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Show Hard To Please. Weaskcdhiui (oplnceinthcpapcranad. And he worried nlioul it; For money was scarce and business was bf.l, And ho worried about it; "Coin comes of itself in good times," w said, "Til in Hack business times jou must rustle up tiude, And onu way to do It Is an ad., well displayed," And he worried aliout It. For lie said "I'm afraid tho paper's not read." And ho worried about it ; So to find out-an Idea slipped into bis head- And lie wen led -ibotlt it; Then ho wrolo just twd lines, they were short ones at that, Mcicly snjiiig, "I'll pay Adeems for each cnt that Is brought to my store." And he tigncd his iiiiiuu 1'nt, And he worried about it, "For this ad. they'll charge high," he soliloquized, And hu worried about it; Hut tho paper inanquotedn fiirceolovT, That he worried alwiit it; Next mom when lie rpencd and shook his door mats, TTo.'oUlin rt ar.vtn$tr't 2 filing fl'id ' .v. . " e k . e " " i ! ' i . ' . .m htiudictl odd cats, And ho worried about it. |