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Show 'The Editor. Last Sunday, by lt Itatlon aotue of tho novpainr rrieu.ot tho territory enjoyed B our hospUiillty.and took, in tUej eights ol BB our city. The party contlitoJ ot A. N. BB Hosenbaura, Logan Nation ; Win. Ulans- man, CfdmStnndard; K. A. LUtlefleld. BB Ogden l'reai ; Lamou! Call, John Stable, BB Uountltul Clipper J. II. IUvrllngs, Suit BB Lake Bilrer Btar;M. U Scott, American B Fork Item; D.U. Johnson, BprlnuTllle BB Independent; J. F, Qlbba, Millard Co. B Blade; M. F. Murray, Ephram Enter- BB piiaajandA. B. Tonuon. Tiny wore BB met at the depot and eacorted to the BB Union Hotel, Alter dinner n meeting BB wailhcld and preliminary tepi taken to BB organize a Treaa AisocIatUn. Thi BB (olIowinK gentlemen were appointed a BB committee on permanent organitation: B K. A. I.ittloaeld, t halrman ; A. 15. Tom- BB son.aecty ; W. L.Yepb, J. It, Rawllng., BB A. N. Hoinbaum1 Thli committee will BB meet in the near (utnre and perfect a BB plan for a permanent oriranlnltatlon BB At 2 o'clock the party went to Die factory BB where two hour were ipent In itudylng BB t'10 Procoa,s ( maklni augar. All of the BB Tisltori apoke highly ot Lehi and our BB augnrlnduilry and thf paperi thla week BB ro coutjliiliif soln eiccll.nt' articles BB1 concerning the yl.it. We trnat they BB uiay tee fit to riilt ua again. |