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Show Btisintsa Urllfs. Chlldreni. Coats at Trnne's. Trane has XlcnV ami Pny's nothing C !icaKst in town. I'.in nur Chrulinas presents at tho o-op. Sow ( in lantn, Raisins, l.emon and i urf n ricl wiij down at Chlpman'r. For 1 be limt nud cheapest ilodsrwcar go in ivopie's Co-op, a complete stock I argf coiiiiigiiincnt oftlnwat", hnul are and eft, this wk at the CoOp FOR HAI.R A 0 aero pasturf, fernwl and I lot at iA-hi Junction byT.P.Twnt A rholro lot ol hts clothing catM In 1 1 1 1 .- vu-k at the Co-op. r.m vmii Fitnry and Plaph) firfiHe nt C hipimtn's; they bav .1 fine stocto, Wlien xr.n want Lnmp coal Snt "01 nr Miik hlm'k bj the car call on Transfer giod flgnith. IVop'iin Coops.lis clothing ohcair Ih in 111 otln r botiM- in Utah. A tflat will rmitincs irni of the fact. ( hipman'n hate Just rt-celvod Four rnotiimiid tiollars worth of nio Clothing and are making a fill low prices. Iint look around for thrre or lour bi"foi eheap gooils, but call atonce at lVo.!s Coop and ou will feel like smiling nt the baig' " )u been getting. first 1 ii tflOfnn fly sewing machine mach-ine fui only (. Apply ai this ofKce. FOU SA1F. -Tboe wifhing trtrke) for 'be holidays npplj to It. Y, llrown. I.. In. l.adlos Press fJood, immensely tie- j gtnc and aitually llie lowest prhts kno.ui. Call at Chipniati's for Ihrm ' 'I.il.evour prrwriptionn to the I'nion . Iiruc tnrt and lt.iv I l.ri.i rcpared by I , he nrcrt Unvgi. t. ! I . '1 ' i r fun lord go. 1 1 stovo wood. Aniilt io Pi. MorrihiM. Tor Sale Cheap (or Cash Or will tindo for Cltv Lot, Farm Land, j or Lumber, flood Team, Wagon nnd j lianas. Apply to Fred M's.Mn, Loontt (.iitue, Ihi. gjaTTapers will beforwanlwl natilex . plieit orders is recieved hy the paUUh ' er for their dltoontinoatife, nnd liiitil j pnymeotof all atrearayr nuule, as' repjired by UtW. j There is no use of goiog. to "Chiesu, orNew'Vork Caah Stores" for good goods, but Jtiat oall on the Chlpnmn Merc. Co. Am. Fork. They sell the low. oat and have the bett assortment. I idies and Children wraps at Cost nt, People Coop Inst., must lie sold thisfall, come and git one while the sale is on.' After trying two or three dat t to find (he v!f plaoe to get the tnnf ?iAn fof . - - V I '; 1 I . 1 I ' . ! 1 . ..-' t, '. I . M'lU I J -" j . .. salialicJ. W.Tiii 'Light double harness and buggoy toiigua In ttwlo for feitther wnshiiig, Meredith llro. Lehi. ,' Notice. Mrs. Mnithn Fentherstono has received receiv-ed her ceitillcnto fiom the Hoard p Medical Lxitiuinersaiid i tlu.ruloro lie, eased to pmctlce oUtetiic, or inidwifo-, ry in the Territory. Culls nuswtreU promptly day or night. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorlJ'i Talr Highest !,UCul and Diploma. A High Liver 1'aunlly ban 11 bad liter, l.'e is bilious eouitlpatid, has indigcttion and dspop-sin. dspop-sin. If there is no organic trouble n (ow iloees of Parks' Huie Curo will tone him up. Parka' Sure Cure is tho only 'llvor nud klduey euro we sell on n Knith- gnarautee. Pritoll. I). 15. L'lhngaou |