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Show TtieiSwVi'o.' For somo tlm tHio Bishopric and mcmbeis of tliocj?'TP contemplated Hiowlng theijSrejJgJ ",ul niH'Tciatlon ut the labors, ofWchoir leader J I.. Gibb by gitttii"?11 ""' for ll1"' which they did laetTitcwIny night. Tho niembcrt of thf choir and friends of thu leader nsseriimcd In the large dining room nf UiHIJnioit Hotel that evening and wUWing was sent up with n buggy to lffig lilui down telling him he was w an15rK9rice nt tlio hotel. Without waillngTpr jfnyllitns he jumped iiitothc buggy nndtjvg-s soon nt the hotel. Ho was told tlmtaio eentleinaii who wished to sco Mmffi?ni in l,l dlulK room, making "'ailjhnst',) to sec the Individual ho apnjmred nt tho door and as ho was nlMiillMStep inside tho force behind was so Br2tJU"'t It landed htm ucarlj in the nilddbjof the room before he knew wherofficlwas. When he regained re-gained lilmscHton?wouJd judge from his looks ho foltUlkibewaa in wonderland. wonder-land. But notBwbeforo him, behind him nud all around lhn, stood t' u ban J of singers w bom lie'ipiJ led step by step, until they hnvo reW td some fume as n choir. An soon an hj could henpollgifd that beiftuso his fJeeivas dirty, his hair not combed, his thtfVliot Marked etc. Bit', ho soon got out (4!his tcrnblcMic.it box, and was alloww to go out Into the fresh, cold nir nn'dlilcj himself homeward, home-ward, aud remedy all Ihcee bad conditions. conditi-ons. He soon rcttiM iil, mid the paily was opened by 51 yor elect Oley Ellington. After wlp -fa Mls Sarah A. Smith and Johu Wo& house each g,ie a recitation. Thc.K.hk mm Baud was in Attendance and strut k up some lively music and dancing co nmencul and was kopt up until 10:a),'i(lthai hutir Bishop T. It. Cutler was liivftld to speak which ho did, and told tl .jj)ect ofthepaity and in n few well elii)fi:n lemarks whicli weio directed to Mrjfilbb praising and congratulating hlin ouithe advancement thechoir had inaduLlerliis leadership, and bidding '''mfov!l tne l!'loir .l'n speed in their nonrjijrk, and piceonlol to Mr Gibb u purse Icuiit.iining f.TJ.00 which had been madotip by some ol (lie cltiicus mid choir. Jlj-. Gibb responded otpicsciug his apprc'ifation of the gill ami the good (eellngiifluutceted toward dim. Spuko lilglibTulltlia meindera oi tlie cdolr. n vff Tho next sccVie "vfiSllK-egrcable one pic-nic willed nllwerolr ndy for.it being over, dancing was ,rcsi ned again and kept up until 1-' o'clock' |