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Show H THIS. THAT AND THE OTHER H Judge .Touch of 1'rovo una In town H on Tuesday. H 11. V. Drlggi o( l'llnseiiKirovu wns In B tlil city on Tn oh Jay on business B Deputy Collector Unit wni here on B Monday innkliiK It llely for tliodllliio.- B ucnttnx injcm, BBf Isiinc Woodliousc nnd wifo of lluliy BB Vnlley liiwo como In to upend tho lioll-BBJ lioll-BBJ H Tho (irnitt Sonp Co. v, 111 exhibit u block BBJ of puro white Iteo lhe Soup neighing B ,l90 pouudi) ut the Midw Inter 1'itlr. H During the holldii) 9 tho U. 1'. will BBl sell round trip tickets for ouu fare. H Tickets good until Jnn. 1, IWU. Miis Minnie Hi Itton died Inst 1'rldity BB In tlio Anjhimnt rrovo,nmluislmuii!ht BB here nnd burled nu Sntmiluy. BB Tho Dorton addition now hcing llnlslf BB ed begins to nttrnet nttcntlon, mid will BB lunke u hirgo nnd commodious business BB BB .Mr. John Tonipsou of Suit IjiI.c in BB putting up n nleo new fence fur. Iitwv BB .Smith which when Mulshed, will grenll) BB Improve Mr. Smith's plnce. BB The rush to lunistounndCniiiri Floyd BB tout it icslo I eop up, nnd ecryouo who BB hiti it I'lniin feel., eniiguiiiu ocr the BB prospects of tho cmnps. BB The new liiltcherfiliopof the slaughter- BB lug Co. will Boon bo linitdu.d, and rondy BB to commence business In. It will Inn e BB n neitt nnd good itppcnnturo when com- BB BB Imitations sire out for n select social BB jiarty In the flunk flnll.tln lo-nlglit. BB Tho menbtisof the lodgu tiro kcIIIiib it BB up nnil nro uinklni; nrraiit'iiienls for :t BB Crnnd time. H i JT DiiriiiB thv recent gootl weather the BB Snar Co. Iina liiul nil their teams out BB plow Int; their land ready for next npi Iiitr BB work. They mty tho land must bo well BB plowed nnd usu 1 or Gborw.ii on oath BB BB Mr. Ihrls-? Vysurson 'nr"Tl7 of ' "hi BB but HH u,u' , iii i.i i ii BBl Hr .ti BH Hundnj lilteruoou m itio i.iCv...; BBT ' Wu have recieved it hnndioino emnple H' book of wedding nnd hull inxllutioni Bk allowing tho ilneat assortment of aiteh H cards eer seen in this city, llo suro to BBt call nnd inspect our samples when you H vit anything in this line, B Mu iters rrnnzSalzner nnd J'ettis went H out to Lcwiston on Friday lo their mine B witlt Mr, Weudel llongou'of Salt Lnko to BH mn.ko arrnngments tostnrt work un the H mine nt onco, Mr. ISenson has bought an H intrcst in tho mine, and will furnish the H means to develop it. Palncr nnd IVtlio H nro going to do tho work. H All who intend going to Pnlt Lnko In H tliojicarfutureelioiild iitt!ionrt cxlii- H bitlou in tho Whitinglinui lluiidiupoji, H DlnuoodyV, whero tonio of tho iietit H painting eer did by Utah artists uru on H Cxhiblton. Mr. Kvnns of this city Imait H number of pa:ntli;ga tlicro. AduiUdiou BBJ Women who want to mairy should BH turn their ejes toward Jonucubtirg in BBJ fjouth Africa. Theio nro nt least two BBJ men to ono woman there. Kvery BBE moderately nttracthowoninninairle In- BBJ eido of a few months after landing. It BBJ lsiniposibU'toUopnmntsor feminine BBJ employes of nny sort. Typewriter, BBJ inirsos, cooks, gardeuura all melt ijuiekly BBJ nwny below the wnrmtlt of Soutli Africa BBJ nooing. Knns.tH City Star. H Tito newspaper mou who visited Ubi BBJ -jeuterduy wcro plnced uudor fpeeinl H obligations toT. J. Wndsworth, an old H nnd well known Ogdon boy, wlo l.as BBJ recently titled up nnd opened as neat n H little drug Htorons can' Iw found any- H ivhi'ie. Tho smokers In tho iltliig H party pronounced the b'ugnr l'aulory H cigars furnished by T. J. "wnyup." H At n regular called meeting of the m Liberal Party held nt Salt Utko on BBJ Monday night it was decide! lo dlabaml H us their woik was fluhihed and it win no H longer needed in Utah. The) uleo paw- B ed it lesolutiou f.ivoringstiitehoolo that H opposition from that quarter has bee n j fltnppcsl. The mombere will Join the B nntlonal iKtllticnl pailJee and fljht in B Utah from now on will! on national B imity Hues. Hello crs in homo lndittry ill 'p nd their money nt home. J j-oii t Thero nro it niiinlirr who aie iwlng u-Binnll u-Binnll bills. We would like it if lb. v would nrrnngo to Dottle in n d w dm -. C. S. Vail a n ban been nnntinnnol I y tho Itepublleaiie tnnuei'ocd (J. K. Hull, deceafotl, hi member ol legrilalnrt llnrrls nnd I)aii who wire Hervnigii four months eenlcnco in the Coiinij jail for stealing front merchant hero, em aped ap-ed from tlmtlintltiitlun yonterdiiy ni"in- The picwit wniwiie run ut tin ngu factory Mill ioou be nt an nd ilr factory will finish cutting In oi h.mor row, Friday. Up to Hill date tho fnttmy hm tttrnoil nut 3,700,000 11m. ol ongar llcfoio it elmts down the ainount nil roach 1)00,000 IIm. |