Show ma making ing a good job of it roy E ka tyler the engineering ex port pert said in the course of an address on 01 the panama canal 11 much or the adverse of tho thoi canal Is un ridiculous it makes me think of a faker I 1 heard the other day the man was wan selling hair grower ile he said yes gents one on bottle of this unrivaled hair grower will raise a rich luxuriant crop of hair on the baldest baldesi head in the crowd dut but let mo me give you yon this one word of warning alere ho be paused to pocket a halt half dollar and ad band a bottle of the liquid to a bald headed MY warning is do da not neglect when the full lead head j of hair Is grown to take the last d diree e in the bottle internally that la ia a wallow swallow it swallow it what for fer the buyer asked to clinch he roots was vas the reply |