Show MODERN TION IS R ROOSEVEL 0 OSE VEL rs TS r S TOPIC I 1 interesting lecture on the world W orld movement delivered at the university un I 1 F of berlin by the ex pr est dent of the united states berlin ex president theodore roosevelt appeared thursday Taur day before an audience that tested the capacity of the aula at the university of berlin and delivered it a lecture on the world movement lie he spoke in english and was listened to with the deepest interest beginning with an eloquent eulogy of the german race raca and lis its achieve the lecturer soon boon reached the main theme of at his discourse and reviewed r 0 the civilization and culture so far as aa we e know them of the earliest peoples and their contributions to the modern world lie ho then continued at liitt last a little over years year scathe so the movement towards a world civilization took up its iti interrupted march th the ix of 0 the modern movement may roughly be taken as an synchronizing with I 1 the he discovery of printing and with that series of 0 bold sea ea ventures turi which culminated la in the discovery of america and after these th two epochal tests teats had begun to produce their full effects in material and intellectual life it became inevitable that civilization should thereafter differ not 0 t only in degree but even in kind from aa all 1 that had gone before immediately after the voyage of columbus and vasco de da gama there began a tremendous religious ferment the awakening of intel I zon elect lect cl went hand in hand with the moral uprising the treat great name of C copernicus 0 per nicus bruno kepler and galileo show abo w that the mind of man was wan breaking t the he fette bettera that hadl had cramped it and tor for the first t time experimentation was used as a upon observation and theorization since then century by century the tha changes have increased acre a sed in rapidity and complexity and have attained their maximum in both respects during the abury just past instead of being directed by one or two dominant peoples as was the case with all similar movements t 5 of the past the new movement was shared by many different nations na tlona from every standpoint it has been of infinitely greater moment than anything hitherto seen been not in one but la in many different peoples there has been extraordinary growth in wealth in population in power or of organization and in mastery over mechanical activity and natural resources all of this has been accompanied and signalized signalizes by an im memo outburst of 0 energy and re restless atless initiative the result la Is varied as it lj in striking conquest of the world in the first place representatives of this civilization by their conquest of space were enabled to spread into all tho the practically vacant continents while at the same game time by their triumphs in organization and mechanical invention they acquired an unheard of military superiority as compared with their former rivals to these two facts acts la Is primarily due the further fact that for the first time there ther 0 Is really something that approaches a w world 0 rid civilization a world movement the spread or of the european peoples since the days of 4 ferdinand the catholic ant ivan iran the terrible has been across every sea and over ever every continent in places tile the conquests have been ethnic that la Is there has been a new wandering wander inn of the peoples and new commom 1 iltha have sprung up in which the people are aie entirely or mainly of Hur european Kurop can blood this Is what happened in the temperate and subtropical sub tropical regions of the western hemisphere in australia in portions of northern asia arnd southern africa in other places the L conquest on quest has been purely political the Luro europeans representing tor for the most part merely a small caste of soldiers Bold lera and nd as in most of fr tropical a aleal asia and africa and in much of 0 tropical amer ca finally hers here and there instances occur where there has been no conquest at a all L 11 but where vhf ro an allen alien people Is profoundly I 1 I 1 and radically changed by the mere impact of western civilization there are of course many grades between bet t these thees different types of influence but ut the not net outcome out comei of what has occurred during the lost last four centuries Is that civilization liza tion of the european type now exer eles a more or less profound effect over practically the entire world there them are nooks and coonro to which it has not n t yet ent penetrated but there Is in at pres present no targe larg 0 sp sance 8 ce of territory in which the gen rat erat movement of civilized d activity do does I 1 not make itself more or less felt this represents something wholly different from what has ever hitherto been seen in the greatest days of roman homan dominion the influence of rome norna was felt over only n t L relatively hman portion of the worlds s u ur tare over much the larger part of the world the process of change and development was absolu absolutely unaffected by anything that occur edl in the roman empire and nd those communities the play of whose influence influence was felt in action and reaction ant an rn inter acolon among themselves were grouped imme around the mediterranean now however the whole world Is borndt together as never before the bonds are sometimes those of hatred rather than tove love iut but they are bonds nevertheless all tho the nations linked frowning or hopeful every man of lead to in any una line oi of thought or effort mut must now new look beyond the limits of his own e country the student of sociology aay live in derlin berlin or st roma or I or he may live in melbourne or san francisco or buenos alres aires but in whatever city he lives he be must pay heed to the studies of men who live in bac each h of the other cities when in amor tea ica we study labor problems and attempt to deal with subjects such euch an life insurance for wage workers we turn to see bee w what hat you do here in germany and we also lu turn to a see what anat the far olt off com Inan wealth of new zealand is doing doln when a treat german scientist to la warrene against the most moat dreaded enemies of mankind creatures of infinitesimal she which the microscope reveals in hla his blood lie may spend his holidays of study in central africa or in eastern asia ali and he must know what Is accomplished in the laboratories labora toriM of tokyo just a he ha must know the details of that practical application of donea clearo which has changed chanced the th isthmus of ar panama from a deathtrap death trap int into 0 what ha f la a health resort every pro groodt v e in china Is I 1 to introduce western methods of education anil and a and hundreds of european 1 and 1 n d american books book are ara now 1 into n to chinese the influence of european governmental principles la is strikingly illustrated lust rated by the th tact fact that admiration for them has ha broken down the iron barriers if at moslem conservatism so that their introduction has become a burning quest question lon in turkey burhey and persia while the very unrest unreal the impatience of at european or american control in india egypt or the philippine takes ills th form of demanding that tits government be diore close ato ly to what it li Is in england or the united states xe so much tor for the geographical side of t the a expansion of modern modem civilization B but it only a few of the tha many and intense activities aca U tivi ties of modern civilization b have a found their expression on an this side ida the movement haa a bren been just as striking in its conquet conquest 0 vr over natural forces force in its if sear e hing inquiry into and about the soul of th things ings conquest Conque at over nature the conquest over nature has included an ex extraordinary tra ordinary increase in every form of knowledge pt af the world we live lo in and also art an extraordinary increase in the power arof of utilizing forces of nature in both directions the advance has been very great during the past four or five centuries and in both directions it has sono gone on oil with ever increasing rapidity d during the last century after the great age of borne bad passed the boundaries boun darle of knowledge shrank anakin and in many man c basea es e 1 it t was not until well nigh our own t times fia ne s that her domain was once again pushed beyond the ancient landmarks landmark about the year ISO la ia D Ptole ptolemy ray the geographer published his map or of central africa and the sources of the tha nile and this map was more accurate than any which we had as late as 1850 A D more was known of physical science and more of at the truth about the physical world was guessed at in the days of pliny than was known or guessed until the modern movement he be ew the case was ivan the barns arms as revirda retards military science clence at the close of the middle ARCS ages th the weapons were what they had bad always been sword shield bow idear and any improvement anthem in them was more than offset by the ions in knowledge of military organization in the science of at war and in military leadership since the days day of hannibal anil and caesar A hundred years ago when tills this uil versify was faunde foun deti 1 hie 04 methods method of transportation did not differ in the essentials senti als from what they had been among the highly civilized nations of antiquity travelers and merchandise went by land in wheeled vehicles or on boasts beasts of burden and by sea in boats boata propelled by sails or by oars and news was conveyed as an it always had bad been conveyed A graduate aate of your university today can go BO to mid asia or mid africa with tar far less consciousness ness of performing a feat of note than would have been the cass case a hundred years ago with a student v aiho bo visited sicily and andalusia SIR moreover the invention and use of machinery run by steam or electricity have worked a revolution in industry as great as an the revolution in transportation no BO that here again the difference between ancient and modern civilization is one not merely of degree but of kind in many vital respects the huge modern city differs morn more from all preceding cities than any of these differed one from the other and the giant factory town Is of and by I 1 itself one of the tha most formidable problems problem of modern life steam and electricity have riven given the tha race dominion over land and water such as an it never hid had before and now the pon conquest of the air Is directly directly impending As books book preserve r v thought th through g h n t I 1 I 1 8 ao 0 yau nr the tel telegraph g aph and the h telephone r on tra transmit m t it through the space 11 ll eye annihilate and therefore manda are s swayed abod one by ayt another without regard t to the limitations of space and time which formerly forced each community to work in comparative isolation it la Is the same with the body as with the brain the machinery of the factory tind and the farm enormously multiplies bodily skill and vigor coll countless n aless trained are at work to teach us jow ow to avoid or counteract the effects of waste the advances in the realm of pure intellect have been of equal note mote and they have been both intensive and extensive great virgin fields of learning and wisdom have been discovered by the few and at the same time knowledge has spread among the many to a degree never dreamed of before old men among us have seen in their own generation the rise of the first rational science of I 1 the he evolution of life the astronomer and the chemist tho the psychologist and the historian and all their brethren in marir many different holds fields of wide endeavor work with a training and knowledge and method which are in effect instruments of precision differentiating their labors from the labors inborn of their predecessors as aa the rifle ride Is 1 differentiated from the bow the play of new forces li Is as evident in the morat moral and spiritual world as in the world orar of at the mind and the body one danger of civilization one of th the prime eprime dangers of has always been its tendency to cause the loss 1038 of the virile 1 I I 1 ng virtues of the fighting edge when men man get too comfortable for table andl and lead too luxurious lives there Is always danger lent the softness eat like an acid into their manti of fiber the barbarian because of the very candit conditions tons of his hin lire life la forced to keep ard develop certain hardy bardy qualities which the man of civilization tends to lose whether ho he be clerk factory hand merchant or even a certain tyre type or of farmer now I 1 will not maert tati ert that in modern civilized society these have been wholly overcome but there cicro has haa been a much more successful effort to overcome over com them than was wag ther the case caise in the early civilizations this to la curiously shown by the military history of the graeca flimin period as compared with the malory history ct c the last four or five centuries litre here in europa and among aiT ioni nations of european d descent reent ir in the grecian and roman military history the change was wa steadily from a citizen army to an n army ot gf mercenaries in the days of 0 the earll earl greatness great erf al AM athlia abbea ind and sparta in the days when the roman republic conquered what world tt it knew the armies were filleti with el sold soldiers lers but irra duaNy the citizens re fused usail to serve in the th aimle or became unable to render goot good service Berv lc the greek states described by I t with but few exceptions hired others othera to do their lighting fighting tor for them the romans roman of the days of augustus had utterly ceased to furnish any cavalry and rapidly caming to furnish any infantry to the and cohorts cohort when the civilization ram came to an end there were no longer citizens in the ranks of the the change from the tha army to the army of mercenaries ind been completed modern citizens citizen armies now tho the exact revert has ha been the c joe cage with us in modern times A few centuries ngo ago the mercenary soldier was baj the principal figure ft in most arnildo arn ileo and in farat numbers of aties the mercenary soldier was an allen alien in tha wars of 0 religion in france tn in tho the thirty years year war in germany in the warn that immediately marked tho the of 0 the breakup break up at the great polish kingdom the regiments and brigades brigade of 0 foreign not 01 ol illers formed a striking and fea lure in every army too often the men of the tha country in which the fighting took place played merely the ignoble part of victims the bur burgher ghera and peasants pea jante ao an ra ta but rumbo numbers 1 in the mercenary armies by which they wore I 1 plundered Ora gradually duallY this his has all changed until now practically every army Is a 4 citizen army and the mercenary has sal alt most disappeared while the army exists on a vaster scale than ever before in his tory this Is in so 0 o among the military monarchies monr of europe r ope in too our own EU civil civi I 1 war of 1 the united states the same bam thing occurred peaceful people as w are ro at that time more mora than thab two generations eneyat ons had passed since the war ot of independence during the w ahola h al s of that period the tha people had bolen been engaged in no llan and drath struggle and ana y yet t when the tha civil war broke out and A after to r a some 0 m 0 e costly 0 sty 1 and bitter lessons at the tha be beginning g 1 anin g tho th fighting spirit ot of the tha people was aaa shown to better ml vantage advantage than ever bedora the war was peculiar 13 t war for or a principle ft a war b bach ach ich 8 ide aide for an ideal and while fault and shortcomings |