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Show THE RUSH IS ON. Prospectors flocking to Tickvillc. i CUIMOWN'IiRSAKKJUBIUiNT Anl think thby have a fine thing. Lvcry wood hauler mill MooL man In this section Js welt acquainted with thu little valley nbont 7 mllva nest nir-"?1 nml familiarly knowiiinHjrlr',.fiil(. So onu would liavy.r thought that till uouM'Wiu" nay bo n lively milling camp KoTit irem!iit iti'liciitiuti!iuliit tlint way 0 nnd nil the available land la Ittlng taken. (tJ l'rnnk Yearaneo was onu of tlio lirt to pnwpect thin district ami owns one of tliu best claims there. Ilu found u vein carrying a email amount of gold on the surface and began diiiin into it and at present is dou n on tlia vein some 11! feet and tlic ore it getting richer all the fine. Tliu gold in fuiind in u foruiatlon of dark talc, parallel with it runs n eln o'. decompoeed granite. Standing at Ills prospect one can easily trace tlic vein by cropping lor hundred of feet. Ho isniiio that ho luisii fine thing. Acorn-piny Acorn-piny of Culorado mlucmiro nlwi located iiere and ate fcuilitielnMic over what they have found. It Is only a ohort tlmo rtmo It wan known that gold Man theio mid thla whole Hection has liecomu excited and otittlts from here and other place arc going thcro dally. As development Mork prepresses the report get lietter nml romcthltig gieat is expected of tliif new Held. It U but n few mile from the proot- I j ( l ; cd elte of the leaching mill. |