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Show Th Rich County News Fred R. Morgan, Publisher UTAH Unrest Growing Out RANDOLPH UTAH STATE NEWS TYPE FEAR INVASION OF ORIENTALS Sarsaparilla a ' - - it today. In usual liquid form ot tablets called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses t. Got JUST . pas-gange- - .tp-th- , - :' r Ori'-thfe- Aid In ' Hearing. "You know how Emma Salter used to say she was a mite deaf, but when she was real deaf shed buy her some kind of a contrivance sos to make it easy for her friends,' said Mrs. Jennings to her daughter; and the young woman nodded, forbearing to remind her mother that the span of her recol-tionwas not precisely the duplicate of the old ladys. She never bought one, and she never will, now, said Mrs. Jennings, who had an exhausted air. "I hollered to her all the way out to the Light, and all the way back; and while we were visitin Mis Gorham the sunset gun sounded and made a great noise. I thought sure shed hear that, and I didnt suspicion how shed hear It till Bert Goiham come Into the room a s second after. Youve grown considerable heavl-eryou were, Bert, Emma said to h'm. I heard you coming up the stairs Youths Companion. plain as day! Really a Serious Dilemma. The chap who works on one side of me, said an office man, "has been married six weeks and he sneaks to the telephone about four times a day and calls up his wife, and then I hear him saying: Dear, how is your headache now? I hope you are feeling better. Then pretty soon he comes back to his desk and goes to work again all smiling. The man who works on the other side of me has been married six years and he goes to the telephone only when he's called and then I hear him saying: Why, I cant possibly do that, I cant spare the money, and then he comes back to his desk all scowling. And really, when I hear the way these two men go on I dont know what to do. I dont know whether to get married or stay a bachelor. Too Lavish. Mrs. Dobbs was trying, to find out the likes and dislikes of her new boarder, and all she learned increased her satisfaction. Do you want pie for breakfast? she asked. No, 1 thank you, said the new Pie for breakboarder, with a smile. fast seems a little too much. " Thats just the way I look at It, I say pie said Mrs. Dobbs, heartily. for dinner Is a necessity, and pie for supper gives a kind o finishing touch to the day; but pie for breakfast is Youths what I call putting on airs. Companion. fmm C30(B?jj fj lal II I n t mer-chant- ,'or s ENGLISH . AitrfUh ia.noA Past Generation. this generation remember the genue old lady with hair ot bitter, crowned with bonorabie years and treasured memories, auu .upping quietly into the shadows, in We of well her otner uayg no home seemed complete witnout ner pretence, and the. very dignity or her gentle grace aaaed an inue.cnbdOie unarm 10 larnny life, lane wore her years as a badge of distinction ana uiq not begrudge exacting Time hi. toil. Her journey up me 4111 of liie in the blazing sunlight ot youth was replete with incidents with who.e memory she loved to enrich ner twilight hours. She left to others the activities of the present, the recollections ot her day were yet of importance to absorb ber interest, and she "went about doing goou" In her own unobtrusive way. tier sphere of existence was limited, it is true, but to her retiring nature and old fashioned ideas the familiar intercourse around the tiresidb appealed as no outside interests could ever do. She is rapidly becoming but a memory. The typical old lady of a generation or two ago has passed away forever. Here and there. In a few families who have not outlived the delightful customs that prevailed so extensively only a comparatively few years ago may be found some last exponent of . her type, who is loved and honored by all who know her and who exerts in her own way a more lasting influence for good than do ber independent sisters in their more aggressive lives. We have been taught from early youth to reverence old age, and one of our proudest boasts as a civilized nation is that we have remained true to our teachings In this regard at least. In these more engaging times, however, there seems really to be no old age In the former acceptation of the terra. It Is true that the years add up just the same, but nature seems to have extended her lease of life and rejuvenated the human system. The dainty lace caps that once set so lovingly upon the white hairs have given way before the onslaughts of the hairdresser, and the somber black bonnet that tied with strings has long since been succeeded by the latest creation of the milliners art. It Is just as well, perhaps, that the period of a persons mental as well as physical activity eftn i be lengthened to an almost Indefinite extent, speaking comparatively, of course, for just so much more of lifes joy will fall to his share, even at the risk of a corresponding increase of Its sorrow. A lady came Into my store lately and said : e all winter I have been using a New Perfection Oil I think home. summer for now one want my In my apartment. I these oil stoves are wonderful. If only women knew what Cook-Stov- comfort they are, they would all havo one. I spoke about my stove to a lot of my friends, and they were astonished.. They thought that there was smell and smoke from an oil stove, and that it heated a room just like any other stove. 1 told them of my experience, and one after another they got one, and now, not one of them would give her up for five times its cost. The lady who said this had thought an oil etove was all right for quickly heating milk for a ba'.y, or boiling a kettle of water, or to make coffee quickly in the morning, but she never dreamed of using it for difficult or heavy cooking. Now she knows. Do you really appreciate what a New e means to you ? No Perfection Oil more coal to carry, no more comine to the out eo that tired you cant oat. dinner table Cook-Stov- immediately Juat lirht a Perfection Stove end flame the heat from an intense blue or oven.ahoote But kettle of bottom pot. to thi up the room isnt heated. There ie no smoke, no in no the no outeide drudgery heat, emell, kitchen where one of these stoves is used. Hew lPerctioE WICMBLUEaFLAIH Oil Cook-stov-e suf-hcie- don Tit-Bit- Hni, Woailii HRT . It has a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot Th nickel finish, with the bright blue of the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental stoves and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and ' can be had with or without Cabinet. for Descriptive Circular Every dealer everywhere ; If not at yours, write to the nearest agency of the Continental Oil Company (Incorporated) rice; THE VOICE CONSCIENCE OF 25 Cchts Dvgjiufs. HEADS USUALLY EMPTY. Michael Keenly Surmised Possibilities of Action Under the, Circum- stances. Late one afternoon Michael Flanni-gaand Dennis ORourke met upon the avenue. Mike was considerably under the weather. n Molke, asked ORourke, "why dont yez brace up, and lave the dhrtnk alone? Olve thrlcd, Dinnie, but the jobs too big for me. Thry this once more, Molke. Heres a church forninst ua Go In there, old man, and confiss and. take a frish start. Ill alt outside. He waited until he was tire: peering Into the darkened b said in a hoars w his per: '"Moike! "Phwhat? ? ' Havt yez confissed? Oi Lave that! "Wheres the prast? Egorrah, Dinnie, and OI think gone out to call a cop.' Success hes A Divided Family. The bright daughter of a physician happened into his reception room the other day and a waiting woman patient engaged her in conversation. I suppose you go to church and Sunday school? she asked. ,"Oh, yes, maam, she replied.-.- . And what denomination do your parents belong to?Why, said the little one, "mammas a Presbyterian and papas a ' stomach specialist. - - A Surprising Event. Mri Brown (rushing excitedly Into the xoom) Marie,. Marie, Intelligence has just reached me Mrs. Brown (calmly interrupting him) Well, thank heaven, Henry. Life. , Making a Good Job of It. Hard to Choose. Roy E. Tyler, the engineering exsaid the teacher, Edward, you In the course of an address pert, said have spelled the word rabbit with two on the Panama canal: Much of the adverse criticism of the 'canal Is un- ts. You must leave one of them out "Yes' maam, replied Edward; It makes me which one? scientific, ridiculous. think of a faker I heard the other day. The man was selling hair grower. He said: Yes, gents, one bottle of this unrivaled hair grower will raise a rich, luxuriant crop of hair on the baldest head in the crowd. But let me give you this one word of Here he paused to pocket warning. a half dollar and hand a bottle of the My warning liquid to a baldheaded. is do not neglect, when the full head of hair is grown, to take the last dose in the bottle Internally. That Is, swallow It. Swallow it! What for? the To clinch he roots. buyer asked. was the reply. - Ella I think those fellows are getting their heads together qvey spm thing Stella , Yes; I guess there's something in it. Ella Which one? Noisy Nuisances. doors and windows represent a happy hunting ground for the disturbing winds. In fact, so annoying does the constant rattle of these openings become that many determined individuals, who resolve to admit the fresh air, choose the lesser of two evils and clos the openings in prefer-enc- e to sleepless nights. This can be remedied if a small wedge of wood be driven in at the side of an open window; a door can be prevented from rattling if a pad or strip of thick felt be nailed on the edge of the door. The annoyance of creaking drawers-cabe eliminated by rubbing common soap upon the top, sides and bottom ot : each.' on Creaking hinges anything should be well oiled, while the grating, irritating noise of a sewing machine can be overcome in' a similar manner. The little noises wear away the patience that is required, for other things. It were foolish to dissipat energy through the channels of irritated nerves when a little time will obviate the nuisances. ' No man can love evil for evils sa as he can love goodness for goodnei sake. Schiller. Never let matters come to an open rupture. fot $169 Eucliah Felt, Hr'xibia Ktbtuf Dviat Gtsi,lr bami. Auugbl for drM I roil end into withoot Ff) MafiAtriair-wntor ngr , rWnf jmrSt V quailed fMtnvrUmy. I'nlont Black. Brows and drey Hlxtarra np.fU'. All B kfi n r. Scit postpaid Mlr and $1 . lrompfe j I f not wHIrrfaad btA?tWdardaslwd. rrtptof ! 1 Erfarfad-TPhiFSuers- o In This Day and Generation Father Time Is Defied to an Extent Undreamed of by the A Storekeeper Says: - wOT-sbb- 'Ij WILL SHORTLY BE She Walks In Beauty. She walks In beauty like the night, as some romantic singer said; her eyes give forth a starry light, her lips are of a cherry red; across the floor she seems to float; she seems to me beyond compare a being perfect till 1 note the way she has done up her hair. She must have tolled through half a day to build that large, unSomething Visible. "Show me some tiaras, please. 1 wieldy mass; she must have used a bale of hay, and strips of tin, and want one for my wife. wire of brass; her sisters must have Yes, sir. About what price? Well, at such a price that I can helped to braid, her mother wrought say: Do you see that woman with the and tinkered there, and butler, cook and chambermaid all helped to wrestle tiara? She Is my wife. with her hair. And after all the rrsrnlate and IHtIr- - grinding toil and all the T Plenint Pallets Mi braiding and orate sttminoh, ltTr and bowels. the fuss, the one effect is just to spoil tn.granulea, easy to take. Do not gripe. There may be people who think they her beauty and make people cuss. She walks in beauty like the night where always get their moneys worth, but nights are most serenely fair; but, we never met any of them. Julius Caesar! she's a sight, when she's got on her Sunday hair! Lon- '' fa LITTLE MITE DEAF Circumstantial Evidence That Emma Salter Needed 8ome Artificial a g A PASSING BUT A MEMORY. Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complexSan rancisco. Following a meet- ion, creates an appetite, aids a strong protest ing which wa relieves digestion, that tired against the policy of the government In admitting aliens to this country, feeling, gives vigor and vim. dls-fnf- s ' OLD LADY of Hindu Invasion of the Pacific Coast Leads to Strong Protests. of Possibility The cornerstone for the new Gran-Ithigh school building will lie laid May 20. Matt Johnson, a Finn, fell down the executive committee of the Asiatic shaft in a Bingham mine and was In Exclusion league was Instructed on tantly killed. Sunday to make formal complaint David Brown of Alpine is dead from against Commissioner of Immigration ptomaine poisoning, as' a result pi Hart H. North of the port of San eating bologna sausage. Francisco, charging him with violating A waiter in a Chinese restaurant In the law in giving entry to this country Salt Lake City has been fined $200 of diseased Orientals. The recent influx of large numbers of Hindus was for selling liquors p, minors"" The news comes from Paroyan that laid at the door of the officials as bethe body 'of William R. Dodd.. who ing detrimental to the interests oi was drownediiJi JbeBflie Springs res-- - labor In the United States and In the Pacific coast section ervoir, has 'been recovered. , Secretary Nagle will be asked to Collections of the licesse ; dvpa?t-. ment of Sait "Lake City for Jhq first make 'k thorough investigation of con' ditions' Itere relative to the charges $lfU four months of 1910 amount 247.C8, as agalnst$l'4S, 909.52 ?orthe brought" against North and the sal of the official will be asked same period should the accusations be substantiatInSaTf tinder J like and office; The structions 'from the generallaad' of- ed by the facts produced at the Inquiry. fice at Washington, has , undertaken Numerous papers, documents, affisi tying find kPPrais-in- g the work of davits and a large amount of data In land coal ot acres Utah, 179,51 were forwarded to Secretary Nagla At the next meeting of the directors thS Exclusion league. of the Utah Wool Growers associa- by Unrest growing out of the possibil tion It Is probable that favorable ac- It lea of a Hindu Invasion of the Pation will be taken looking ' toward .the cific coast was Increased on storageof part of the Utah" cli,p 4al when 'one of the Sikhs, who Saturday brought some point in. the, his w;ife with him on the liner MonApplicants for teachers diplomas "in that other Hindu the High schools of Utah, wbhavata golia, announced were planning to bring their show they have takep'a,- college vJfestfo America and that many course, under a new' rulipg .made by were on the way. education "of at jLta the state board ' meeting In Logan. . Warlike Conditions in Ecuador. ' The Indian War Veterans' c'onitnittee ' Ecuador. The Britsh Guayaquil, has decided that the reunton- - of veter- steamer Ecuador with mails from counans living in Juab and Sanpete Panama, which was due here 11, ties will be held In Nephi, August 2 arrived May 15. She had onMay board vetwar Indian All to 5, Inclusive. the government troops from Esnieraldaa erans In the state will be Invited. ' bound for Kjachala. President AlThe Federation of Women's clubs faro, who has the last two days spent of Utah county. In convehtion at In reviewing troops near the frontier, Sprlngvlllo wept on record for a aaftf returned Sunday. He says he found and sane observance of Independence the forces In excellent spir.ts. Colday and for the physical .eypminatjon onel of commander VenaSa, ,opez of all public school children!'' the ,soujberji division of the army, women A number of Indians, men, has adviyiqqdjto Jlron. The army of and children, from the Shlbwlts Indian Machadjji has been- divided into three reservation, near St. George, are in divisions, commanded respectively by Salt Lake to testify at the trial of Generals Flavie Alfaro, Franco and Tom Rice, the Indian charged w.th thfionrayo. i . ; murder of John Rice, his brother InSocialists' Prepare for. Campaign. . law, last December. Chir&go. One' t hundred and fifty Mrs, Marian Bus, a resident of Weber county for half a century,1- died delegates'- to the National Socialist ' at her home In Ogden, May 10, at the congresp met', here on Sunday to preage of 07. She leaves five bhlldren, pare ferthe comjng. state and confifty-on- e grandch ldren,' ninety nine gressional campaign. Encouraged by Socialist mayor in great grandchildren and six gr'c'ai-gre- the elect lot) of-Milwauk'ee' the party 'are lay-'tagrandchildren, thW plans for the election of at Salt Lake Is to have one ot the ' finest mountain summer resorts in least one or two congressmen in Wisand , southeastern Kansas. the west, and work on a hotel of COO consin rooms will be started In the next lew There was but onst tcontested' delegaThe hotel Is to be located In tion, Vfiht . ftyn , ,OaJ io rn la,' and this days. ' V Emigration canyon,, street cars to pass dispute,Sfast'hj)ip(tedY,:f fn front of Its doors. ' ,Atker Retard broken. , , The daughter of Bert, Mourmeioin. France. Daniel Klnet, Cramer, an" engineer on the Denver the Belgian aviator, W Sunday broket Rio Grande railroad, fell Into a creek the tyorlij'a ryebrd tfb'r' an aeroplane at Thistle, In Spanish .ForktcanyoiC1 flight' at-1 ithpassehger, remaining e in aud was drowned. The mother, In for two hours and fifty-onthe sate the to child, Jumped1 tempting mlnutqs.MAttClralons-Sur-Marne- , April lost bet into the stream and nearly r KIiet ;mAde,-- 'hight, with a life also. . ; , and twenty minaf hours twq: The sanitary Inspector believes: utes. Prevlpim OrVUle' Wright there Is danger of a scarlet fetfafi he till record, having remained 'in epidemic in the north of Ogden the air,at Berlin last. September, with twelve where he has encountered passenger fof ond hour and. thirty :V' J eases. Unless the sanitary conditions mutes. . ... ,v ,ii . . o. are Improved, he says, the health ot . Flgved',!llif-,La'bp,Wsr. be the entire community wilt jeoVan forCleave W. St. Louli J.' pardized. About 700 men are at work on the mer presliitspt'jof ie National Manunew smelter at Tooele. The smelter facturers issoct;t!ori, died of heart hotnp herb. Surtchty?'Me will employ from 1,000 to 2,000 men disease flt 'l Idv.-- ' Mr. Van when it Is in operation. This alone WdS "nearl Cl' years Inattracted attorn an Cleave International will have Tooele . means that crease In population of from 4,000 to tlon and b'eCst'mh a power, to qonjend .par10.000 persons, permanently located with In both ties hy'rbason of hts'tmftbmpromlsing In that thriving town. at.tud$-towarthe .big Jabqr,. leaders. The Salt 'Lake board of education . ' " has denied the request of Governor Spry for permission to ask the pupils oi fe'kb; 'Nevada. ground in the public schools of the city for Florence O. Hay, teiniSoffiryMcsanlty, contributions fof the fund for the pur- 18 years qld, was acquitted nn.;Fr4day, chase of the silver service to be pre- of tfie ninrdsr- - W-- ' Sost'hlf.D! Carj-oll-, sented to the new. battleship Utah. her paramour, i ICijrrblf, wW w as, .ttip,, The dry goods, clothing and shoe N bv a d f -- t U P br Br e w ! n j gen dealers of Provo have agreed to close company' At tjllqo. i last' Nofor a half holiday Wednesday after- vember by the girl. Carroll-haeen noon of each week during June and living with Ihe girl and had promised s . July. The grocers and other tO nmrrx lokiiTlveteSflmbtfy " also are doing this now. All Ihe' went to show $3 00D merchants have agreed to close at 10 of her monejrvatd. hdd told'fhe girl' oclock Saturday nights. he wa$ Aoipg to quit her, and refused Jacob T. Raleigh, who had the dis- to renlftL.asy of the money. tinction of being probably th oldest 'vvldif'L M street sweeper in the United States, flew can,;.died at his home In Salt Lake City on 1 a era ni i h' r g. lug! tract work80. While of spy May 10, at the age SftUirdiy by the ing for the city three months ago, Mr. operators. and the 16,000 minjoiht,' which an re; received confgrfince, Injury Raleigh ers whofitjvs been on a ptijilttointfia Suited In blood poisoning. welfRiVe.sfeM'jll The news comes from. Price that past the headgates of the Irrigated Land's day. The ypK1fBtTF''$l'OThjes f6r c8ntfi-tionstjef h'lhfesVa'' bettrvuifnltci.ta'Msl company are about ready to opetf. and tlfedpsrqd ' There are twenty miles . of canals r tors plesrd4;' which will carry the water from the wages. The 6 c thV cause ,0f disqijitinjjry land.-provision acres of Price river over 20,000 Vltein 1 ojfsp-v'rfis expected that between 2,000 and which enables ' frhictf practically to fruit. will pp, be planted 3.000 acres thfl jwjssHjAJltyot .cludeq t Taking advantage of the recreation .5 Scaled. Gliff n hour when all Inmates of the state .Industrial sdhool at Ogden are allowed t. Lyons' 'Corjitj-Q ra vjp but out on the campus, Louis Christian- lets and darlnp; aitrinst sen, aged 16 years, and Carl Palmer, by descent of. a prfed. pilous cliff, Gen-keyaged 17 years, escaped from that InMitsunaga, the Japanese susstitution, but were later recaptured. pected of the murder of Mrs. CatherFor the first time In three years ine Wilson, In Denver, late Saturday every man of the class taking examin- afternoon made a spectacular escape ations for admission to the bar of from & sheriffs posse In the mounUtah was admitted by the examining tains west of here. With the posse board in Salt Lake last week. There hard on his heels and firing as they was ten in the class, one of the larg- ran, the Japanese disappeared over a est to take the Utah examination in mountain ridge and swung himself rears. over the precipice, reaching the bottom in safety. IS -- Ways of the Pest. In one of the stores I visit out In the provinces." says Frank Rogers, one of the city's best known travelrtMO mniUTtOoBrpt.G, ggbtkWJtoaa ing men, there Is always to be found of those pests, a MUSIC LESSONS FREE one who comes to the place tn hanger-on- , IM YOCR OWN HOME In order to makeoor home study courses known In the morning, stays all day, never buywe wtll give you absolutely fre.lesNon tiis ing anything, driving away paying Piano, Organ. lohn, t.nitar. Banjo, It matters not whether you are a customers by his obnoxious habits and v?tanr or , advanced pupil, the lessons wU be making of himself a general nuiv'.nce. aiadw statable to your ncel They are m&rvcs of Drop postal card at once for our FHKll One day when 1 was taking down an order from the storekeeper this old kihnwtieAal Instltats of Music, 98 FlfthAv., Deo! H.ltwYorfc City pest came up and said: or Morphine Habit Treated, Gee, I wish I had about two pents hes trial. Cases where other remedies have failed, specially of that new cheese. desired. Ciive ramcuhrs. The storekeeper started to serve Dr. a. OOIITULL. Balia , 409 W. U4 SC, HswTerk him. Locomotor Ataxia 'Oh, never mind, never mind, said Oouqueredat Last Chase s Blood 4 the pest 1 guess 1 wont take any. Nenre Tablets does ft. Write tor Proof, dvfc Free. Dr. CHA5K. 224 Ntfth lOtb 8U, Poiiatietpfcla, Pa I aint got nothing less than a dime, -- H and the chances are that if I break ,n t Ttmr Ifrof. fcVtste Have C D C C tot V.lniktX. booklet explalnln, that it will all go before the end of home remedy tmailad free, Cleveland Leader. week. iukmw.0 CO. simple 1 the IIUMMUMiw, aud Cream , v !- - Then you will know what a dainty, tempting food you have been missing. 1 mCC - Every serving wins a friend Popular pkg. lfic Family size 15c. Sold by Grocers. TheMemory Lingers Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. |