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Show GRAND SCHOOfil iNTERTAIH- MENT. SatuidaymV. jj. 7XWt ' " "-' ' 'B"-' ' ' a Hecuatwii, ' ii irluuSin"a . ouits 4 Recitation, fiiurSanln Claus" 6 Song, "Mer1yTDiiri8tuiasTluie" 0 Recitation, "SuiiVijfCiaus and tho Mouk;V,il 7 Compauy Exercise 'Christmas Star" luriTifl 1 Motion Song by'Coirjpaiiy of Glrli. 2 Hecltntlon, .J'Unfalthfiilness" 3 Song, "Swlngiilg In the Trees" 4 March & Song, . JjUitlc Soldiers" 5 Instrumental Solution? 0 Calistdenlc drill Ly'Joompany of 21 7 Song, jfc'Tho Fairies" 8 Violin Solo. VH 0 The Farmer and ThoJollego Gradtl nto "You Donj?Say" 10 Song, "Tvvillght ls.Falllng" 1 Tableau, .MSrlndlan Life" 2 Song, 'lTd Mermaids" 3 Recitation, ?ro(Pur Country" , 4 Address, jgSfcS "Our Flag" 6 Flagdrill by comrf 21. '. 0 Tableau, "J.nildif got Columbus" 7 Song, "JuW)f The West" NW tl'ursull. . 8-Tableau, "Cant,.jrS5tlJTrial. . mt (ved. ' 0 Company ExcrcItcff'.PFlags of Our ' Coilnlrjrjjjf. 1 10 Tableau, " TfaMerlca'H Hopo" 1 Curtain nt 8 vKluompt. K.xi'i liij(. Saturday nfternoKiMl1p. m. there w ill bo ft matinee, 'M'iiL"" children under 10 years of g.1g Ten cents ndinlaapn jcowill bo charged char-ged for the evenlngTiikrlininent, proceeds pro-ceeds to be used In ebi.blfs)iing a pi pll's library. fcf Santa Clans and bis reindeers will . soon start on his annual journey ol gladness. In how many minds is the , thought : "Dear St. Nicholas : would yon i tlcklo us? Then give us a present' The placo to get it laM tlie Peoples Co-op T i ' You want sitme Patent Medcililo or Drugs. The pilei will lie lw and the stock will be fresh If you Get it at the Union You liaie .t ptcscriplian to be filled, It will gel only thu chotco't goods, nml bo put up by n skillful Miiec ialisl 1( you Get it al the Union You require soiuu toilet prep'iatloiH. You'wlll llnd ovrvthliigof value In Hip slock from which the leading artists of the city purchase if joil Get it' at the Union T. J. WAiiswoiiTii,lriigglsl. InUnlo n Hotol Building, Lohl. BOX mTonv, Will Retail Boxes at Car Load Rales. J3ity I J on i Goo s and leuve jour money In tho country. C.GVRFF, UGDKN, UTAH American Fork Cily Roller Mills Our patont and straight grado FLOUR Ecat3 ovorything for quality- W. D. Robinson & Go. Amorloan roxlx, TJ-tala Lombard, Johnson & Co ASSAYERS. Cold Ore a Specially. Office at Steeles drug store AJinitiCANlOUK, UTAH LAWYERS & NOTARY PUBLIC J K lworu ' li. A. Wihoh BOOTH .t WILSON Allornoy6nt-Lnw No. 2,1 North J Stud, Provo - Utah. MOSIAH EVANS, No iary X3 u blic. Ahstrnctsoititlc furnished through Hav ercaiup A Co. abstractors, I'rovo, UTAH SUGATl CO. Offiw LFHICITY, UTAH- fJcorgo Wfzhh " " MJt : j; j:r t')r.wi. iceds, VViiw, .vnU all Kiudsof Probate Uusincss attended to. I.Eitt, ... Utah. TEjiSDEL SOUS Comu nnd sec our arrivals of all kinds of Winter Goods, Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Blankets, Ladies and Childrens Coats an Wraps, Cheaper than ever, 2X4LA.X27 :?,, 3j5jct Xjaite Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made, THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLBDE And a book containing all the Naiby Letters for $i.oo. In answer to n general demand from nil parts of tho United States, tho Toledo lllailo has published In one volume cloth bound, nil nf thu " Na9hy Letters" over w.itten by tho Into D, It. Ioko, omitting perhaps) a fun- unimportant lcttors on local or forgotten topics. Only fow of thcau letters were ever published pub-lished in book form, IX cry body has rend somo of them, but who has read all of them? Tho book contains over 600 1 largo pages, nnd all tho Nasby Letters written during n period of twenty-five ycais;alo u portrait of D, It. Loke irom his last photograph. It would sell nt one dollar or mora, but will novel bo J placed on sale Ono hundred thousand I copies are now being printed aud bound, aud ono copy will be sent postpaid by mull fivu to every person who this winter rcmitsono dollar for tho Weekly . Hl nn one year. Everybody invited to mid for it specimen copy of tho Wkkkm I'i. l.r, which will give u full deorlp. linn uf the book "Tho Nasby Letters." 1'Ih Tni, kim) Wkkki.v lli.Aiir. li tho Ih s( .in. I most popular weakly nunBptipcr pul'lii'Udin this couu'.ry. It bus tho largest ciiculatioii of nny weekly nown- 1 , piipfr ,iiii(l goes to every Statu, Territory d nnd nearly every county of the Union, u Only ono dollar n year, including the u I above mentioned book freo. Send poj. ' t.il to Tub Hi.adk, Tolkdo, Ohio, for a ,t fr.'O specimen copy of tho paper, LchiGommcruial and Mm I BANK, I Shnfco strc tt.. Capital Slock m 30.000 fflurplmj $3,000. H T.R. CUTLEIl, FRANCIS ARMSTONC. OLE EL.LINC30N. H Prosldon . Vloo-fraaUlont. Cashier fiH lrmihacl aenoinl Unnkiiiff lltisiiisflB. Exdiwio n princiiml citi. (. iiH United SUlc nml 10ur.ie. rliH Five Per Ccnl. Interest Allowcil on Sarins IH-jwsits. D.rponnilcil r-u rttrlv. H nruiscTORis. " 7 ' " Cutler, I. n. Iliac;"' J. E. J,;, u , ,, $, H I'-mnetM Armstrong, Win. Clark, M. , Cummhi gH !'' K'A'jlllUri'' OI UlUiijixon, WW. Vnwell Pil ONE! WE1KJK I .-We will coptipue to m RIP AND TEAR- ' I : :lo pieccsnll pi (.xun.i.r KUijint Stock. p w"11'1 " iu"TrnirrTiTrTwmi inn 11 nmmj H BRING YOUR SHVERf We will give you more for your mon- H ey than you will get elsewhere. We I have so many Bargains that we' have H not time or space to quote them. H Come and see for yourself that we H can do all we say. H ' " 1 11 -mm H '-' gift, ?.n" 7 . Wo hav.'llatfffltt lor all, so ' M!MSggv4 come and punrTj!8!i?WnTnf'sap. "" H Luclies ft Genii Furnihiiif; Goods M HtA- 41 Shoes, Clothingr H ijiPSrl l.niluiCbi.iki, M lOHIOAGO CASH STORE . I Tho only Gonulno Dnrtraln Houso. H At Racket old stand. AMKRICAN FORK, UTAH A Few Articles I have for H cMis,riirsTiifl I 1 1 H iWo irashy tojjs good arjd Useful Arllclca. H Raisins, Currants, Lemon 1'ccl, Spices, and Kxtracts. M Nuts and Candy of all kinds, Toys, Albums, Work M Boxes, Plush Sets, Games, Toys, Hooks, School H Books of all kinds, Small & Large Clocks, Chamber H Sets, Flour Bins, Plates, Cups, Saucers, Stand and . H Hanging Lamps, Washing Machines, Tinware and " VH Hardware, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Cutlery, Drugs Jewelry, Perfumery, Silk & Crape Shawls. Ribbons, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Bedspreads, Skirt , Jackets, JH Springvitle Yarn, Underwear, Dress Good HoMcryl H Clothing, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shoes, Hooi-J 'H ' Rubbers, Arctics, Blankets Quilts, Diaries, Coal, etc j H All kinds of Farming Machinery and H Implements. --H AT T- F- TFIE'S. L?I HI --- 1 1 ii mp jmr""M H BIGYG3UE1B Gallon or address, H WALTER L. WEBB, Agent, LehiCity, Utah, I |