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Show Maklnc Tlilnsfi I.iv. ly. Poiuo of the inemlieiB of onr I'tlj (.'ouucil concluded to inu-eligak' llie mining boom in Tie'tville on Tuemhiv and o nn edntcam and w out to 1 Iniuuir r bum nnd secured it aurr) . .1 udgf Joni i wns in tho iarl) nnd tin sighl ol lom among the good domocriits inaib' Ho horses rnthor suspii'iotisnnil lbe li irni. to prance around. The eninpain piled in w lib collector Winn usdriti, out h the time they roueheil the gate the linrdm gotso fritkj thttt the euiiipnuv lost t time in jilting out. One ol the bib broke and nwny went team and sum drugging tho driver omodistaneo. Tltrv ran to the Union llotol whore they sloi lied. A driver got in and started back when they nguln bad a llttlo rott but niicbod the bilrTi with the front nt the oltlc1o tMtilly tlmttored. There wai a basket of pluomitw i t lie surry when tlioy staitod whtclt wue souu ecnllorcU lo tho four wlmli. No ono was badly hurl and thuuoinpany suei-ooiled in gitlingoH and wu hope fouud their uveal inting (uitunos anioiig the rocks of Tiekille. Wedding own! uiw out for if r. Ulaud Diiggsnnd Miw Ann to Itetrs. 'Die eeut will tuko place tills week. Mrs. Klla Clluea, sister of the decoas-ul, decoas-ul, is dangerously ill of the same diieasc Throo inissionariesfrom the Seventies Quorum have been relcctetl to go a broad. James T. Thorn has niovod luto his line residence on Main Mtreet. I'reoiian Hros. have a flnr moat market; mar-ket; "can't bo boat". The load, are full of (earn hauling beet pulp from the factory for "fodder". Schools w ill be closed during the bol-idays bol-idays to give teachers ant pupils a .rest. lien llolman and Waggle Harvey were nmirle.1 last week. Ut the good prk go oa I 'Hio U.x collector ro runui,,, ,))n(n ' llvilyfoi the delliiqucnts. ' |