, Ulnli.Ooinity Utah Territory, i 1 Tilts lr.rT t 01 jh vv..u jppamptly curea tthrre rul a f d. I ulia. Croup, Sort Throat, lloatatntaa, w hocpmi; Couth and Atihrna, I r Conaua, g 1 has no rival; lias cured thousands, n 1 mil cniRB TOO II ttaenlu tlraa fiolO ly l.rtiirglats on n guar-snteo guar-snteo 1 or 11 Irene IIipIc or fbffr, vo BlllLOH'8 DKI.l.MlOflHA PLA3TIia.C0c. M!L0H'SCATARRH pJiteBSaWREMEDY, llavouui4iinrrliT. TliUrpmcdrliirusran. tcvdtocurorou. fr)oc,WcU. Jnjeclorfrco. The Little I litiiijs tlir Most Vnluable. t'oiiipiitiitiwly fpw propleiignrdtheii whei nsinentiirs,hiitnlmosUcr)boily 'iai Ineii struck, l oih- time or another will. Mens that seeimd inli'iilnted to re dure 1,01110 nl the hllle frictions of life I sunlit nml, iih iip lire di'iiiissed villi, out further thought. "Whj dnii'i the iiiilrond rompaui make lis tor wiudons so Unit they cat lie kIhI tipnnd donn without brcnkliif 'if pni.iii!eiM' 1mI." exclaims tin iraxrli-r "It 1 were running the road 1 nonlil 1:1,1 ke uifin in audi 11 way. "Whnt was the man that mnde tlm saucepan thinking- of?" grumbles tin cook "He never had to work ocr f itiive. or lie would liao known how il iinglit to Uue U'en iixeii." -T; MtU ."Hang such n collar button'" gronb 1I10 man who Is late for breakfast. "If 1 wcrein the business I'd mnko bultont that wouldn't slip out, or break off, o. (jouge out tho hick of my neck." And then tho various sulTercis forgei about their grievances nnd begin t( think of sonictlllng else. 11 they woulii sit down nt tho net convenient opportunity, oppor-tunity, put thciridensnboiitcnrwindowi "iiiicep.ins, mid collar bullous into practical prac-tical shape, nnd then npply for patents, they might find themselves ns Independently Indepen-dently wenlthy ns tho man whoinvented tlio iiou umbrella ring, or the ono who patented tho fifteen puzzle. M . A TEMPTINO OFFKII.fSS To induco people to keep track of (licit bright Ideas and see what thero is in them, tlio Piess Claim' Company hat resolved to Oder n pris". To tlio person who siibmitn to it tin Mini lest nnd most promising invention, from acomiuerclnl pouil of view, tin company w ill give twenty-live huudrra dollars in cah, in addition to refunding the fees for securing the patent. It w lit nbo advertise the invention freeofchnrgi Tills oiler is subject to ihu follow in j conditions: Eveiy competitor inust obtain n patent foi his invention Hiruugh tin eompnii). He must (list apply for 11 preliminary senreh, Hie cost of which will lie Ihc dollars. Mioiild tliii search show his invention to bo unpatentable, ho enn withdraw without further expeusi Otherwieo ho will bo oxpeitul to ioiii-pletu ioiii-pletu his application uud tnku out n patent in tho icgular vvny. Tnu tptal dxieuse, iiicludiug Govorumcut und Bureau fees, will bo revciity dollars, for this, wliithir he seiuria the prize 01 not, the inventor will have 11 patent thai ought to be 11 valuable piopcrtv to him. rho prize will bo nwurdid by n jtirj consisting of three reiutnble pntenl .ittorncjs of Washingtou. Intending competitor should fill out tlio follow iny blank, nnd forward it witli their nppli-cation nppli-cation 1 "., . .ikr,' , ..- "I tmbmit the within described iiiven lion iu compo'iliou fur the Tivuuty-lt bundled Dollar Priae ollVied by tin I'roes Claims Couii.iiiy . 11 IUieuniatlsm Is 11 symptom of disease of the kidneyt ft will certainly bo lehevcd by Parkt SuroCtro. That headacho, backache nnd tired feeling conio from tlio same canto, jisk for Parks' Sure Curo forihe liver nnd kidneys, price L00 Sold bv I). E. Elliugson. Hurrah for Becks Saratoga Springs Tho Hack will leave the Co-op liver) stable ou'iy Saturday nt 7 o'clock P. M. for Deck's wnrm spring, only 60 cts. foi thoiound trip including the hath. For further particulars sio Wm. Wing. Dr. P. A. Skinner, of Texarknna, Arkansas, is iintlmsiast in tho praise o. Chamboilaln's Pnin Halm. Ho used il forrhciimntidiu, and sa)s: "1 found it tc ha n most excellent local remedy." Foi sale by 1'eoplu'n Co-op. Ilnvc your teeth cleaned ,, Clcauloiicpfi Is next to (Jodlo.icss. Coma in nnd I will take that limo frou. your teeth that liko decay. 1 w 111 nn.li you tltlnk that you have trailed mothi with somo liody that lias n clean mouth. Ur.Mcrriow. JIMr. J. P. Utilize, an extciisivo real estate doalur in Da Moines. Iovvny, narroivly esciped ono of tlio severest nt lacks of pneuuioiiht vvhlloln tlio northern north-ern part of that state during n recent blizanid,fm)H tho Saturday lUiittv. Mr. fllnlza) had occasion to drive several iniloB during the storm nnd was e ilicronglily chilled tliAt he wns unable tt g:t wnuii, nnd inside of un hour nf tc nit return hi wns threatened with 1 jiveio ease of pneumonia 01 lung foven Mr. Dlniae sent to the nearest di ug stor in I got abotlle of ClinmlH'rlnius Coujl Keu.edy, nf which lit) had often heard, uid took n uuinlter of lnige iloaea. 1 It 1 h if lite iffict waa wonderful and in 1 ! .hurt 1 1 in 11 he wn breathing ndict I i-.ly. ll kerVt 011 taking tho meilioni i.ni the nest day lie was able to conio U lv3Vfoiiieii. Mr. lllalMrOHardshiscuri as simply wonderful. For lo bv reoie Coop, Dr. Price's Cream Ilaklng Powder World's lair Highest Award, ,tk . "WaWaWaWfyala1aaai,aJWtaj lanipsjaafaja) aafja lKaWIJI "W 52 Novels for 50 Cents. I We hnvomndo nrraug(m'n, ni.-. - I f the Inrtfvat book pUDllihl ' "1 ,"' "" 'i tlm ciuiiitrt' Mbfr'by i IiIiIhi1 ntr. rV I ' .ilis siiIki ript ton rvt' ' ' A' 1 l.lv Id miM, mil' m i 1 mi 1 1 4ry,UlrH)l l'V" "lr ''n" I'ndi ,HI"BiiViAti e. ill . I.. 1 111' nl iii'ivitrJF&iv ye 1 , 11 CM. Im' it r9l.ll nvilll UhijiiscIm'. if Ihl. mr iip'tnniCy by ioiiiimn;t full li im. nth 11 iuh unco nnd 5 J cents 1 xtr.i. Tlipsf novels nro slnudnrd wnrl.a. b-'in' b-'in' lnt nilthoisunil wtri'Miili'i'ted nil'' n nl cine mid atti ntloii. Tliev me jis In' thing for your hoim', Avail )im ell of thin nppoitunil) at mice it wi nuke Ihisotlvr for 11 limited timo nnlv -end Expics, Money Order, 1'onOlllu rderor stnniis. The llernld Pub. Co salt Lake City. A Sprained Ankle. This Is n common (.H-eiirmiHO nnd on hit will lay people up iinli mirll v tl lo ) cck, vet wo will guarmiton llillard'r Suow Llniuieiil lo euro any cmo of iprulncd miLlo in 1 In .'I days il npphi'n nt once, nnd tu immediiitelV lelicvo nil pain. Snow Liniment will euro nny old ore on mini or boast. It will I11111 nl, VoninU nnd cures Sprains, Burn', S nlds Itiiises, Pore Throat, Pore Oust, l-uiiu lack, Corns, lluninns. For Rheiimat im, Lumb.igo, Neurnlgin, Cuntrnclcd ilutcles It has nocrpiiil. Do not nlkw ny other white Liniment to bo put oil n )oii for Snow Liniment. Theio ii no itlier like it. Ask for llnllard's Snow ijluimlut. AWCM. This Is pretty good. Sjp lj JUSt Mr. John C fioodwln, n carpenter, ol j Janvil'.p, 111., writes; "About twoweeks igo n heavy saw log fell upon my foot .cry hadl) crushing it so that I wns un-iblo un-iblo lo walk nt nil. I sent for uliottlo ol Jallard's Snow Liniment and kept mv ootwcllsAtiirntcd with it. It is now wo weeks since this happened, nnd in) loot is nearly well and I am at vvoik. tad 1 not used Snow Liniment 1 should tavo liecii laid up at load 2 months. For iicnllng wounds, spruius, sores, and bruises It hns no pinl. No Inlhimuuf Ion enn exist whero Snow- Liiiiment is jso1. "You can uso this letler." llo-.varc llo-.varc of all wlilto Liniments substituted or Snovr Liniment. Thero is no other Liniment liko Ballard's Snow Liniment jold by O L Seiibright Shiloh's Vir.u.lZEn is what jnu need ior Dyspepsia. Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or Kidney Trouble Ills guaranteed guaran-teed to givo you satisfaction, l'rico 75c. 'told liy D. E. Elliugson, KAnts Cloveu Root, tho new lllood Purifier, gives freshness nnd clearness to he Complexion nnd cures Constipation. .'5c, 50c, and (100. Sold by Stcol A Co Mr. II. J. Mayers, of Oakland ;Md., says: "lhavo sold thirteen bottles of 'Jhamberiaiii'H Cnugli Remedy lo-dny mil mil literally sold out. Tl.la is the 'argeet sato on reiord of nny ono Bpie-partiou Bpie-partiou in n day over our couiitcin- U Ives tho best satUfaction of nny vougli , medicino wo hnr.dle, and as 11 seller it prj nil others preparations on this .unrkct " For salo by Peojiles Co-op. Ask Your Friend. Who havo taken Hood'a Snrrnparill.i .vbnt tliey thing of it, and tho replies will bo positive in its favor. One has been cured of indigestion mid dyspepsia, mother finds il indlspcuFitblu for Blck hcadake, other rcpoil iciiiarkablo cuics )( fcfofula, salt iheiim olhem blood liicarea, still otheis will tell you that it veiconics "that tlreil felling," nnd so on. Truly, the best advertising which Hood's finrsnpurillii reeiev cs is the henrt) indorsement of tho army of frirnds il tuts won by its positive medicinal uivrll. 1" NIGHT I MAKES THE COMPLEXION PURE AND BRIGHT. Notice of Assessment No 1 Nethcrland Fino Slock & Dairy Co , principal place of business Salt Lake City, Uinb, situation of works Lehl Utah County, Utah. Notice is hereby given that nt n meeting meet-ing of tho Directors held 011 tho 20th lay of November 1893, nn nfisessuifnt ol fifty cents (60c) per shnro was levied on the capital stock of the corporation pay-iblo pay-iblo on or beforo tho 28th day of Decent rjer 1803 to Moylnn C. Fox, treasurer o tho Company at the ofllco of tho Company Com-pany No. 10(1 Dooly Iluildlng corner of Second South nnd WcstTeniplo Sticcls ii Salt Lako City, Utalu. m Any stock on which tho assossment nay remain unpiid on the sUth dny of Decemben 1803 will bo delinquent and advertised for salo nt public auction nnd unless payment is mado beforo will be sold on tho Cth day of January 1801 nt lOo'clock a 111 at tho odlco of thu Company Com-pany to pay the delinquent assessment together with tho cost of ndvcrtislng nnd sxpeiiBO of sale. JoiiH AT Marshall, Sec'y N F. S. A D. Co. Salt Lako City Nov. s0, '03. D 2S iOBSCRIBEFORTUEDESERETKEWS It is tho organ of tlio Church, tho taper in tho Rocky Mountain Region uid ran always be relied upon to ndvo ate or defem't tlio right aide of ever) jucstion, SiinsontpTioK pkici: Dailv . .. 10,00 per year. Semi Weekly 3,00 " " Weekly SJ.50 " Addles The Dpseret News Co. Suit UkuClty. I can mako you as nlee n Ml ef teoth is you enn find 011 the-face of the globe Or Merrlhow", ... . . j .t ' . r IMnMnaMVt T "" "JrV 'WaaflVIQaaWPaMatrMS Taatttiiiiiiiiiiiii A Gentleman I Who ' inslilpd In (.1'n.vn , tint H nli.111. ' .pa m Hoiminlu, h. i0r W. '' pnM myvvlf M () m 1 11. I'd Ajpr'a H igHK UmIi Mor, and iva 2Mj n' in,. ( it the dark H JjB ivl.i, 1, .ho nnd I H UH im !Mio linn- H AW ''" '" 'i' apqimlnt- H Jf XV or a dozen B f JBaR iter Hum we, H fmJStBfk fsay-lieaded, H MLSart '"" ' ,,lkM' n aHH MrVlikf, -i ' ourhnlrha M '''HfMj'lr "'" ' "I polor ami H ' i .""-n "" ' p rpp'.). 'Ily H "S-J 4lBf ' ' -" lhln ,'1- ' ' aaH 455 4 r - '' '" mr afllanppil H ftfgfS:-:i2 WM '"uly bntil and H " hello ii.o Ayrr'a Ilnlr Mr, and very Mxai, It not H only pIipcKpiI am lurthin Iwia of hall, but H prudiiprilsniiiiiii Iv ncv Kicnlli, which lw H ipinalneil luxininnt and khmy to this dn M I ran rceouunend thin pipparallan to nil In B iipixI nf n gpiiulire hnlr rcnlorrr. It h nil HBJ that It la plalmcd to be ' Antonio Atarrun, HH llaslrop, Tex HVJ AVER'S HAER V3COR yotld'a Fnir Travlfia WillIlaye It. faThe iiiblie demand tlirough scrvlco HMJ Alien traveling, tt is old-fnshiotied to HVj "Change Curs " On the through, solid HhJ vestihulid trains nf tlm Cliicngn. Union HhJ t'acille A Virlh-WesUrn Li ie from 01 HV to ( hiciigo, Om.ihn nnd lntermcdiblo HhJ points thin H 110 i linngi'. Thiii is the HVj finest urii fiiKhPt aerviee liet'ieeu tho HhJ points iirtiiit.il. Hh "" 1 H j!vM fcfc Ontors.gli'. v tfjyoa M The Irnvcliug pitiih. aio now fully HV alive to the tact that tin 1 dingo Union HV Pailfic A North-WeaUrn I. ina oilers tho H very beat nccoiiimodnllniH to tno pnblio HMJ from and to Chicago, On.uhn and Inter- H mediate point, not -nl during thu World' Fair, but nil the year round, H "It la wotth the prlc to every prwn HH who vpn reads a nawaimptr." I.atllncton M Jounml. H tiih joprjiai. nsana to HV Blue Pencil fluus. I HTJ j. o. xTsrvzxsng. B A i'ocktt Primer for tbo u-p of Ittporlcrr, HV Oirraapuu c-da and upr Cbeppeip. ajBH hhon, simple and practical nils for aaBB maklac una axUtlntr newspnper copy, fBJB ami of pquaJ value to all who wlih to B write correct Boellab. Bh BcntonrlBtof prlro. P: foe, 10 icnta HV pereopy. AU.AN TORMAl Pnbllshpr, 117 ysVatu BlWPt. Nw Vi rk. It 10 M YOlJgg I . ndvnntngc to let lite public know M what you have to sell. If you BH wish lu-ialtfta)RBHTii i -- VHJ yon enn do so by judiciously ad- kHJ vcrtising your business, aid now H is the lime to make yo- H oil M business biisk by nl once placing H YOLfj I advcrtisciucnt in The Lclii Iianncr lM which is lartrely circulnUd in the H north end of Utah Co Your H LIFE I will then be a busy one ( ' H i Scientific American m AfjEficy foS. H ft) 3-Vll TRADC MARKS, ULfLjWSZ DEOIQH PATCNTHt C2 V COPVniOHTS, otc. HhJ Forl'.ifonnit n 1111I rreo Maii'llookwrllAto iH Ml NS 1 1 1 luiuAim r Nw Your. M OMcl bit , .u inr SLiuriiu nu In AnieriAL iH Kverr pal.'A 1 ta, -i .1 11 I lirnualil bpfnre aajaaj tliepuiilicbyauoiici of clwrnainiho BH L&rffnst etr' iit jriontidoMpairtn tbn Or((t Cllu 1 1 lU KltMl NO IDtalllt&lDts in an tvlmunt I nm tt it "'orVthr, KMMM. u H yiart llJOni mm un Amliiu MPNN A 0, H I'CiiUiuciu. JUt ttrouj, ew York nn, H VJe Herf.by PfiOMist: H To lcfuud .ill 1,1 1 , p.dd us for M HALLER'S Remedies H if sou nrc nut BENBiTTED lv lh'i H USB. Thi'NO pi t'partuior.s consist of HHJ mi CUSS COUCH STRUT, conam rjv ins. bars wms u!!-!: -, cu::,', urns &&u mis, and nro ABSObUTELY OU&RAbTKt;u 1 ns. NO CUHB, HO I'AV. uu utk m, H Hmj Sold by all druM-. M |