Show v fal PICTURES dy louia ima IE sobs LL SYNOPSIS mad V dnn dan maitland Malt land on reaching hla his ne now w york bachelor club rn art t an attract tive young woman at taj floor door janitor 0 ilagan assured him no one had ben been within thin that day dan discovered a wom ans finger prints print in dust on his desk long along with kith a letter from tits ills attorney dined with bannerman tits his at torney dan set bet out for Ireen nelds to ret cat his family jewels maitland on an rea ing home surprised lady in gray cracking the safe bare containing hla his semi gems she apparently ar e n t took 0 ok him for a well kno known n apar crook k daniel niel anesti half hyp noticed noti zed zd maitland Malt land opened tits his safe gate took the tha lewels nail rave gave them to her first ralia rm lia a partnership in crime the real dan AnIt anlita ity sought by police of the world appeared maitland Malt land river overcame earn him lie he and the girl went to new york in b her r auto lie he had the jewels she was to meet him film that day A mr t h intro introduced it aced hims I 1 f an a detective to shield the girl in gray maitland about to show ghow hint him the jewels a lly lost was waa felled by a blow from froin I 1 cane the latter proved to bu anlita himself anil and lie secured the kenn gents Aritt anlita ity who was double masquerader masqueraded masquera ded d as the iatter latter tho criminal kept malt mait lands a engagement with ith the girl in fit gray afra ile iio rave gave her the genis the girl lit in kray gray visited tet maitland Malt land 8 during tits hla ant anil 1 rc turned kem gem 9 Malt hf altland land without cash called up hla his home an ami hearil heard a amans ape expostulating anesty disguised a as maitland tried to lo wring front froni lier the location of the tenis gems A arash was heard at the front door maitland Malt land overwhelmed the nook allow eriq in him to emann to shield the tha young hyoung woman tho the girl lit in gray eray in a de lier er es ea ape 1 1 jumping into a tab cab an instant ra allter 1 el r by N aking a rube anisey was lit itt hr her ido bldr lie her to attorney llan ilan ri ner mana office T there 1 r re ab ly y 0 r tv r 0 lio lie tried tid in vain aln to wring tr from lier thu 10 location of tho the atins lie her left her a mainen moment i and sho she ahm phoned d Ollas nn only getting in the words rell mr Mi litlAnd the bruss bowl the dilding place in tits the latter a rooms when hen anlita heard her annik Datin nn in also wits aled al ai a crook lie nn ant anlita set net out to meltire nef ari tit hie g arms ns sad and genvo town the girl was still d maytland Malt land fint findling lIng the girl ane ne mi areef d tits ills rooms and un the jewels under the brass bowl lie ile maev v n s trail in n a 11 big biff oltie building where the crook was killed hilled multi i anif girl in giuy confeld d love tor for each other CHAPTER XVI continued 1 I dunno hickey licked hla lips watching with a somber eye the preparations ara tlona being ninde made for the removal of 0 Ani anistes body id vo ve give a farm farin it 1 I 1 could ve caught that thai son gon of a gun alive he added at tip parent random landom and vindictively all right yoh yeh ie be responsible for th lady it if ashes want ed will yeli yeb 1 I gottul have her name nd adil add resl resi Is that essential sure gottuk protect myself n case any anything thin turns turna up tip yeh to know that 1 I 1 dont want it to como come out malt land hesitated trying to invent plausible lie ile I 1 well any one can see sea how you yan feel about it nattland Malt Watt land drew a long ions breath and anticipated rashly its ita mrs malt land he be told the man with a tremor nodded unimpressed uh huh buh I 1 snowed that all along ho he replied hut but heeln as yeh want it talk talked d about and apparently heedless of startled ind stare it if behre goin 0 see yer fren yeh yeb better get a vigle on in lie he wont ont last lonk long who Itan Ilan nerman what the deuce do you mean lies the feller I 1 clugg plugged d in the holl ele elevator fator all put a hole e through his lungs they took him into an of flee on tho the twenty first floor right opps te the shaft nut but what in heaven s name has haq he to do with this ghastly moss heckey turned a shrewd eye upon maitland Matt land I 1 guess lie he can tell yeh bet better tern n me with a smothered exclamation maitland Malt land hurried away still incredulous and impressed with a belief firm or cr with every minute that the wound ed man had been wrongly identified lie he found him as heckey had said bild he would sobbing sol bing out hla his lire life supine upon the couch of an office which the janitor had bad opened to afford him a place to die in maitland Malt land had find to force a way through a crowded doorway W here the night watchman win was hold ing forth in aggrieved incoherence on the tha cruel treatment he had stif suffered fere I 1 at the hands bands of tile the lawbreakers law breakers A hrazo 11 came to maitland Malt Unit land lands s ears as he shouldered tile the group grabbed me nn an trun me outer the cage inter the hall an then tho the shooda shoot ln begins an I 1 jumps down stairs t f the sixteenth ent hoor floor 1 Ilan nerman opened dull eyes as maitland Malt land entered and smiled faintly 1 ach I hh h h maitland Malt land he be gasped thought come racked backed ath sorrow nothing guess ing of the career that had brought biou glit tile the lawyer to this pass maitland Malt land slipped into a chair by the held head of the couch and ant closed his hand band over Banner bannermann mans chibly ley icy fingers poor poor at old chap he said brokenly how in heaven hut but at Banner bannermann nan normans mans look the words died on his lips the iho lawyer moved restlessly dont pity me ho he said in a low tone this Is what I 1 might hao hain expected I 1 suppose man of Ani anistes stamp desperate character its all 11 right t dan my just due 1 I dont understand stand of course tal fat maitland Ian Pan nerman lay still it moment then continued 1 I know you dont don t that s why I 1 sent for you member that night at the primordial when tho the deuce was it itt I 1 cant think straight long at a time that I 1 dined with you yon and touched you ion up about the jewels we had a bully salad you know and I 1 saoko about the grazzie affair 11 yes yes yea we aci ive beyn beun up to that game for yeara eara id find out chero the plunder was as and al ways divided square I 1 used to advise him film oi of course you wont understand youve never wanted for a dollar in your life maitland Malt land said nothing hut but tits his hand rema remal nel inel upon the dying mans this would never have happened it anesty been lata tient lie he was haul hard to handle sometimes I 1 sure you know about the jewels I 1 only said I 1 thought they were at greenfields Groen fielda then I 1 undertook to find out from you yea but ho he was restive and without saying baying anything to mo me went down to on hla his own hook just to have a look around he said and so BO so the fat was in the fire dont talk any more bannerman maitland Malt land tried to soothe him pull through this nil all right and you need never have gone to such lengths it come coma to ma the ghost of it a sardonic smile flit flirted flitted ted incongruously across the dying mans waxen cherubic features oh hell bell ho he said you understand perhaps you born with the right crook in your nature or the wrong one perhaps we its because you cant see tho the tun fun in playing the game its that that counts lie he compressed his lips and after a moment spoke again you never did have the truo true sportsmans sports mans love of the g game for or its own sake youre like m most t of the rest of the crowd content with mighty cheap virtue arbue dan I 1 dont know that id choose just this kind of a windup wind up but its boen been fun while it lasted goodby good by old man lie he did not speak again but lay with closed eyes five minutes later Matt maitland land rose and unclasped the cold fingers from about his own with a heavy sigh ho he turned away at the door heckey was waa awaiting him yer lady lie said as soon as they had drawn apart fro from inthe the crowd Is waltin for yen yell in the cab downstairs she was bottin gottin a hit high ste nd I 1 thought id better get her away oh ashes waltin all right he h added alarmed by malt blatt lands expression hut but mateland Malt Matt land had left him abruptly and now as he ran down flight after echoing flight of marble stairs there rested cold fear in his heart in the tha room he had just gutt quitted ted a man whom ho he had calls called friend and looked upon with affectionate regard had died a self belt confessed and unrepentant liar and thief it n now ow he were to find the girl another the time vanished it this had been but n ruso io of hers here finally to elude him it if all men were without honor all women faith faithless leFie it ho he had indeed placed the lovo love of its his life the only lovo love that he had ever known unworthily if she cared so little who had bad seemed to care much CHAPTER confessional 1 I hut flat the cab wa was 11 thero there and within it the girl was waiting tor for him the driver after taking up ill his tare fare had at her direction drawn over to the further curb out ot of the fringe of the rabble which best besieged eged the st luko luka building in can constantly a i bantly rowing growing numbers and through w which maitland Malt land too impatient to think of leaving by the basement exit had elbowed and fought jils its wey vey in an agany of apprehension lie that brooked not no hindrance heeded no difficulty lie he dashed round the corner stopped short with a sinking heart then as the cabrys signaling whip across the he street caught tits hla eye fairly hurled himself to the 0 other ner curb pausing at the wheel breathless lifted out of himself with joy to 0 o flad find her falih faithful ful in this ultimate instance site she was recovering eliose whose high spirit and recuperative powers were to him then and always remained a marvelous thing and she was waa bonding bending forth from the body of the hansom to welcome him with a fix fille that in a twinkling made radiant the world to him who stood in a gloomy side street 0 of f new york at three of ft a summers morning a good hour and a halt before the lawn dawn for up there in the ho tower of the a skyscraper ky scraper ho he had as much as aa told her of hla his love and she had wa walord lovd and now and now lie ho had been blind indeed had lie hu failed to read tho the proui lse in her eyes weary she was find and spent and overwrought but there Is no tonic in all the world alko the consciousness that where one has placed ones love thoro there lovo love has bais burgeoned bura in response les and de despite a pite all that she had suffered and endured the happiness that ran like soft fire in her velim wrapping her being with its ito b rapture had deepened the color in her cheeks and heightened the glamour in her eyes and ho he stood and stared knowing that in all time tg no man hal had ever w woman in an seemed more lovely than this girl to him a knowledge that robbed his mind of nil all other thought and his tongue of words so BO that to her tell fell tile the task of rousing hint him please she bho said gently please gleaso tel I 1 tho the cabby to take me home mr maitland Malt land d 11 ile he came to and in confusion stammered yes he would and ho he climbed up on the step with na no other thought than to seat himself at her side and drive away forever hut but I 1 this his time the cabby brought him to his senses forcing him to remember that some measure of coherence was demanded oven even of a man in love whore where to sir kh eh what ohl oh and bonding bending tri to tile the alil Il home lome you said sho told tola hint him tho the address a number on pirk park avenue above thirty fourth street below forty second lie he repeated repealed it mechanically unaware that it would remain stamped forever on his memory tho first personal detail that slie she had granted him the flet hauler down lie ho sat oat down the llie cab began to move and halted again A face alt appeared at the apron hickeys red and moon like ilke and not lacking in complacency ency tor for the man counted on fronting variously by ahli nights work excuse me mr air nd touching the ram of 0 his dorila derlly yeh yeb too maam tr in Ili hackey cheyl die maitland sud donly in a tone of 0 smoldering wrath what the what afo you want yoh yeh told rne me tuh call round tomor to mor row yeh know yeh be in ill leave a note for you with ol 01 lagan la Is that all yep that to la theres else 1 well weil excuse me for ment mentioning ionin it turf bw I 1 know it aint generally known yon yeh know nd ad one uh th boys might ve heard me speak tuh yer lady by name nd might pass it on to a reporter what I 1 means this hastily as the maitland Malt land temper showed dangerous indications of going into active eruption 1 I spose yeh yeb dont want me m tuh mention t behre married jes yet mrs afro maitland Malt land hero here with at a nod to her seem tuh take kindly tuh the not notion on of 0 its bela known ali ah excuse moll me drive on cabby instantly do you hear bear backed suddenly away and the cab sprang into motion while maitland Malt land with a faco face of alro sat back and raged and wondered across broadway roadway Il toward fourth avenue dashed the hansom and from the curlyno curll no heckey watched it with a humorous light in hta his dull eyes cye indeed the detective seemed in extraordinary conceit with himself ile he chewed with unaccustomed emotion upon his cold cigar scratched hod his hill cheek and chuckled and chuckling pulled lits hla hat well down over brows thrust both hands into hid big trousers tiou sois pockets and shambled tack back to tile the st luke bu building tiding hla his heavy body vibrating amazingly with his secret mirth and so shuffling sluggishly he merges into the shadows into the mob amov that surges about the building and passes from these pages it II lit in the ho clattering hansom steadying herself with a hand against the win dow franie frame to keep from being thrown jt against the site caloss man beside her tile the girl waited and since mince matt malt land in confusion at tho the moment found no words from this eloquent silence she drew nix an inference unjustified such as lovers are prone to draw tho the world aver over one that lent it pathetic color to her thoughts and chilled a little her mood she had been too sure hut but better to have it over with at once rather than permit it to remain forever it a wall of constraint between them lie ile must not bo be permitted to think that she would dream of taking him upon his generous word woid it was very kind of you she aho said in a steady small voice to pretend that wo we what you did pretend in order to save mo me from being held as a wit witness neRi at least I 1 presume that to Is why you did it with a note of un cc certainty it Is unnecessary that you should be q drawn into the affair ho he replied with acme resumption of his self bolf po pos sess session loiL it its as it if you were A thief she supplied as he hai hesitated A thief lie ho assented gravely hut but I 1 I 1 am with a break in her voice allut hut you are not he asserted almost fiercely and dear ho he said boldly dont you suppose I 1 know what do you know that you brought back bach the jewels for one minor thing I 1 found thorn them nl at most as soon as you had left and then I 1 know knew know that you cared enough to get them from this fellow anisey and bring them back to me knew that ali at I 1 cared enough to search tho the world from end to end until I 1 found you that you might wear them if you would fiat but she had drawn away had averted her face and |