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Show Washington Letter. (I'romour Jttritor CDttcriileut; It Is perfectly plain that thu speeches that have this week been made in the Senate on thu Hawaiian policy of the idinlnlstraU'on, the hill for the repc.it of die Federal election laws, and the tariff that the Senators are cocked and pilmcd Tor n long and hitter par than debate on each of thoc questions. The news from Hawaii and the ollieial information from the Department of Statu has apparently ap-parently changed no oplnlom; on the -nntrary, tlio oplnlolis prciously held ceeni to havol-e-en In ten silled by the deyolcw-tilsof the week. Tho bitter Mgnt in thu Senate committee over the re-committed bill for the repeal of the election laws Is a certain iiulienllor of what may be expected on the floor of tii S.'iialc. Senator Vest is tho only man who has in n speech succeeded in struddling the Hawaiian question. He started out by scoring Hie re'uihlicnns for trying to change the compact continental republic established by our forcfathcis Into a great, expansive, territory-acquiring goverment extending to the islands of thco'oan, audio tho uttermost parts of tlie earth. He ridiculed the Christian pretemesof .Minister Stevens and the N'ew lhiglaud reolulioinsts of Hawaii who, ho said, hail Chrltrtianiwl Die natives out of their country, aud taken "XMMCHinn of it under tho mane of fjod, and then divided thu land among themselves them-selves under a law madu by thnusches. Mo wound up by saying dissuiitiiiR absolutely from thu itdiiilulstr.itlou policy and said that the provisional government of Hawaii was into facto government, luTingnllthurightHof ado jure government, r-oUr iih other nations ire concerned j that any assult uh)ii that government by armed forcca of tlio United KtaU-4 would be an act of war that could alone bo brought about by an uctof Congress, and that he famed a with ilrawal of eery veetigoof It. 8. anthoiiiy, from Hie ilauds, leaving the opX)sing factious to settle it umomg theiubchcs, Senator Stewart rcjuoN'd all doubt as to his otihiii of the proplMllon to repeal thu l'edeial Election laws, by making u speech in faor of the bill for that purpose, pur-pose, which is now pending. His position posi-tion lain uccord with the onuocrupied hyhjniwlicn tlio lMlgu election bill, commonly red'e-ed to us ijio."fora- bill", was before the Wcnalu of thu Fifty-fiist Congress. Uti did not forget to put in n (ow good woids lor Hitter in his spr cch ; he never docc, no luaftcr what the subject sub-ject of hi. i speech may be. It is now announced Hint l'rchidcnt Cleveland will after the llrst ufJanuary resuma tho pvblic iccrptious, Hie discoatto'jriBM ""Jrl)!:.'! csussd so woch ' t:i,--i -. .- -'-.; ." ' - - I ' I . I.I 1 r I . a .i- i --ti ' . i. ..'.. . l..ct :. .-i .. iveck at 1 o'clock 1'. M ..were not stopped stopp-ed because, of Mr. Cleveland's not desiring desir-ing to meet the public, but because he needed the tlmo devoted to the receptions recept-ions for more Important matters. Delegate Itawllns, of Utah, won his spurs as a ready debater of first-rate abilUy during the short discussion which preceded the passing of tho Villi providing provid-ing statehood for Utah by tho House. Thcro nro reasons for tho bclict that thu Senate, will amend thu bill by Including Oklahoma, and, If talk ut this tima counts for anything, the Bunatowill insist upon that amendment being accepted by tho House. So long as tbo criticism of tho clo'Im; of the Senate chamber to vlMtois, shut ting the pub'ic out of the Senate levator leva-tor and closing every door, excepting two of the capltol a; t ;'M V, M. was coulincd to entering these things up to the credit of excluslvenisa tho Senators did mt mind much, although Senator I'elhr Introduced n resolution til have tho Senate, chamber opened to tho public as it has always been when IhcSeiiato was not in session; but It hurts somo of them when tho chargo is made, as Ithas lice n thla week, that it isn't exclusive-ness exclusive-ness which Iisb wrought theso changes in rules old enough to be Senators themselves, them-selves, but fearof personal injury on tho part of certnln Senators. Senator llrlco's resolution for the appointment of twelve additional Capitol policemen has been used as an additional argument in favor of the scare theory. It may soon bo order I for the Senators to make personal explanations expla-nations concernlrg this matter. Tho democrats of the Houso Ways and Means committee are still wrestling with the troubleeomo tariir bill, which lias not yet been reported to the House. Tho fact that they have In response, to outside pressure undo a number of changes in thcBchcdutcs, all lucrenses of duty, has redoubled tho pressure upon them to make other changes before the hill is reported. It haB been settled that a caucus until the bill has been reported and the Internal revenue, hill, ukiii which little, work has been done this week, is completed, It it not now expetcd that tlin tariff debate will begin in tho House, until after tho holidays. I'romlnent silver men nro holding n conference here for tho pur one of formulating formul-ating plans for tho next Congressional campaign, tt |